uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.7 Transaction management in an Enterprise Bean

This section describes the transaction management in an Enterprise Bean.

The transactions of an Enterprise Bean are managed either by the Enterprise Bean or by the EJB container.

The following table describes the organization of this section:

Table 2-16 Organization of this section (Transaction management in an Enterprise Bean)

Category Title Reference location
Description Types of transaction management methods in an Enterprise Bean 2.7.1
BMT 2.7.2
CMT 2.7.3
Implementation Defining in cosminexus.xml 2.7.4
Setup Settings in the execution environment 2.7.5

There is no specific description of Operation and Notes for this functionality.

For details on the transaction management functionality that you can use in Application Server, see 3.4 Managing transactions in the uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide.

Organization of this section
2.7.1 Types of transaction management methods in an Enterprise Bean
2.7.2 BMT
2.7.3 CMT
2.7.4 Defining in cosminexus.xml
2.7.5 Settings in the execution environment