uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.16 Omitting local business interfaces (Using No-Interface view)

With EJB 3.1, when executing a local invocation in a Session Bean, you can create an EJB without creating a local business interface. In such cases, you can invoke all the business methods, which are published as the No-Interface view from the client. Omission of the local business interface leads to easier development and maintenance activities of the EJB.

The following table describes the organization of this section.

Table 2-55 Organization of this section (omitting a local business interface (using No-Interface view))

Category Title Reference location
Description Overview of No-Interface view 2.16.1
Implementation Definition for using No-Interface view 2.16.2
Methods that cannot be used 2.16.3
Notes Precautions during development 2.16.4

Note: There is no specific description of Setup and Operation for this functionality.

Organization of this section
2.16.1 Overview of No-Interface view
2.16.2 Definition for using No-Interface view
2.16.3 Methods that cannot be used
2.16.4 Precautions during development