Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator Kit Description and Operator's Guide
To install JP1/Software Distribution Client, you need to set the higher connection destination of JP1/Software Distribution Client. The machine set as the higher connection destination should be a machine on which any of the following programs has been installed: JP1/Software Distribution Manager, JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system), JP1/Software Distribution SubManager version 07-53 or earlier, or the UNIX version of JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system).
JP1/Software Distribution Administrator Kit enables you to set the higher connection destination automatically during installation. If you set the higher connection destination of JP1/Software Distribution Client when you create an installation set in advance, the specified higher connection destination is automatically set when you execute Client Tool. To set the higher connection destination, use the Connection Destination page.
The components of the Connection Destination page are as follows.
Select this radio button when either of the following is met:
This radio button is selected by default.
Select this radio button when the higher connection destinations are determined and the higher connection destination differs depending on the client machine. This radio button is not selected by default.
If you select the Specify the connection destination automatically radio button, the appropriate higher connection destination will be specified in accordance with the IP address of each client machine at installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client. For example, you can use this setting when a machine at the New York branch is the higher connection destination of client machines with IP addresses to and a machine at the Boston branch is the higher connection destination of client machines with IP addresses to You can define IP address ranges of client machines and their corresponding higher connection destinations from the File text box or in the Automatic Specification of Connection Destinations dialog box.
Use this text box when there is an installation set that is already created and you intend to reuse the information for higher connection destinations defined in that installation set. Use the Browse button to specify dmhost.txt (information file for higher connection destinations) to which information for higher connection destinations has been applied. You can specify no more than 255 characters for the path. You can only specify a file to which information for higher connection destinations defined in the installation set has been applied.
An information file for higher connection destinations has been created in an installation set if you previously selected the Specify the connection destination automatically radio button and defined higher connection destinations in accordance with each IP address range when creating an installation set. The information file for higher connection destinations will have been saved in the following path:
Using an information file for higher connection destinations enables you to specify the same information for higher connection destinations as specified for those of an already created installation set.
If you click the Enter/Edit button after specifying the file, the Automatic Specification of Connection Destinations dialog box appears. In this dialog box, you can confirm and edit the information for higher connection destinations specified in the file.
When you click the Enter/Edit button, the Automatic Specification of Connection Destinations dialog box appears to let you define the higher connection destinations and the range of IP addresses for the client machines.
Figure 3-9 Automatic Specification of Connection Destinations dialog box
In this dialog box, you can define the higher connection destinations of the client machines. The specified definition will be saved in the information file for higher connection destinations included in the installation set. The components of this dialog box are as follows.
You can select this check box when you have selected the Specify the connection destination automatically radio button. This check box is not selected by default.
If you select this check box, when the IP address of a client machine changes after installing JP1/Software Distribution Client, the appropriate connection destination will be automatically updated based on the new IP address. The connection destination is rechecked and modified in accordance with the information for higher connection destinations at the time when the client machine is restarted after changing the IP address. This is convenient when a client machine is moved because the connection destination of the client changes automatically.
You can also change the information for higher connection destinations stored in a client machine after using an installation set to install JP1/Software Distribution Client. For details, see the description about automatically updating client connection destinations in either of the following manuals appropriate for the version of your JP1/Software Distribution Client: Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide, for Windows systems, or Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and System Setup.
Select this radio button if the higher connection destination is not yet determined and you want the user of the client to enter the higher connection destination during installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client. When you select this radio button, the window for specifying the higher connection destination appears when you execute Client Tool. This radio button is not selected by default.
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