
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference

Definition file for the Tool Launcher window

Organization of this page


@file type="definition-file-type", version="definition-format-version";
# comment-line
@define-block type="function-tree-def";


!JP1_CC_FTREE0.conf.model (model file for the definition file for the Tool Launcher window)

Storage directory



This file defines tree and item information to be displayed in the Tool Launcher window of JP1/IM - View.

JP1/IM provides the jcofuncfcheck command for checking the contents of the definition file for the Tool Launcher window. For details about this command, see jcofuncfcheck (Windows only) in Chapter 1. Commands.

When the definitions are applied

The definition takes effect after JP1/IM - View is restarted.

Information that is specified

@file type="function-definition"

Declares that this is a definition file for the Tool Launcher window. This statement is mandatory.

You must always specify function-definition.

This statement must be on the first line of the file.


Specify 0300 for the version.

# comment-line

A line beginning with a hash mark (#) is treated as a comment.

@define-block type="function-tree-def"; to @define-block-end;(Tool Launcher definition block)

Tool Launcher definition block

Creates folders or functions that are to be displayed in the Tool Launcher window and specifies application execution definition identifiers to associate the application that is to be executed when a function is chosen.

The functions are displayed in the Tool Launcher window in the order of their file names. Within the same file, the functions are displayed in the order of their definition blocks. You can change the display order of menu items by changing the order of the file names or definition blocks.

The statements that can be specified in this block depend on whether folders or functions are being defined:

Table 2‒76: Statements

When folders are defined

When functions are defined

id statement

parent_id statement

name statement

id statement

parent_id statement

name statement

execute_id statement

icon statement

arguments statement

If any other statement is specified, an error is output but only the extraneous statement is ignored.

The following describes these statements.


Defines a menu identifier for the menu tree definition block. This statement is mandatory. This statement can be specified only once in a block.

If the file to be analyzed contains multiple blocks with the same id, their priority is determined as follows and only the block that has the highest priority is effective:

1. Last block when the file names are sorted in ascending order

2. Last block in the file

All other blocks are ignored.

Express a menu identifier using from 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters. This character string must be unique within the definition file for the Tool Launcher window. To achieve uniqueness, observe the following naming rules:

• When defining folders


• When defining functions


If an appropriately named folder name already exists, do not add a new folder; use the definition file storage location folder already specified in the other definition file.

"root" cannot be used because it is reserved for the highest menu identifier.

A character string beginning with jco_ cannot be used because it is reserved as an application execution identifier.


Specifies root or the menu identifier that is located above the local menu identifier in the tree configuration. You can specify a maximum of 3 hierarchical levels, including root. This statement is mandatory. This statement can be specified only once in a block.

You cannot specify multiple parent menu identifiers to create multiple higher folders.


Defines the name that is to be displayed in the Tool Launcher window. This statement is mandatory. This statement can be specified only once in a block.

Specify in display-name the character string that is to be displayed in the Tool Launcher window; we recommend that you use a simple but readily understood name. The character string can contain Japanese characters.

We recommend that you use a noun phrase, such as the character string Command Execution Function, because the specified value is displayed in the menu.

Although this value need not be unique in the definition, we recommend that you assign a unique name to eliminate possibilities for confusion.


Specifies the identifier for the application execution definition that is to be executed when the function displayed in the Tool Launcher window is double-clicked. If you specify a function, this statement is mandatory. You can specify this statement only once in a block.

You can launch the default browser by specifying "default_browser" for the execute_id parameter. If you specify "default_browser" for the execute_id parameter, specify a URL in the arguments parameter.

If you are creating a folder, this statement is ignored if specified.

If the specified application execution definition identifier does not exist, the menu is not displayed.

Note that a character string beginning with jco_ cannot be used, because it is reserved as the application execution definition identifier.


Specifies the file that contains the icon that is to be displayed in the Tool Launcher window. Specify the full path name of a GIF file. The recommended size for the GIF image is 16 × 16 pixels. If the specified icon image is not this size, it will be resized when the icon is displayed.

You can specify this statement only when you are specifying a function.

If you are creating a folder, this statement is ignored if specified.

If this statement is omitted, the common icon is used.


Specifies arguments for the application specified in execute_id. You can use this statement only when you are specifying a function. You can specify this statement only once in a block.

You can also set in arguments reserved keywords that will be replaced with the viewer's operating environment attributes or alternate strings for substitution from registry values. For details about alternate strings, see Alternate string in Definition file for executing applications in Chapter 2. Definition Files.

If you are creating a folder, this statement is ignored if specified.

The full path of the executable file specified in execute_id is linked with the value of arguments obtained from the alternate string with a single space added. In this case, the command cannot be executed if its length exceeds 1,024 characters.

The following shows an example definition of a menu tree definition block:

@define-block type="function-tree-def";



name="Sample management";


@define-block type="function-tree-def";



name="Sample window";





Example definition

The following shows an example of the definition file for the Tool Launcher window:

# All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) 2000, Hitachi, Ltd.
@file type="function-definition", version="0300";
@define-block type="function-tree-def";
name="Network Management";
@define-block type="function-tree-def";
name="Network Management";
@define-block type="function-tree-def";
name="Job System Management";
@define-block type="function-tree-def";
name="Job System Management";
arguments="-t "%JCO_JP1TOKEN%"";