Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


14.2 Lists of properties for object classes

This section presents the details, data type, maximum length, and assigned codes of each property that belongs to an object class provided by Asset Information Manager.

It also describes the following:

For details about the items that must be specified when the Import job menu and jamCsvImport.bat are used for import processing, see 14.4 Items to be imported or exported using a job menu.

Organization of this section
14.2.1 AddressGroup (IP group information)
14.2.2 AssetInfo (asset information)
14.2.3 AssetUpdateRecord (transfer log)
14.2.4 ComponentInfo (component information)
14.2.5 Contract (contract information)
14.2.6 ContractAssetHistory (contract asset history)
14.2.7 ContractCatalog (company catalog)
14.2.8 ContractHistory (contract history)
14.2.9 DivisionInfo (division information)
14.2.10 GroupInfo (group information)
14.2.11 HardwareInfo (hardware information)
14.2.12 InstalledInfo (installed software information)
14.2.13 InstalledList (installed software list)
14.2.14 InstalledUpdateRecord (software update log)
14.2.15 InstalledVirusDefInfo (virus definition information)
14.2.16 IPAddress (IP address control information)
14.2.17 JobRoleInfo (official authority)
14.2.18 LicenseInfo (license information)
14.2.19 LocationInfo (location information)
14.2.20 MachineCatalog (device catalog)
14.2.21 Maintenance (maintenance log)
14.2.22 NetworkInfo (network information)
14.2.23 PatchInfo (patch information)
14.2.24 PatchList (patch name list)
14.2.25 ProgramHistory (program execution history)
14.2.26 RelationAssetInfo (related asset information)
14.2.27 RoleInfo (role information)
14.2.28 SoftwareInfo (software information)
14.2.29 SoftwareKeyInfo (software key information)
14.2.30 SoftwareList (software list)
14.2.31 UpdateRecord (device change log)
14.2.32 UserInfo (user information)
14.2.33 VolumeContract (volume contract information)
14.2.34 WindowTitleHistory (window title update history)