
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference

List of definition files

The following table lists the JP1/Integrated Management definition files.

Organization of this page

List of definition files

Table 2‒1: List of definition files

Product name

Definition file name



Configuration definition file (jbs_route.conf)

Defines the system hierarchy that is to be managed by JP1/IM.

Environment variable file

Defines environment variables to be used when commands are executed at managed hosts in JP1/IM.

Host group definition file

Defines a group of managed hosts in JP1/IM.

Remote-monitoring log file-trap action definition file

Defines actions for the remote monitoring log trap function.

Remote-monitoring event log trap action-definition file

Defines actions for the remote monitoring event log trapping function.

JP1/IM - Manager

JP1/IM - Manager

Common definition settings file (changing the attribute of JP1 events)

Changes the attribute of JP1 events.

Operation log definition file (imm_operationlog.conf)

Defines whether to output operation log data, the output destination, log file size, and number of files.

Central Console

Event-source-host mapping definition file (user_hostmap.conf)

Defines mapping on the event source host.

Automated action environment definition file (action.conf.update)

Defines an execution environment for automated actions.

Automated action definition file (actdef.conf)

Defines conditions for executing an automated action and the command to be executed as the action.

Automated action definition file (actdef.conf) (for conversion)

Defines (for conversion) conditions for executing an automated action and the command to be executed as the action.

Automatic action notification definition file (actnotice.conf)

Defines the automated action status notification function.

Extended startup process definition file (jp1co_service.conf)

Defines process information for the functions that constitute JP1/IM - Manager.

IM parameter definition file (jp1co_param_V7.conf)

Defines whether a JP1 event is to be issued when JP1/IM - Manager processes fail or when JP1/IM - Manager processes are recovered automatically from abnormal termination.

System profile (.system)

Defines environment information for the basic operation of the event console.

User profile (defaultUser | profile_user-name)

Defines environment information for how the Event Console window is displayed.

Communication environment definition file (console.conf.update)

Defines communication processing (timeout period) among JP1/IM - Manager, the viewer, and the jcochstat command.

Health check definition file (jcohc.conf)

Defines whether the health check function is to be enabled.

Web-based operation definition file (console_xx.html)

Defines the operation of Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Web-based startup definition file (console_xx.jnlp)

Defines the startup settings and operations of the web-based version of JP1/IM - View when it is used in plug-in free mode.

Event guide information file (jco_guide.txt)

Defines event guide information for JP1 events that occur in the system and create problems.

Status event definition file (processupdate.conf)

Defines whether a JP1 event is to be issued when the action status changes.

Correlation event generation system profile (egs_system.conf)

Defines the start and stop operations for the Event Generation Service.

Correlation event generation definition file

Defines the JP1 event conditions that result in generation of correlation events and the correlation events that are generated when the JP1 event conditions are satisfied.

Correlation event generation environment definition file

Defines the size and number of correlation event generation history files.

Definition file for manually registering incidents (incident.conf)

A definition file for linkage with JP1/Service Support. The file defines JP1/Service Support for linkage with JP1/IM - View.

Configuration file for incident inheritance information(incident_info.conf)

A configuration file for linkage with JP1/Service Support. The file defines JP1 events' attributes and character strings to be inherited by incidents.

Severity changing definition file (jcochsev.conf)

Defines conditions for changing the severity of JP1events and the new severity level.

Command button definition file (cmdbtn.conf)

Defines command buttons to be displayed in the Execute Command window.

File that defines which items are displayed for event conditions (attr_list.conf)

Specifies the conversion rules for the automated action and command execution event inheritance function.

Configuration file for converting information (event_info_replace.conf)

Specifies the conversion rules for the automated action event inheriting function.

Item file

Specifies the JP1 event attributes that are to be output during output of event reports.

Environment definition file for event report output (evtreport.conf)

Defines the execution environment of the event report output function.

Filter file

Defines filter conditions to be applied during output of event reports.

System color definition file (systemColor.conf)

Defines the color settings used for an event list.

Definition file for extended event attributes

Defines extended attributes of JP1 events.

Definition file for extended event attributes (extended file)

Defines the settings for displaying program-specific extended attributes of JP1 events as item names on the screen and in the output of event reports.

Definition file for object types

Defines the object types of the extended attributes of JP1 events.

Common-exclusion-conditions extended definition file

Defines the event conditions or the applicable period of the extended-mode common exclusion-conditions.

Common-exclusion-conditions display item definition file (common_exclude_filter_attr_list.conf)

Specifies the items to be displayed in the Attribute name display area in the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings (Extended) window.

Common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file (common_exclude_filter_auto_list.conf)

Defines JP1 event attributes that are set automatically when the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings (Extended) window opens.

Display item definition file for the repeated event condition (event_storm_attr_list.conf)

Specifies the items to be displayed in the Attribute name display area in the Repeated Event Condition Settings window.

Auto-input definition file for the repeated event condition (event_storm_auto_list.conf)

Defines the attribute of a JP1 event that is set automatically when the Repeated Event Condition Settings window opens.

Display item definition file for the severity change definition (chsev_attr_list.conf)

A definition file that specifies the items to display in the Attribute name display area of the Severity Change Definition Settings window.

Auto-input definition file for the severity change definition (chsev_auto_list.conf)

Defines the JP1 event attribute that is set automatically when the Severity Change Definition Settings window opens.

