
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference

Automated action environment definition file (action.conf.update)

Organization of this page


"HOSTINEVENT"="{remote | local}"

This is the format of the parameters in the common definition information. Do not edit any other parameters because they are used internally.


action.conf.update (model file for the automated action environment definition file)

Storage directory

In Windows





This file defines an execution environment for automated actions.

The required definitions are provided as a model file. To change the settings, copy the model file and then edit the copy.

To reduce the size of the action information file

Make a backup of the action information file, delete the action information file, and then change the settings.

When the definitions are applied

The specified definitions take effect when JP1/IM - Manager starts after you have executed the jbssetcnf command to apply the definitions to the JP1 common definition information.

You can also apply the following parameters by reloading them with the jco_spmd_reload command:

Information that is specified


Specifies a key name for the action execution environment settings.

For logical-host-name, specify JP1_DEFAULT for a physical host and logical-host-name for a logical host.


Specifies the size of the action information file as a hexadecimal value (kilobytes).

The permitted value is from dword:00000001 to dword:00001000 (1 to 4,096 kilobytes). The default value is dword:00001000 (4,096 kilobytes).

The action information file stores automated action execution information. The file is referenced when an action is referenced from the event console or by the jcashowa command as well as when an action status notification event is issued.

This is a wrap-around file that is overwritten when the specified ACTIONINFSIZE value is reached. Once overwritten, old action information might no longer be viewable in the event console or with the jcashowa command and action status notification events might no longer be issued. If you will reference past action execution results or issue action information notification events, you must estimate the size of the action information that you will want to reference and then set that value in ACTIONINFSIZE.

For details about how to estimate the size of the action information file, see the Release Notes for JP1/IM - Manager.

When you set the action information file size to the default value, you can reference information equivalent to 65,535 actions.


Specifies the AND event storage period in minutes.

The permitted value is from 1 to 1,440 (minutes), expressed as a hexadecimal value. The default is dword:0000003c (60 minutes).


Specifies a JP1 user as the default user who executes actions.

Express the JP1 user as a character string of no more than 15 bytes. The default is "" (none). If this parameter is omitted, jp1admin is assumed.

When no execution user is specified in an automated action definition, the action will be executed by the JP1 user defined here.


Specifies a name for the automated action definition file.

The default is actdef.conf; you cannot change this default value.

Use this automated action definition file to define conditions for executing actions by the automated action function and the commands to be executed.

"HOSTINEVENT"="{remote | local}"

Specifies the method to be used to acquire the host name at the event source.

The permitted values are remote and local. The default is remote.

  • When remote is set, the event attribute event-issuing server name is used as the event source host name.

  • When local is specified, if the source IP address in the event attribute is an IPv6 address in JP1/IM - Manager, the host name found by using getnameinfo is used as the event source host name. If, however, the source IP address is an IPv4 address, the host name found by using gethostbyaddr is used as the event source host name. If the host name cannot be found, the IP address is used as the event source host name.


Specifies a name for the action information file.

The default is actinf.log. You cannot change this default value.


Specifies the number of commands to be pre-loaded.

If you use JP1/Base version 06-51 or earlier at the automated action execution host, specify the number of commands that are to be pre-loaded at the execution host. The permitted value is from dword:00000001 to dword:00000040 (1 to 64). The default is dword:0000000a (10).

If you use JP1/Base version 06-71 or later at the automated action execution host, set the number of pre-loaded commands in JP1/Base at the execution host. In this case, use the jcocmddef command at the execution host to set the number of pre-loaded commands. The default is 1,024 commands.

For details, see 12.7.6 Command execution environment in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.


Specifies an automated action issuance event (JP1 event whose event ID is 20A0, 20A1, 20A2, 20A3, or 20A4).

The permitted values are 20A0, 20A1, 20A2, 20A3, and 20A4. To specify multiple event IDs, separate them with the space.

The default is "20A0 20A3 20A4".

For details about the JP1 events, see 3.2.2 Details of JP1 events.


Specifies the type of regular expressions to be used.

The permitted values are JP1 and EXTENDED. The default is EXTENDED.

If you specify JP1, you can use JP1-specific regular expressions to define automated actions. If you specify EXTENDED, you can use extended regular expressions to define automated actions.

Note that this parameter is used only for Windows, and is not necessary for UNIX.


Specifies the priority order for actions.

The permitted values are DEFAULT and V8COMPATIBLE. These values are case sensitive.

If this parameter is omitted altogether, V8COMPATIBLE is assumed.

When JP1/IM - Manager is initially installed, DEFAULT is set.

When JP1/IM - Manager is upgraded from version 8 or earlier, the ACTIONPRIORITY parameter is not set.

  • If DEFAULT is specified and multiple action definitions are specified for the same parameter, the first action definition specified in the automated action definition file takes effect.

  • If V8COMPATIBLE is specified, the same priority order is applied as is used for the automated action function in JP1/IM - Manager versions earlier than 09-00. In other words, if multiple action definitions are specified for the same parameter, an action definition with an event ID specified takes precedence over an action definition for all events, and an action definition with an event ID that is specified closest to the beginning of the automated action definition file takes precedence over all other action definitions with event IDs specified.


Specifies a key name for the automated action log definition.

For logical-host-name, specify JP1_DEFAULT for the physical host and logical-host-name for a logical host.


Specifies the maximum size of an automated action trace log (1 file).

The permitted value is from 65,536 to 104,857,600 bytes (64 kilobytes to 100 megabytes), expressed in bytes as a hexadecimal value. The default is dword:00500000 (5,242,880 bytes (5 megabytes)).

The default value will not cause wrap-around in the file even when 300 commands with a maximum length of 100 bytes per command are executed for actions. To change the log size, see the Release Notes for JP1/IM - Manager and then estimate the log size.

Example definition

"SENDABLE_EVENT"="20A0 20A3 20A4"

Make sure that the end of the file is at the beginning of the last line.