
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference

Automatic action notification definition file (actnotice.conf)

Organization of this page


EVENT={true | false}
EVENT={true | false}


actnotice.conf (automatic action notification definition file)

actnotice.conf.model (model file for the automatic action notification definition file)

Storage directory

In Windows
For a physical host:


For a logical host:


For a physical host:


For a logical host:



This file defines whether a notification is to be issued when automated action status monitoring or delay monitoring detects an error in an automated action. The notification can be to issue a JP1 event or to execute a notification command. Specify this file by using the language encoding that is used by JP1/IM - Manager.

When you specify in this definition file that notification is to be performed in the event of an automated action error, you will be able to detect an automated action that terminates abnormally in Fail, Error, or Fail (Miss) status by monitoring the automated action status. In such a case, you can specify that a JP1 event is to be issued or that a notification command is to be executed to prompt the operator to take appropriate action for the erroneous automated action. The automated action delay monitoring function enables you to detect an automated action that does not terminate within a specified amount of time (the delay monitoring period) and to issue a JP1 event or execute a notification command to prompt the operator to take appropriate action for the automated action that is in delayed status.

If you have deleted the automatic action notification definition file (actnotice.conf), copy the model file for automatic action notification definition file (actnotice.conf.model) under the name actnotice.conf and change the definitions as necessary.

When the definitions are applied

The settings in the automatic action notification definition file take effect at the following times

Information that is specified


Defines whether to provide notification about an automated action error that is detected during automated action status monitoring by issuing a JP1 event or executing a notification command.

EVENT={true | false}

Specifies whether a JP1 event (event ID: 2011) is to be issued when an error is detected during automated action status monitoring.

Specify either true or false. If you want to issue a JP1 event when an error is detected, specify true; otherwise, specify false. The default is true. When true is specified, a JP1 event (event ID: 2016 or 2021) is also issued in the following cases:

Suppression of notification to the action status monitoring function is released (JP1 event with event ID 2016 is issued).

An erroneous action wraps around in the action information file during action status monitoring (JP1 event with event ID 2021 is issued).

For details about the JP1 events, see 3.2.2 Details of JP1 events.


Specifies the notification command that is to be executed when an error is detected during automated action status monitoring.

You can execute the following types of commands:

When the host executing the command is Windows:

• Executable file (.com, .exe)

• Batch file (.bat)

• JP1/Script script file (.spt)

(An appropriate association must have been set so that an .spt file can be executed.)

When the host executing the command is UNIX:

• Executable file (with execution permissions)

• Shell script (with execution permissions)

• If neither of the above applies or there is no definition, the default value unspecified is assumed.

The following notes apply to defining a notification command:

• Everything from COMMAND= to the linefeed code is defined as a single command.

• The maximum length of a command is 1,023 bytes.

If the character string obtained by expanding variables exceeds 1,023 bytes, the command will not execute.

In such a case, the message KAVB4409-E is output to the integrated trace log.

• The maximum length in bytes includes spaces, but does not include the linefeed code.

• If you specify a variable, specify it immediately after $. For details about the variables that can be specified, see Table 2-14 Variables that can be specified in the automatic action notification definition file.

The notification command specified in COMMAND inherits the execution environment of JP1/IM - Manager.

• The notification command is executed with the execution permissions of JP1/IM - Manager (Windows: SYSTEM user; UNIX: root).

• Specify in COMMAND the full path of the notification command.

• Specify for a notification command a command that will always terminate. If you set a batch file (Windows) or a shell script (UNIX), make sure that it will terminate with exit 0. If the specified command does not terminate or uses the GUI, processes of the executed notification command will remain unresolved.

• To use $, specify $$.


Defines whether an automated action error that is detected during automated action delay monitoring is to be notified by issuing a JP1 event or by executing a notification command.

EVENT={true | false}

Specifies whether a JP1 event (event ID: 2010) is to be issued when an error is detected during automated action delay monitoring.

Specify either true or false. If you wish to issue a JP1 event when an error is detected, specify true; otherwise, specify false. The default is true. When true is specified, a JP1 event (event ID: 2015 or 2020) is also issued in the following cases:

• Suppression of notification to the action delay monitoring function is released (JP1 event with event ID 2015 is issued).

• The erroneous action wraps around in the action information file during action delay monitoring (JP1 event with event ID 2020 is issued).

For details about the JP1 events, see 3.2.2 Details of JP1 events.


Specifies the notification command that is to be executed when an error is detected during automated action delay monitoring.

You can execute the following types of commands:

When the host executing the command is Windows:

• Executable file (.com, .exe)

• Batch file (.bat)

• JP1/Script script file (.spt)

(An appropriate association must have been set so that an .spt file can be executed.)

