Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


Appendix C.3 Customizing the search method

When searching for agents, you can customize the search method: for example, by using the host name option or status check setting.

Customize the search method from the following dialog boxes:

The following describes the settings in each of these dialog boxes:

Maximum number of threads
Specify the maximum number of threads to be used during an agent search as an integer from 1 and 100. The default setting is 20.

Show agent host names
Select this option to use gethostbyaddr() and resolve the name from the IP address. This option is not checked by default. Choosing this option will add the Name field in the Agent page of the Search Agents dialog box. When the found agent is added on the agent manager, its name is set on the Name field.
When using this option, you need to select the name resolution timing from the following 3 alternatives. The default setting is Connected.
Resolve the name upon successful connection. Only the names of the agents in the Awaiting connection or Connection rejected status will be shown.
Resolve the name when the ping confirms that the PC is running. The names of all agents, excluding those in the Not responding status, will be shown.
Resolve the name before the ping confirms that the PC is running. The names of all the agents are shown.

Ping the agent machine before agent status check
Uses the ping to check whether a PC is running. This setting is checked by default.
If you clear this option, the system will check the connection without using the ping. For this reason, machines in the Not responding status will be identified as Not running.
Ping time-out:
Specify the maximum time to wait for a response to the ping command as an integer from 1 to 60 (seconds). The default time is 3 seconds.

Connect to the agent for status check
Select this option when you want to issue the Connect command to check whether Remote Control Agent is running.
The check is performed by default.
If you clear this option, the system does not connect to the machines subject to the search. For this reason, the search results will be either Not responding or Not running.
Connect time-out:
Specify the maximum time to wait for a response to a Connect command, and a response to message transmission following the connection. Specify an integer from 1 to 60 (seconds). The default setting is 3 seconds.

Found agents (this is displayed for Agent Manager only)
Clicking the Setup button displays the Found Agent Settings dialog box, which is used for setting the connection option to be used when connecting a found agent.