uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.14 Fixing the communication port and IP address of the EJB container (TPBroker options)

This section describes how to fix the communication port and IP address (TPBroker options) of an EJB container.

By defining the options of Cosminexus TPBroker via J2EE server, you can perform the operations by fixing the communication ports and the IP address of the EJB container. Hitachi strongly recommends that you specify the settings for fixing the ports when the security of the system is to be improved by reducing the used ports to the minimum extent. For details on the Cosminexus TPBroker option, see TPBroker Users Guide.

The following table describes the organization of this section:

Table 2-43 Organization of this section (Fixing the communication port and IP address of an EJB container) (TPBroker option)

Category Title Reference location
Description Fixing the communication port 2.14.1
Fixing the IP address 2.14.2
Setup Settings in the execution environment 2.14.3

There is no specific description of Implementation, Operation, and Notes for this functionality.

Organization of this section
2.14.1 Fixing the communication port
2.14.2 Fixing the IP address
2.14.3 Settings in the execution environment