Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


14.4 Items to be imported or exported using a job menu

In the Import and Export job menus, the desired asset type is selected from Category. Therefore, the target item depends on the asset type selected in Category. The same applies to the target item for import by jamCsvImport.bat and export by jamCsvExport.bat.

The following table shows the asset types that can be selected in Category and the target classes:

Asset type Asset information Class
Device information Asset information AssetInfo
Hardware information HardwareInfo
Network information NetworkInfo
Installed software information Asset information AssetInfo
Installed software information InstalledInfo
Installed software list InstalledList
Installed software list Installed software list InstalledList
Software list SoftwareList
Software information Asset information AssetInfo
Software information SoftwareInfo
Software key information SoftwareKeyInfo
Software list SoftwareList
License information LicenseInfo
Software list Software list SoftwareList
Group information Group information GroupInfo
User information User information UserInfo
Group information GroupInfo
Official authority JobRoleInfo
User and member link MemberLink
User and authority link AuthorityLink
User and official authority link JobRoleLink
Location information Location information LocationInfo
Maintenance contract information Contract information Contract
Asset information AssetInfo
Maintenance contract link ContractMaintenanceLink
Rental contract information Contract information Contract
Asset information AssetInfo
Rental contract link ContractRentalLink
Lease contract information Contract information Contract
Asset information AssetInfo
Lease contract link ContractLeaseLink
Volume contract information Volume contract information VolumeContract
Asset information AssetInfo
Volume contract link VolumeContractLink
IP group information IP group information AddressGroup
IP address control information IPAddress
Device catalog information Device catalog MachineCatalog
Problems Maintenance log Maintenance
Assigned license information Asset information AssetInfo
User information UserInfo
Software information SoftwareInfo
Software key information SoftwareKeyInfo
Software list SoftwareList
Software key link MachinePermitLink
User and key link UserPermitLink
Patches Asset information AssetInfo
Patch information PatchInfo
Patch name list PatchList
Virus definition Asset information AssetInfo
Virus definition information InstalledVirusDefInfo
Related asset information Related asset information RelationAssetInfo
Division information Division information DivisionInfo
Division information and group information DivisionLink
Assign Divisions Division information DivisionInfo
Division information and user information DivisionUserLink
User definition (user report) -- --
User definition (form)# -- --
User definition (take inventory)# -- --
User definition (import/export)# -- --
User definition (Item definition)# -- --
User definition (contract history)# -- --

--: Not applicable

The set information is imported or exported in a batch operation. The contents cannot be edited.

If all the conditions are met for the information to be imported, association class information is created without having to set the assigned items.

For the information to be imported, specify detailed items for each asset type when creating the importing condition. The tables below show the import target items by asset type. Note that the managed items that are hidden by the Customize Managed Items job menu are not displayed in Managed items of the Import menu or Enable items to export of the Export menu.

Organization of this section
14.4.1 Items targeted by the Device information asset type
14.4.2 Items targeted by the Installed software information asset type
14.4.3 Items targeted by the Installed software list asset type
14.4.4 Items targeted by the Software information asset type
14.4.5 Items targeted by the Software list asset type
14.4.6 Items targeted by the Group information asset type
14.4.7 Items targeted by the User information asset type
14.4.8 Items targeted by the Location information asset type
14.4.9 Items targeted by the Maintenance contract information asset type
14.4.10 Items targeted by the Rental contract information asset type
14.4.11 Items targeted by the Lease contract information asset type
14.4.12 Items targeted by the Volume contract information asset type
14.4.13 Items targeted by the IP group information asset type
14.4.14 Items targeted by the Device catalog information asset type
14.4.15 Items targeted by the Problems asset type
14.4.16 Items targeted by the Assigned license information asset type
14.4.17 Items targeted by the Patches asset type
14.4.18 Items targeted by the Virus definition asset type
14.4.19 Items targeted by the Related asset information asset type
14.4.20 Items targeted by the Division information asset type
14.4.21 Items targeted by the Assign Divisions asset type