Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


14.2.2 AssetInfo (asset information)

This class manages information such as the users and groups of software assets and devices, such as system, network, and accessories.

You can import and export this class. For details about importing by jamCsvImport.bat, see the section describing import processing by the Import job menu.

You can also specify this class as a search condition when creating a user report.

The following table lists the properties of AssetInfo.

Table 14-5 Properties of AssetInfo

Property Key Description Type [maximum length
Remarks Specification in jamimport
AssetBranchNo N Branch number uint32 This is a branch number when a license is partitioned.
When new information is imported, assign a unique value in the range 10001-1000000000.
If the Import job menu is used for importing, 0 is always set in Device information.
AssetID K Asset ID uint32 This is a unique ID for identifying the asset.
When new information is imported, assign a unique value in the range 10001-1000000000.
If the Import job menu is used for importing and this property is omitted, the ID is assigned automatically.
AssetKind N Asset type string[3] See Asset type.
For 001, make sure that the object class HardwareInfo is imported.
For 002, make sure that the object class SoftwareInfo is imported.
AssetNo N Asset No. string[60] This is a unique asset number managed by the user.
If the Import job menu is used for importing and this property is omitted, the ID is assigned automatically.
AssetStatus N Status string[3] See Status.
This property can be registered if AssetKind is 001.
If the Import job menu is used for importing and this property is omitted, Stock is set.
AssetWorkKind N Usage management string[3] See Usage management.
If the Import job menu is used for importing, the default value must be set.
CreationClassName K CCN string[32] This is AssetInfo. M
DMLastUpdateTime N Last modification date of the inventory date This is the last update date of the deletion history information, the information about a machine on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed, or the system configuration information acquired from JP1/Software Distribution, whichever is the most recent. O
DMStatus N SD installed status string[3] See SD installed status. R
DMUpdateDate N Modification date of system configuration information date This is the date when the system configuration information acquired from JP1/Software Distribution was updated. Applicable only when Device information is selected under Asset type in the Import window. O
EndDate N End date of use date This is the expiration date, such as for a trial-usage software asset. O
GroupID N Group ID string[64] This is the group ID corresponding to the group name.
If you are specifying this information for an import operation, specify the same value as for the corresponding object class GroupInfo.
GroupName N Group name string[512] This is the group information that represents the entire hierarchy from the top, such as Head Office/Sales Dept./Section1.
If you are specifying this information for an import operation, specify the same value as for the corresponding object class GroupInfo.
HrdInvUpdateDate N Modification date of system information date This is the update date of the hardware inventory information acquired from JP1/Software Distribution.
If the Import job menu is used for importing, this property is applicable only when Device information is selected for Category.
InsPkgUpdateDate N Modification date of installed package information date This is the update date of the installed package information acquired from JP1/Software Distribution.
If the Import job menu is used for importing, this property is applicable only when Device information is selected for Category.
InventoryKey N Assigned key string[128] This is the ID key for assigning asset information from JP1/Software Distribution.
Specify an assigned key that is appropriate to JP1/Software Distribution's working key.
If the Import job menu is used for importing, this property is applicable only when Device information is selected for Category.
LocationID N Location ID string[64] This is the location ID corresponding to the location name.
If you are specifying this information for an import operation, specify the same value as for the corresponding object class LocationInfo.
LocationName N Location name string[512] This is the location information that represents the entire hierarchy from the top, such as New York/A building/First floor.
If you are specifying this information for an import operation, specify the same value as for the corresponding object class LocationInfo.
ManagerialGroup N Managerial group string[512] This is the managerial group for the asset. O
ManagerialGroupID N Managerial group ID string[64] This is the ID for the managerial group.
If you are specifying this information for an import operation, specify the same value as for the corresponding object class GroupInfo.
ManagerialUser N Administrator string[255] This is the asset manager. O
ManagerialUserID N User ID of administrator string[64] This is the ID for the administrator.
If you are specifying this information for an import operation, specify the same value as for the corresponding object class UserInfo.
NNMUpdateDate N Modification date of NNM date This is the node information update date acquired from HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier.
If the Import job menu is used for importing, this property is applicable only when Software information is selected for Category.
Note N Notes string[255] This is notes on asset information. O
