Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


14.2.27 RoleInfo (role information)

This class manages the user roles in the asset management system.

You can import and export this class.

You can also specify this class as a search condition when creating a user report.

The following table lists the properties of RoleInfo.

Table 14-30 Properties of RoleInfo

Property Key Description Type [maximum length
Remarks Specification in jamimport
CreationClassName K CCN string[32] This is RoleInfo. M
Link N HTML file name for link string[255] This is the URL of the window that is displayed after login. M
ManagedLabel N Managed label string[20] This is a character string set for both the group and the user role when access permissions are set for a group hierarchy. O
RoleID K Role ID string[64] This is a unique ID that identifies the role. M
RoleName N Role name string[128] This is the name of the role. O
SystemInd N System indicator uint8 See System indicator. M
UpdateTime N Update control string[20] This information controls concurrent updating of information. O

K: Key property
N: Non-key property
M: Mandatory property during registration
O: Optional property

The following table provides details of the property codes.