Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


5.3 Connection requests issued to controllers

Normally, agents wait for connection requests from controllers. However, agents may sometimes desire remote control assistance from their controller when they encounter a problem. If this occurs, they can issue a connection request to the controller. This function requires both the controller and agent to be version 06-51 or later.

You can also issue connection requests from an agent to multiple controllers simultaneously. This helps reduce the time required to solve a problem because the agent can connect to the controller best able to service your request more quickly. This setting is convenient in situations such as when you access the help desk.

The following gives details on issuing connection requests to controllers.

Organization of this section
5.3.1 Connecting to the controller
5.3.2 Canceling a connection request
5.3.3 Notes on issuing connection requests
5.3.4 Error message issued when an error occurs during connection request issuance