
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference

Operation log definition file (imm_operationlog.conf)

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imm_operationlog.conf.model (model file for the operation log definition file)

Storage directory

In Windows





This file specifies the common definition contents used by the operation log output function. Specify whether to output data to the operation log, the output destination and size of the operation log file, and the maximum number of log files that can be saved.

When the definitions are applied

When the jbssetcnf command is executed, the settings in the operation log definition file (imm_operationlog.conf) are registered in the common definition information. After that, the settings in the common definition information take effect when JP1/IM - Manager is restarted. If you change the common definition, you must restart JP1/IM - Manager.

Information that is specified


This entry indicates the key name of JP1/IM - Manager environment settings.

For the physical host, specify JP1_DEFAULT for logical-host-name. For a logical host, specify its name for logical-host-name.


Specify (using a hexadecimal number) whether to enable operation log output. The system assumes the initial value if this item is not defined or if you specify a value other than the following:

  • Initial value: 0x00000000

  • To disable operation log output, specify 0x00000000.

  • To enable operation log output, specify 0x00000001.


Specify (in absolute path format) the output destination of the operation log file (imm_operation.log). The maximum length of the output destination is 217 bytes. Specify an existing write-enabled directory for the output destination. We recommend that for the operation log of a logical host, specify an output destination on the shared disk.

  • Initial value

    In Windows: Manager-path\log\operationlog

    In UNIX: /var/opt/jp1imm/log/operationlog

  • Output destination example for a logical host:

    In Windows: shared-folder\JP1IMM\log\operationlog

    In UNIX: shared-directory/jp1imm/log/operationlog

Network paths cannot be specified as the output destination.

If the execution environment is a Windows environment, the following character strings cannot be specified for the output destination:

  • Character strings that contain colons (:), question marks (?), double quotation marks ("), left angle brackets (<), right angle brackets (>), or vertical bars (|)

  • Any of the following character strings (not case sensitive):

    CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8,or LPT9


Specify (by using a hexadecimal number in megabytes) the size of the operation log file (imm_operation.log) by using a hexadecimal number. The system assumes the initial value if this item is not defined or if you specify a value outside the specifiable range.

  • Initial value: 0x00000005 (5 MB)

  • Specifiable range: 0x00000001 to 0x00000800 (1 MB to 2,048 MB)


Specify (using a hexadecimal number) the maximum number of operation log files (imm_operation.log) that can be saved. The system assumes the initial value if this item is not defined or if you specify a value outside the specifiable range.

  • Initial value: 0x0000000A (10 files)

  • Specifiable range: 0x00000001 to 0x00000010 (1 to 16 files)

Example definition

The following shows an example of the operation log definition file for setting the log file size to 5 MB and for setting the maximum number of files that can be saved to 10. Note that the definition example shown below applies when JP1/IM - Manager is installed on a physical host whose OS is UNIX.