PurchasePrice N Purchase price string[15] This is the purchase price of the asset. O
Purpose N Purpose string[255] This is the purpose of the asset. O
RegistrationDate N Registration date date This is the date the asset was registered.
If the Import job menu is used for importing and this property is omitted, the date the import processing was executed is set.
RegUpdateDate N Modification date of registry information date This is the date when the registry information acquired from JP1/Software Distribution was updated. Applicable only when Device information is selected under Asset type in the Import window. O
SoftInvUpdateDate N Modification date of software inventory information date This is the update date of the software inventory information acquired from JP1/Software Distribution.
If the Import job menu is used for importing, this property is applicable only when Device information is selected for Category.
SoftwareStatus N Software status string[3] See Software status.
This property can be registered if AssetKind is 002.
If the Import job menu is used for importing, this property is applicable only when Software information is selected for Category. If this property is omitted, Active is set.
StartDate N Start date of use date This is the date use of the asset began. O
StocktakingDate N Stocktaking date date This is the date stocktaking was performed. O
UpdateTime N Update control string[20] This information controls the concurrent updating of information. O
UpdateUser N Update user string[255] This is a user ID of the user who updates the asset information. It is used when Asset Information Manager updates data, and a user ID is set when information is changed in the Device Details dialog box. However, the user ID of the update user is not set in the following cases:
  • When software information is updated
  • When data importing is executed
  • When inventory information is acquired from JP1/Software Distribution
  • When information is acquired from HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier
  • When an Item is used to update information
UserID N User ID string[64] This is the user ID for the user name.
If you are specifying this information for an import operation, specify the same value as for the corresponding object class UserInfo.
UserName N User name string[255] This the user name.
If you are specifying this information for an import operation, specify the same value as for the corresponding object class UserInfo.
UserPropertyArea_1# N User property area-1 string[255] Each of these items can manage a maximum of 255 bytes of information.
The window accepts multiple character-string lines.
UserPropertyArea_2# N User property area-2 string[255] O
UserPropertyCode_1# N User property code-1 string[64] Each of these items can manage code information. O
UserPropertyCode_2# N User property code-2 string[64] O
UserPropertyCode_3# N User property code-3 string[64] O
UserPropertyCode_4# N User property code-4 string[64] O
UserPropertyCode_5# N User property code-5 string[64] O
UserPropertyCode_6# N User property code-6 string[64] O
UserPropertyDate_1# N User property date-1 date Each of these items manages date information. O
UserPropertyDate_2# N User property date-2 date O
UserPropertyDate_3# N User property date-3 date O
UserPropertyDate_4# N User property date-4 date O
UserPropertyDate_5# N User property date-5 date O
UserPropertyDate_6# N User property date-6 date O
UserPropertyField128_1# N User property field 128-1 string[128] Each of these items can manage a maximum of 128 bytes of information. O
UserPropertyField128_2# N User property field 128-2 string[128] O
UserPropertyField255_1# N User property field 255-1 string[255] Each of these items can manage a maximum of 255 bytes of information. O
UserPropertyField255_2# N User property field 255-2 string[255] O
UserPropertyField32_1# N User property field 32-1 string[32] Each of these items can manage a maximum of 32 bytes of information. O
UserPropertyField32_2# N User property field 32-2 string[32] O
UserPropertyField32_3# N User property field 32-3 string[32] O
UserPropertyField32_4# N User property field 32-4 string[32] O
UserPropertyField32_5# N User property field 32-5 string[32] O
UserPropertyField32_6# N User property field 32-6 string[32] O
UserPropertyField64_1# N User property field 64-1 string[64] Each of these items can manage a maximum of 64 bytes of information. O
UserPropertyField64_2# N User property field 64-2 string[64] O
UserPropertyUint_1# N User property uint-1 uint32 Each of these items can manage numeric information. O
UserPropertyUint_2# N User property uint-2 uint32 O
UserPropertyUint_3# N User property uint-3 uint32 O
UserPropertyUint_4# N User property uint-4 uint32 O
UserPropertyUint_5# N User property uint-5 uint32 O
UserPropertyUint_6# N User property uint-6 uint32 O
UsrInvUpdateDate N Modification date of user inventory information date This is the update date of the user inventory information acquired from JP1/Software Distribution.
If the Import job menu is used for importing, this property is applicable only when Device information is selected for Category.

K: Key property
N: Non-key property
M: Mandatory property during registration (omitting this property results in an error)
R: Property whose specification is recommended during new registration (omitting this property does not result in an error)
O: Optional property

This is an extended property. To add a managed item, choose the Customize Managed Items job menu, edit the display name for this property, and then set it to be displayed.

The tables below provide details of the property codes.