Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


14.2.14 InstalledUpdateRecord (software update log)

This class manages updating of the software installed on the device.

You cannot import or export this class.

When you create user reports, you can specify this class as a search condition.

The following table lists the properties of InstalledUpdateRecord.

Table 14-17 Properties of InstalledUpdateRecord

Property Key Description Type [maximum length
CreationClassName K CCN string[32] This is InstalledUpdateRecord.
Executor N Executor string[255] This is the user who edited the installed software information with window operations.
FileDate N File date string[19] This is the date of the executable file for the installed software asset.
FileName N File name string[255] This is the name of the executable file for the installed software asset.
FileSize N File size string[10] This is the size (in bytes) of the executable file for the installed software asset.
HistoryUpdateDate K Update date date This is the date the information was changed.
InstalledID K Installed software ID uint32 This is the unique ID for identifying the installed software asset.
InstalledName N Installed software name string[255] This is the name of the installed software asset.
InstalledVersion N Installed software version string[60] This is the version of the installed software asset.
LinkKey K Link key string[32] This is the key value for the changed object class.
PackageAttr N Package former attribute string[1] This is the packager type managed by JP1/Software Distribution. See Package former attribute in 14.2.13 InstalledList (installed software list).
PackageID N Package ID string[44] This is the packager ID managed by JP1/Software Distribution.
UpdateKind N Updated kind uint8 See Update kind.

K: Key property
N: Non-key property

The following table provides details of the property codes.