uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


1.2.1 EJB container functionality

The following table describes the functionality of an EJB container. Select the functionality according to the purpose of the system. For details on the functionality, see the Reference location column.

Table 1-2 Correspondence between the EJB container functionality and the purpose of the system

Functionality Purpose of the system Compliance with the Java EE Standard Reference location
Reliability Performance Operation and Maintenance Extendibility Others Standard Extended
Executing an Enterprise Bean -- -- -- -- -- Y Y 2.2
Checking the compliance with EJB specifications -- -- -- -- -- Y Y 2.3
Mapping of CMP field and data types -- -- -- -- -- Y Y 2.4
Registering a reference in the JNDI name space of the EJB container# -- -- -- Y -- Y Y 2.5
Connecting to an external resource -- -- -- Y -- Y -- 2.6
Transaction management in an Enterprise Bean -- -- -- -- -- Y Y 2.7
Cache models of an Entity Bean (Specifying the commit option) -- Y -- -- -- Y -- 2.8
Managing the Pool of Stateless Session Bean, Entity Bean -- Y -- -- -- Y Y 2.9
Controlling the access to the Enterprise Beans Y -- -- -- -- Y -- 2.10
Setting up a timeout in the EJB container -- Y -- -- -- Y Y 2.11
Timer Service functionality -- -- -- -- -- Y Y 2.12
Invoking the remote interface of EJB -- Y -- -- -- Y Y 2.13
Fixing the communication ports and IP address of the EJB container (TPBroker options) Y -- -- -- -- -- Y 2.14
Using the default interceptor -- -- -- -- -- Y Y 2.15
Omitting the local business interface (using No-Interface view) -- -- -- -- -- Y -- 2.16
Asynchronous invocation of a Session Bean -- -- -- -- -- Y -- 2.17
Specifying in the annotation of the Session Synchronization -- -- -- -- -- Y -- 2.18
Using a Singleton Session Bean -- -- -- -- -- Y -- 2.19

Y: Supported
--: Not supported

The functionality for which Y is specified in both the Standard and Extended columns of the Compliance with the Java EE Standard column indicates that functionality unique to Application Server has been added to extend the functionality beyond the Java EE standard functionality. The functionality for which Y is specified only in the Extended column indicates functionality unique to Application Server.

This is implemented by using naming management.