uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2. EJB Container

This chapter explains the functionality that can be used in an EJB container that is the execution base of the Enterprise Beans. You use the EJB container functionality during the execution of J2EE applications that use Enterprise Beans.

Note that among the EJB container functionality, the JNDI name space functionality and the functionality for Enterprise Bean transaction setting and access control, use the J2EE service functionality. Also, see 3. Resource Connection and Transaction Management in the uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide.

Organization of this chapter
2.1 Organization of this chapter
2.2 Executing an Enterprise Bean
2.3 Checking the compliance with EJB specifications
2.4 Mapping of CMP fields and data types
2.5 Registering a reference in the JNDI name space of the EJB container
2.6 Connecting to an external resource
2.7 Transaction management in an Enterprise Bean
2.8 Cache models of an Entity Bean
2.9 Managing the Enterprise Bean pool
2.10 Controlling the access to the Enterprise Beans
2.11 Setting up a timeout in the EJB container
2.12 Timer Service functionality
2.13 Invoking the remote interface of EJB
2.14 Fixing the communication port and IP address of the EJB container (TPBroker options)
2.15 Using the interceptor
2.16 Omitting local business interfaces (Using No-Interface view)
2.17 Asynchronous invocation of Session Bean
2.18 Specifications in Session Synchronization annotation
2.19 Using Singleton Session Beans