uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.4 Mapping of CMP fields and data types

This section describes the mapping of the CMP fields and data types.

In a CMP field, the specifiable range and the availability to specify in the primary key is fixed for each Java data type. Furthermore, the support for the Java data type and the SQL data type of the database will differ for each type of the database.

The following table describes the organization of this section:

Table 2-9 Organization of this section (Mapping CMP field and data type)

Category Title Reference location
Description Range of Java data type supported in CMP 2.4.1
Mapping the CMP field and database 2.4.2
Notes Precautions for using CMP 2.4.3

There is no specific explanation of Implementation, Setup, and Operation for this functionality.

Organization of this section
2.4.1 Range of Java data type supported in CMP
2.4.2 Mapping the CMP field and database
2.4.3 Precautions for using CMP