Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


3.4.9 Password to change setup

You can define a password for protecting the setup information of Remote Control Agent.

Figure 3-41 Remote Control Agent Setup dialog box (setting the setup password)


In the Remote Control Agent - Properties dialog box, the Password to Change Setup page serves as this dialog box. In this window, clicking OK or Apply will validate the password.

Set password
Select this check box to set a password for setup information. This option is cleared by default.
Specify a password for protecting setup information, using up to 14 characters. When the Set password check box is selected, you cannot omit this item.
Re-enter password
Re-enter the password for confirmation.
This password will be requested when:
Select when a dialog box requesting a password should be displayed.
  • The Setup program is started
    Requests a password when opening the Remote Control Agent Setup dialog box or Property dialog box. A user who does not know the correct password cannot view the setup information.
  • The Setup program is closed for update
    Requests a password when updating the setup information (when the End or OK button is clicked). A user who does not know the correct password can still view the setup information.