Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


14.2.31 UpdateRecord (device change log)

This class manages changes to a device's memory size or disk capacity.

You cannot import or export this class.

When you create user reports, you can specify this class as a search condition.

The following table lists the properties of UpdateRecord.

Table 14-34 Properties of UpdateRecord

Property Key Description Type [maximum length
AfterValue N After update string[512] This is the value after the change.
BeforeValue N Before update string[512] This is the value before the change.
CreationClassName K CCN string[32] This is UpdateRecord.
HistoryUpdateDate K Update date date This is the date the information was changed.
IndicationItemKey K Show item key string[255] This is the key value of the changed item.
LinkClass N Class for link string[32] This is the object class of the changed item.
LinkKey K Link key string[32] This is the key value for the changed object class.
SubLinkKey K Sub link key string[32] If the changed object class contains two keys, this is the value for the second key.
UpdateRecordInd N Record indicator uint8 See Record indicator.
This indicates the type of updating.

K: Key property
N: Non-key property

The following table provides details of the property codes.