uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


8.23 Trace collection points of Cosminexus JMS Provider

This section describes the trace collection points of Cosminexus JMS Provider and the trace information that can be collected.

Organization of this section
8.23.1 Trace collection points of the JMS ConnectionFactory interface and the trace information that can be collected
8.23.2 Trace collection points of the JMS Connection interface and the trace information that can be collected
8.23.3 Trace collection points of the JMS session interface and the trace information that can be collected
8.23.4 Trace collection points of the JMS messages, producer, consumer, and queue browser and the trace information that can be collected
8.23.5 Trace collection points of CJMSP Broker when connecting to the CJMSP resource adapter and the trace information that can be collected
8.23.6 Trace collection points of the transaction management in the CJMSP resource adapter and trace information that can be collected
8.23.7 Trace collection points when Message-driven Bean is deployed from the CJMSP resource adapter and the trace information that can be collected