Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator Kit Description and Operator's Guide


3.3 Setting the details about an installation set

To create a new installation set or edit an existing installation set, you can set the transfer destination of the installation set and define detailed settings about the installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client. You can do so in the Create or Edit Installation Set dialog box.

This section describes how to define settings in the Create or Edit Installation Set dialog box.

Organization of this section
3.3.1 Setting items of an installation set
3.3.2 Setting the directory of the installation medium
3.3.3 Setting an account required for installation
3.3.4 Setting the connection destination of the client
3.3.5 Setting the components to be installed
3.3.6 Setting the user inventory items to be acquired and the ID groups to be registered in
3.3.7 Setting the files to be copied at installation
3.3.8 Setting the programs to be executed after installation
3.3.9 Setting overwrite installation
3.3.10 Setting the network to be used
3.3.11 Setting the FTP server to be used
3.3.12 Creating setup information