Definition file for opening monitor windows

Defines settings for opening monitor windows.

Email environment definition file (jimmail.conf)

A definition file that sets information necessary to send an email by using JP1/IM - Manager.

Display message change definition file (jcochmsg.conf)

Defines the JP1 event conditions and new messages when changing the display of messages using the event display message change function.

Display item definition file for a display message change definition (chmsg_attr_list.conf)

Specifies the items to be displayed in the Attribute name display area of the Display Message Change Definition Settings window.

Automatic input definition file for a display message change definition (chmsg_auto_list.conf)

Specifies the conditions to be automatically set when the Display Message Change Definition Settings window opens.

Environment definition file for events after the display message is changed (chmsgevent.conf)

Defines the behavior of the function for issuing an event when a display message is changed.

Central Scope

Host information file (jcs_hosts)

Defines the host information that is managed by JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope).

Guide information file (jcs_guide.txt)#1

Defines guide information about the JP1 events that trigger a change in monitoring object status.

Settings file for the maximum number of status change events (evhist_warn_event_xxx.conf)#2

Defines whether a JP1 event is to be issued when the number of status change events for a monitoring object exceeds a maximum value.

Settings file for the completed-action linkage function (action_complete_xxx.conf)#2

Defines whether the completed-action linkage function is to be enabled.

Definition file for automatic delete mode of status change event

Defines whether the function that automatically deletes the status change events when a JP1 event's status becomes Processed is to be enabled.

Definition file for monitoring object initialization mode

Defines whether the function that initializes monitoring objects when a specific JP1 event is received is to be enabled.

Automatic backup and recovery settings file for the monitoring object database (auto_dbbackup_xxx.conf)#2

Defines whether the function that protects the monitoring object database from corruption caused by OS shutdown or cluster system switching during monitoring tree update processing is to be enabled.

Definition file for on memory mode of status change condition

Specifies whether the memory-resident status change condition function is to be enabled.

System profile of Central Scope (jcs_sysprofile_xxx.def)#1

Common definition information for Central Scope viewer.

When you log in to Central Scope, this file is sent to Central Scope viewer.

IM Configuration Management

Operation definition file for IM Configuration Management - View (jcfview.conf)

Specifies the operation of IM Configuration Management - View.

Apply-IM-configuration-method definition file (jp1cf_applyconfig.conf)

Defines how to apply the system hierarchy.

Host input information file (host_input_data.csv)

An export file for host input information related to managed hosts of IM Configuration Management.

Collected host information file (host_collect_data.csv)

An export file for collected host information related to managed hosts of IM Configuration Management.

Profile management environment definition file (jp1cf_profile_manager.conf)

Defines information about the execution environment for the profile management function.

Remote log trap environment definition file (jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf)

Defines the execution environment for the remote-monitoring log file trap function and the remote-monitoring event log trap function.

IM database

Setup information file (jimdbsetupinfo.conf)

Specifies setup information, such as the size of the IM database and the directory for storing data for the IM database, when the integrated monitoring database and IM Configuration Management database are set up.

Cluster setup information file (jimdbclustersetupinfo.conf)

A file that describes the directory to store the size or data of the IM database for a logical host when the integrated monitoring database and IM Configuration Management database are set up in a cluster environment.

JP1/IM - View

Communication environment definition file (view.conf.update)

Defines timeout periods for communication between JP1/IM - View and JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console).

Communication environment definition file (tree_view.conf.update)

Defines timeout periods for communication between JP1/IM - View and JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope).

Non-encryption communication host configuration file (nosslhost.conf)

Configures hosts that use non-encrypted communication.

IM-View settings file (tuning.conf)

Defines the operation of JP1/IM - View, such as the number of connected-host log entries in the Login window and the operation when the Event Console window is displayed.

Web page call definition file (hitachi_jp1_product-name.html)

Used for calling another product's Web page from the Tool Launcher window.

Start program definition file (!JP1_CS_APP0.conf)

Defines the start path for a program that is added to the toolbar in the Monitoring Tree window.

Toolbar definition file (!JP1_CS_FTOOL0.conf)

Defines the order of programs that are added to the toolbar in the Monitoring Tree window.

Icon operation definition file (!JP1_CS_FTREE0.conf)

Defines the operation of icons that are added to the toolbar in the Monitoring Tree window.

Configuration file for monitoring tree

Defines the configuration of the monitoring tree that is displayed in the Monitoring Tree window.

Definition file for executing applications

Defines the IDs and paths of applications that are executed by the viewer.

Definition file for the Tool Launcher window

Defines the tree that is to be displayed in the Tool Launcher window.

System profile of the Central Scope viewer (system.conf)

Central Scope Viewer common definition information.

Defines the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window and the Visual Monitoring (Editing) window.

Performance report display definition file (performance.conf)

Defines the function for displaying the performance report of the host that issued the event. This file defines the URL of the connection-target instance of JP1/PFM - Web Console.

#1: The file name of the guide information file used in the system profile of Central Scope, and UNIX version of JP1/IM - Manager depend on the language used by the JP1/IM - Manager. The xxx part of the guide information file is explained later in the section describing details of each file.

#2: There are two settings files for the maximum number of status change events, two settings files for the completed-action linkage function, and two automatic backup and recovery settings files for the monitoring object database. Either on or off is set in xxx.