uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.15 Using the interceptor

This section describes how to use the interceptor.

The interceptor can be specified in Application Server with a DD, property file, or annotation (excluding the default interceptor).

The following table describes the organization of this section:

Table 2-45 Organization of this section (Using the interceptor)

Category Title Reference location
Description Overview of the usage of the interceptor 2.15.1
Preventing the invocation of upper level interceptor 2.15.3
Execution order of an interceptor 2.15.4
Implementation Defining in an annotation or a DD 2.15.2
Setup Configuring in the execution environment 2.15.5
Notes Notes on inceptors 2.15.6

There is no specific description of Operation for this functionality.

Organization of this section
2.15.1 Overview of the usage of the interceptor
2.15.2 Defining in an annotation or a DD
2.15.3 Controlling the invocation of upper level interceptor
2.15.4 Execution order of the interceptors
2.15.5 Configuring the execution environment
2.15.6 Notes on inceptors