uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.12 Timer Service functionality

This section explains the functionality of the Timer Service.

The Timer Service is functionality by which the EJB container invokes an Enterprise Bean at a specified time, elapsed time, or interval.

You can use the Timer Service in version EJB 2.1 or later. For details on the functionality that you can use in each version, see the EJB specifications.

The following table describes the organization of this section:

Table 2-31 Organization of this section (Functionality of the Timer Service)

Category Title Reference location
Description Overview of the Timer Service 2.12.1
Operation during the generation of an EJB timer and execution of a callback 2.12.2
Automatic generation of an EJB timer 2.12.3
Deleting the EJB timer 2.12.4
Functionality for operating the Timer Service 2.12.5
Operations of the EJB timer and callback 2.12.6
Implementation Implementing an application using the Timer Service 2.12.7
Precautions during the implementation of the Timer Service 2.12.8
Setup Settings in the execution environment 2.12.9
Notes Precautions during the use of the Timer Service 2.12.10

There is no specific description of Operation for this functionality.

Organization of this section
2.12.1 Overview of the Timer Service
2.12.2 Operation during the generation of an EJB timer and execution of a callback
2.12.3 Automatically generating an EJB timer
2.12.4 Deleting the EJB timer
2.12.5 Functionality for operating the Timer Service
2.12.6 Operations of the EJB timer and callback
2.12.7 Implementing an application using the Timer Service
2.12.8 Precautions when using the Timer Service
2.12.9 Settings in the execution environment
2.12.10 Precautions when using the Timer Service