Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


4.4.8 Changing and viewing item attributes

The attributes of folders, networks, and request servers displayed in the Agent List can be changed in the Properties dialog box.

To change the attributes:

  1. Select the item you wish to change the attributes of.
    You can batch change the attributes by selecting multiple items.
  2. Go to the File menu and choose Properties.
    The Properties dialog box is displayed.
  3. Change the settings if necessary.
    Depending on how many items are selected, the setting contents will vary.
    When selecting one item:
    The same setting items as when creating each icon are displayed. From the General page, you can change the name, address (or port number for a request server), and description. The contents of the Setup page vary depending on the selected item.
    When selecting multiple items:
    The General page displays the types of the selected items. From the Setup page, specify whether to change the attributes of agents, networks, or request servers.
  4. Click the OK button.
    This changes the attributes. If you selected a folder that contains subfolders or if you selected multiple items, you will be prompted to specify whether or not you want to change the attributes of the subfolders.
    • For folders with subfolders


    • When selecting multiple items


    Specify whether to update, and then click the OK button.
    Select this check box to change the settings of subfolders. Clear this check box if you want to change the settings of items directly under the selected folder or just the selected items when selecting multiple items.

Note that if you select a found agent or request agent and display the Properties dialog box, you can only view the attributes. To change the attributes, move the item to another folder and change them.

The following explains the contents of each Properties dialog box.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Changing folder attributes
(2) Changing agent attributes
(3) Changing network attributes
(4) Changing request server attributes
(5) Batch change attributes of multiple items
(6) Viewing found agent and request agent attributes

(1) Changing folder attributes

From the Properties dialog box of a folder, you can change the folder attributes.

(a) General page

You can change the Name and Description here. You can also view the created date of the Folder icon.

You must specify the Name. You can enter up to 260 characters for Name and Description.

(b) Setup page

You can batch change the settings of the agents, networks, and request servers in a folder.

Figure 4-54 Setup page (Changing folder attributes)


Clicking the Update Setup button of the item to modify displays the Update Setup dialog box.

Update Setup button for the agent
This displays the Update Setup dialog box of the agent. From this dialog box, you can batch change the connection options of agents in the folder.
The contents of the Update Setup dialog box are the same as the Setup page of the agent's Properties dialog box.

Update Setup button for the network
This displays the Update Setup dialog box of the network. From this dialog box, you can batch change the agent search method of networks under the folder.
The contents of the Update Setup dialog box are the same as the Setup page of the network's Properties dialog box. You can also change the connection options of the found agents from this dialog box.

Update Setup button for the request server
This displays the Update Setup dialog box of the request server. From this dialog box, you can batch change the attributes of the request servers under the folder.
The contents of the Update Setup dialog box are the same as the Setup page of the request server's Properties dialog box. You can also change the connection options of the request agents from this dialog box.

(2) Changing agent attributes

From the Properties dialog box of an agent, you can change the agent attributes.

(a) General page

You can change the Name, Address, and Description of the network here. You can also view the created date of the Agent icon.

You must specify the Name and Address. You can enter up to 260 characters for Name and Description. In the Address box, set the IP address or host name of the agent.

(b) Setup page

You can change the connection option of the agent. For details on the connection options, see 4.4.6 Setting connection options for each agent.

(3) Changing network attributes

From the Properties dialog box of a network, you can change the network attributes.

(a) General page

You can change the Name, Address, and Description of the agent here. You can also view the created date of the Network icon.

You must specify the Name and Address. You can enter up to 260 characters for Name and Description. In the Address box, set the IP address or host name of the agent. For Address, specify the network search range for agents. For details on instructions on specifying the search range, see C.1 Setting the search range.

(b) Setup page

You can change the search method of the agents using the Network icon. For details on changing the search method, see C.3 Customizing the search method.

You can also change the connection options of the found agents from this dialog box.

(4) Changing request server attributes

From the Properties dialog box of a request server, you can change the request server attributes.

(a) General page

You can change the Name, Port number, and Description of the agent here. You can also view the created date of the Request Server icon.

You must specify the Name and Port number. You can enter up to 260 characters for Name and Description. For Port number, specify the port number to use for connecting from the agent. Specify an integer from 0 to 65535. By default, this is set to 30006.

(b) Setup page

You can change the attributes of the request server. For details on the attributes, see 4.4.4(2) Request server attribute settings.

You can also change the connection options of the request agents from this dialog box.

(5) Batch change attributes of multiple items

From the Properties dialog box of multiple items, you can batch change the attributes of all the selected items.

(a) General page

The number of selected items is listed by type. You can only view the selected items here; you cannot perform operations on them.

(b) Setup page

You can batch change the settings of the selected items (agents, networks, and request servers).

Figure 4-55 Setup page (Batch change attributes of multiple items)


Clicking the Update Setup button of the item to be modified displays the Update Setup dialog box where the contents vary depending on the type of the item. The Update Setup button of items that are not selected are not active.

Update Setup button for the agent
This displays the Update Setup dialog box for the agent. From this dialog box, you can batch change the connection options of the selected agents.
The contents of the Update Setup dialog box are the same as the Setup page of the agent's Properties dialog box.

Update Setup button for the network
This displays the Update Setup dialog box for the network. From this dialog box, you can batch change the agent search method of the selected networks.
The contents of the Update Setup dialog box are the same as the Setup page of the network's Properties dialog box. You can also change the connection options of the found agents from this dialog box.

Update Setup button for the request server
This displays the Update Setup dialog box for the request server. From this dialog box, you can batch change the attributes of the selected request servers.
The contents of the Update Setup dialog box are the same as the Setup page of the request server's Properties dialog box. You can also change the connection options of the request agents from this dialog box.

(6) Viewing found agent and request agent attributes

In the Properties dialog box of the found agent and request agent, only the General page is displayed. You can view the attributes (name, address, description, and icon created date) of these agents from here. In the Address box, the IP address or host name of the agent is displayed.

Note that you cannot change the attributes from the Properties dialog box of a found agent or request agent. To change the attributes, move the item to another folder and change them.