uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


3.3 Execution environment settings

Among the data required for troubleshooting, some data require the settings before starting operations and for some data you can change the default settings. This section describes how to set up each material. For details about the data that require in advance settings or changes in the settings, see 3.2 Overview of data acquisition settings.

Organization of this section
3.3.1 Data acquisition settings using failure detection time commands (Systems for executing J2EE applications)
3.3.2 Data acquisition settings using failure detection time commands (Systems for executing batch applications)
3.3.3 Settings for collecting snapshot logs (Systems for executing J2EE applications)
3.3.4 Settings for collecting snapshot log (Systems for executing batch applications)
3.3.5 Settings for acquiring the Management Server log
3.3.6 Settings for Acquiring the J2EE Server Log
3.3.7 Settings for Acquiring the Batch Server Log
3.3.8 Settings for Acquiring the SFO Server Log
3.3.9 Settings for Acquiring the Web Server Log
3.3.10 Settings for Acquiring the Redirector Log
3.3.11 Settings for acquiring the in-process HTTP server log
3.3.12 Settings for Acquiring the Cosminexus Manager Log
3.3.13 Settings for Acquiring the Resource Adapter Logs
3.3.14 Settings for Acquiring the Cosminexus TPBroker Log
3.3.15 Settings for collecting Cosminexus JMS Provider logs
3.3.16 Settings for Collecting the OS Statistical Information
3.3.17 Settings for Collecting a User Dump
3.3.18 Settings for Acquiring a Core Dump
3.3.19 Settings for Acquiring the JavaVM Material