uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


8.23.4 Trace collection points of the JMS messages, producer, consumer, and queue browser and the trace information that can be collected

Organization of this subsection
(1) Trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels
(2) Trace information that can be collected

(1) Trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels

The following table describes the event IDs, trace collection points, and PRF trace collection levels.

Table 8-154 Details of the trace collection points in the JMS messages, producer, consumer, and queue browser

Event ID Number in the figure# Trace collection point Level
0xA65C 1 When the processing of MessageProducer.send(msg) starts A
0xA65D 4 When the processing of MessageProducer.send(msg) ends A
0xA65E 1 When the processing of MessageProducer.send(msg,deliveryMode,priority,timeToLive) starts A
0xA65F 4 When the processing of MessageProducer.send(msg,deliveryMode,priority,timeToLive) ends A
0xA660 1 When the processing of MessageProducer.send(destination,msg) starts A
0xA661 4 When the processing of MessageProducer.send(destination,msg) ends A
0xA662 1 When the processing of MessageProducer.send(destination,msg,deliveryMode,priority,timeToLive) starts A
0xA663 4 When the processing of MessageProducer.send(destination,msg,deliveryMode,priority,timeToLive) ends A
0xA664 9 When the processing of MessageProducer.close() starts A
0xA665 10 When the processing of MessageProducer.close() ends A
0xA666 5 When the processing of MessageConsumer.receive() starts A
0xA667 8 When the processing of MessageConsumer.receive() ends A
0xA61A 5 When the processing of MessageConsumer.receive(timeout) starts A
0xA61B 8 When the processing of MessageConsumer.receive(timeout) ends A
0xA668 5 When the processing of MessageConsumer.receiveNoWait() starts A
0xA669 8 When the processing of MessageConsumer.receiveNoWait() ends A
0xA66A 9 When the processing of MessageConsumer.close() starts A
0xA66B 10 When the processing of MessageConsumel.close() ends A
0xA66C 11 When the processing of QueueBrowser.getEnumeration() starts A
0xA66D 14 When the processing of QueueBrowser.getEnumeration() ends A
0xA66E 15 When the processing of Message.acknowledge() starts A
0xA66F 18 When the processing of Message.acknowledge() ends A
0xA670 2 Invocation by CJMSP Broker immediately before invoking the writing of the JMS messages A
0xA671 3 Invocation by CJMSP Broker just after invoking the writing of the JMS messages A
0xA672 6 Invocation by CJMSP Broker immediately before invoking the receiving of the JMS messages A
0xA673 7 Invocation by CJMSP Broker just after invoking the receiving of the JMS messages A
0xA674 12 Invocation by CJMSP Broker immediately before invoking the delivery of all the JMS messages A
0xA675 13 Invocation by CJMSP Broker just after invoking the delivery of all the JMS messages A
0xA676 16 Invocation by CJMSP Broker immediately before invoking the authentication of the JMS messages A
0xA677 17 Invocation by CJMSP Broker just after invoking the authentication of the JMS messages A

A: Standard

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-96.

  • When Transaction is used, or when the acknowledgement mode is not set to CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, and if a message is received, the event IDs 0xA676 and 0xA677 are output.
  • When a Message-driven Bean is executed, the root application information for the event IDs 0xA672 and 0xA673 becomes invalid.

The following figure shows the trace collection points in the JMS messages, producer, consumer, and queue browser.

Figure 8-96 Trace collection points of the JMS messages, producer, consumer, and queue browser


(2) Trace information that can be collected

The following table describes the trace information that can be collected for the JMS messages, producer, consumer, and queue browser.

Table 8-155 Trace information that can be collected for the JMS messages, producer, consumer, and queue browser

Number in the figure# Event ID Level Information that can be collected
Interface name Operation name Option
1 0xA65C A Destination name N N
0xA65E A Priority
0xA660 A N
0xA662 A Priority
2 0xA670 A N N N
3 0xA671 A N N N
4 0xA65D A N N N
0xA65F A
0xA661 A
0xA663 A
5 0xA666 A Destination name 0 N
0xA61A A Timeout
0xA668 A N
6 0xA672 A N N N
7 0xA673 A N N N
8 0xA667 A N N N
0xA61B A
0xA669 A
9 0xA664 A N N N
0xA66A A
10 0xA665 A N N N
0xA66B A
11 0xA66C A N N N
12 0xA674 A N N N
13 0xA675 A N N N
14 0xA66D A N N N
15 0xA66E A N N N
16 0xA676 A N N N
17 0xA677 A N N N
18 0xA66F A N N N

A: Standard
N: Not applicable

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-96.