
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference

Remote log trap environment definition file (jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf)

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"START_OPTION"="warm" | "cold"


jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf (remote log trap environment definition file)

jp1cf_remote_logtrap.conf.model (model file for the remote log trap environment definition file)

Storage directory

In Windows





This file defines an execution environment for the remote-monitoring log file trap function and the remote-monitoring event log trap function.

When the definitions are applied

In the common definition settings file, specify the remote log trap environment definition file as the argument for the jbssetcnf command. After that, the remote log trap environment definition file settings take effect when either of the following triggers occurs:

Note that when this definition is applied, the total capacity of the logs that can be monitored by a single instance of JP1/IM - Manager is checked. If the capacity exceeds 10 MB, a KNAN26143-W warning message is output to the integrated trace log.

Information that is specified


Specify the key name of the remote log trap environment definition.

For logical-host-name, specify JP1_DEFAULT for a physical host and logical-host-name for a logical host.


Specifies in hexadecimal notation the maximum size of the event log that can be collected in one monitoring interval of the remote monitoring event log trap. You can specify any value in the range from 0x00002800 to 0x00032000 (10 KB to 200 KB). If this information is omitted, 0x00002800 (10 KB) is assumed.


Specifies in hexadecimal notation the maximum size of the log that can be collected in one monitoring interval of the remote monitoring log file trap when the monitored host is Windows. You can specify any value in the range from 0x00002800 to 0x00032000 (10 KB to 200 KB). If this information is omitted, 0x00002800 (10 KB) is assumed.


Specifies in hexadecimal notation the maximum size of the log that can be collected in one monitoring interval of the remote monitoring log file trap when the monitored host is UNIX. You can specify any value in the range from 0x00002800 to 0x0000C800 (10 KB to 50 KB). If this information is omitted, 0x00002800 (10 KB) is assumed.

"START_OPTION"="warm" | "cold"

Specify whether logs that are output while remote monitoring is stopped are to be collected when remote monitoring resumes.

If "warm" is specified, logs that are output while remote monitoring is stopped will be collected.

If "cold" is specified, logs that are output while remote monitoring is stopped will not be collected.

If this information is omitted, "warm" is assumed.

Example definition

Example 1 (in Windows)
Example 2 (In UNIX)

If the manager host is a UNIX host and the managed host is a Windows host, remote monitoring cannot be performed. In such cases, if MAX_COLLECT_EVENTLOG_DATA_SIZE or MAX_COLLECT_WIN_LOG_DATA_SIZE is specified, it will be ignored.