uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.12.9 Settings in the execution environment

When using the TimerService, you must set up a J2EE server.

Set up a J2EE server with the Easy Setup definition file. Specify the settings in the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) in the Easy Setup definition file.

The following table describes the definition of the TimerService in the Easy Setup definition file:

Table 2-38 Definition of the TimerService in the Easy Setup definition file

Items Parameter to be specified Setting contents
Maximum retry count ejbserver.ejb.timerservice.retryCount Specify the maximum count for retrying callback of the timeout method of the Timer Service.
Retry interval ejbserver.ejb.timerservice.retryInterval Specify a value in seconds for the retry interval of calling back the timeout method of the Timer Service.
Maximum number of threads to call back the timeout method ejbserver.ejb.timerservice.maxCallbackThreads Specify the maximum number of threads to call back the timeout method of the Timer Service in the entire J2EE server.

For details on the Easy Setup definition file and parameters, see 4.6 Easy Setup definition file in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.