Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


14.2.3 AssetUpdateRecord (transfer log)

This class manages historical information about assets' management groups and locations.

You can import and export this class with the jamimport and jamexport commands, respectively.

You can also specify this class as a search condition when creating a user report.

The following table lists the properties of AssetUpdateRecord.

Table 14-6 Properties of AssetUpdateRecord

Property Key Description Type [maximum length
Remarks Specification in jamimport
AssetID K Asset ID uint32 This is the ID of the asset.
If you are specifying this information for an import operation, specify the same value as for the corresponding object class AssetInfo.
BaseCreationClassName K Base CCN string[32] This is the name of the source class, which is AssetInfo. M
CreationClassName K CCN string[32] This is AssetUpdateRecord. M
GroupName N Group name string[512] This is the group information that represents the entire hierarchy from the top, such as Head Office/Sales Dept./Section1. O
HistoryUpdateDate K Update date/time date This is the date the group information was updated. M
LocationName N Location name string[512] This is the location information that represents the entire hierarchy from the top such as New York/A building/First floor. O
UserName N User name string[255] This is the user name. O

K: Key property
N: Non-key property
M: Mandatory property during registration
O: Optional property