Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


3.4 Setting up the operating environment of Remote Control Agent

You can define the operating environment for Remote Control Agent in the Remote Control Agent Setup dialog box, or Remote Control Agent - Properties dialog box. The following section explains how to display each of the dialog boxes.

Although there may be minor variations, you can set up identical items in the two dialog boxes. However, the Change Device Files window is only displayed during the setup procedure and is not displayed in the Remote Control Agent - Properties dialog box.

The table below shows the setup items for Remote Control Agent. The following description of setup items uses the pages of the Remote Control Agent Setup dialog box. The following table displays the sequence of pages that are displayed in the Remote Control Agent Setup dialog box.

Table 3-6 Operating environment items for Remote Control Agent

Classification Item
Start options Enable/disable automatic startup
Show/hide the icon
Enable/disable manual termination
Remote control mode (view/shared/exclusive)
Connection options Port number
Enable/disable automatic disconnection
Show/hide a connection-confirmation dialog box.
Settings for permitted controllers Permitted controller (host name or IP address)
Authentication settings Authentication information
Settings for logging Enable/disable logging
Print method
File transmission settings Enable/disable file transmission
Output of file access logs
Chat server settings Set the operating environment of the chat server
Memory settings (for Windows Me and Windows 98) Use/change default memory settings
Password to change setup Password to change setup
Device file settings (for Windows NT 4.0) Change device file

Note that, when you specify a setup password (one of the setup items), users who do not have this password cannot view or modify the setup information.

The following section explains each setting. The explanation shows screenshots of the Remote Control Agent Setup dialog box.

Organization of this section
3.4.1 Start options
3.4.2 Connection options
3.4.3 Settings for permitted controllers
3.4.4 Authentication settings
3.4.5 Settings for logging
3.4.6 File transmission settings
3.4.7 Chat server settings
3.4.8 Memory settings (for Windows Me and Windows 98)
3.4.9 Password to change setup
3.4.10 Device file settings (for Windows NT 4.0)