uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.2 Executing an Enterprise Bean

This section describes the functionality used for executing Enterprise Beans.

An Enterprise Bean is a program in which the business logic is created based on the EJB architecture. It is applicable to business-processing programs. An Enterprise Bean runs in an EJB container.

The following table describes the organization of this section:

Table 2-2 Organization of this section (Executing an Enterprise Bean)

Category Title Reference location
Description Types of Enterprise Bean 2.2.1
Interface for Enterprise Bean 2.2.2
Lifecycle of Enterprise Beans 2.2.3

There is no specific description of Implementation, Setup, Operation, and Notes for this functionality.

Organization of this section
2.2.1 Types of Enterprise Bean
2.2.2 Interface for Enterprise Bean
2.2.3 Lifecycle of Enterprise Beans