Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


14.2.34 WindowTitleHistory (window title update history)

This class manages the window title update history.

You cannot import or export this class.

When you create user reports, you can specify this class as a search condition.

The following table lists the properties of WindowTitleHistory.

Table 14-37 Properties of WindowTitleHistory

Property Key Description Type [maximum length
Account N Account string[255] This is the account.
AssetID K Asset ID uint32 This is the asset ID of the asset.
CreationClassName K CCN string[32] This is WindowTitleHistory.
HistoryNo K History No. uint32 This is a counter for making records unique.
LoginUser N Login user string[255] This is the login user.
ProgramName N Program name string[260] This is the program name.
ProgramVersion N Program version string[60] This is the program version.
Time K Issue date/time date This is the date and time the window was displayed.
WindowTitle N Window title string[255] This is the window title.
WindowTitleKind N Type string[3] See Type.

K: Key property
N: Non-key property

The following table provides details of the property codes.