uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.14.3 Settings in the execution environment

When fixing the communication port and IP address of an EJB container, you must set up a J2EE server.

Set up a J2EE server with the Easy Setup definition file. Specify the settings in the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) of the Easy Setup definition file.

The following table describes the definition in the Easy Setup definition file for fixing the communication port and IP address of the EJB container:

Table 2-44 Definition for fixing the communication port and IP address of the EJB container in the Easy Setup definition file

Items Parameter to be specified Setting contents
Communication port of the EJB container vbroker.se.iiop_tp.scm.iiop_tp.listener.port Specify the communication port of the EJB container.
Whether or not to fix the IP address or the host name vbroker.se.iiop_tp.host Specify whether or not to fix the IP address or host name used by the EJB container.

For details on the Easy Setup definition file and parameters, see 4.6 Easy Setup definition file in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.