Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


5.3.2 Canceling a connection request

When a connection request is issued, a Request icon ([Figure]) is displayed on the task bar.

While the Request icon is displayed, the connection request is being issued to the controller. The cancellation of a connection request is explained below:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Cancellation from the agent
(2) Cancellation from the controller

(1) Cancellation from the agent

You can use the Request icon to cancel the connection request. You can cancel all outstanding connection requests or a specific connection request.

The operation used to cancel one or more connection requests is as follows:

  1. Right-click the Request icon. From the Disconnect menu, select the controller you want to disconnect from. Alternatively, choose the Disconnect All menu.
    The specified connection request is canceled. If you have chosen Disconnect All, the Request icon is deleted from the task bar.

You can also use either of the following methods to cancel a connection request:

  1. Quitting the agent.
  2. Logging off the agent machine.

(2) Cancellation from the controller

Connection requests can also be cancelled from the controller. When a connection request is canceled from the controller, a message dialog box indicating that the request has been cancelled is displayed on the agent