When the host executing the command is UNIX:

• Executable file (with execution permissions)

• Shell script (with execution permissions)

• If neither of the above applies or there is no definition, the default value unspecified is assumed.

The following notes apply to defining the notification command:

• Everything from COMMAND= to the linefeed code is defined as a single command.

• The maximum length of a command is 1,023 bytes.

If the character string obtained by expanding variables exceeds 1,023 bytes, the command will not execute.

In such a case, the message KAVB4409-E is output to the integrated trace log.

• The maximum length in bytes includes spaces, but does not include the linefeed code.

• If you specify a variable, specify it immediately after $. For details about the variables that can be specified, see Table 2-14 Variables that can be specified in the automatic action notification definition file.

The notification command specified in COMMAND inherits the execution environment of JP1/IM - Manager.

• The notification command is executed with the execution permissions of JP1/IM - Manager (Windows: SYSTEM user; UNIX: root).

• Specify in COMMAND the full path of the notification command.

• Specify for a notification command a command that will always terminate. If you set a batch file (Windows) or a shell script (UNIX), make sure that it will terminate with exit 0. If the specified command does not terminate or uses the GUI, processes of the executed notification command will remain unresolved.

• To use $, specify $$.

Table 2‒14: Variables that can be specified in the automatic action notification definition file

Variable name



Serial number of the action that was placed in delayed or error status.

When status monitoring is specified and the action in error status wraps around in the action information file, (----) is displayed.


Event ID of the action triggering event that was placed in delayed or error status (basic-code (8 hexadecimal characters): extended-code (8 hexadecimal characters)).

If the action that was placed in delayed or error status wraps around in the action information file, (----:----) is displayed.


Event arrival time (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss) of the action triggering event that was placed in delayed or error status.

If the action that was placed in delayed or error status wraps around in the action information file, (----/--/-- --:--:--) is displayed.


Action status of the action that was placed in delayed or error status.

One of the following character strings indicating the action execution status is displayed:

  • running (running)

  • ended (terminated)

  • fail (not executable)

  • error (execution failed)

  • unknown (status unknown)

  • wait (waiting for transmission)

  • send (transmitting)

  • queue (queuing)

  • cancel (canceled)

  • kill (terminated forcibly)

If you cancel the action from JP1/IM - View, the cancellation status is displayed after the above status.

While cancellation processing is underway:

  • running (canceling)

  • send (canceling)

  • queue (canceling)

  • wait (canceling)

When cancellation processing failed:

  • running (miss)

  • send (miss)

  • queue (miss)

  • wait (miss)

  • ended (miss)

  • error (miss)

If the command is re-executed when the Automatic Action Service is restarted or is output to the action re-execution file, the above status is suffixed with -R (example: ended-R).

If the command is re-executed from JP1/IM - View, the above status is suffixed with -RU (example: ended-RU).

If a suppressed action is re-executed from JP1/IM - View, the above status is suffixed with -RUD (example: ended-RUD).

If a suppressed action is re-executed from JP1/IM - View and then re-executed again due to a restart (including system switching) of the Automatic Action Service during re-execution processing, or is output to the action re-execution file, the above status is suffixed with -RD (example: ended-RD).

If a suppressed action is placed in fail status (not executable), the above status is suffixed with -D (example: fail-D).

If delay monitoring is used and a delayed action wraps around in the action information file, (----) is displayed.

If status monitoring is used and the action placed in error status wraps around in the action information file, one of the following character strings is displayed:

  • fail (not executable)

  • error (execution failed)


Action start time of the action that was placed in delayed status (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss).

This time is displayed only when delay monitoring is used.

If status monitoring is used, (----/--/-- --:--:--) is displayed.

If delay monitoring is used and the delayed action wraps around in the action information file, (----/--/-- --:--:--) is displayed.


Action end time of the action that was placed in error status (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss).

This time is displayed only when status monitoring is used.

If delay monitoring is used, (----/--/-- --:--:--) is displayed.

If status monitoring is used and the action that was placed in error status wraps around in the action information file, (----/--/-- --:--:--) is displayed.


Execution host name for the action that was placed in delayed or error status.

If delay monitoring is used and the delayed action wraps around in the action information file, (----) is displayed.

If status monitoring is used and the action issued by an action definition in which execution-host-name is not specified is placed in Fail status, (----) is displayed.


JP1 user name executing the action that was placed in delayed or error status.

This is the user name registered at the execution host.

If delay monitoring is used and the delayed action wraps around in the action information file, (----) is displayed.

If status monitoring is used and the action issued by an action definition in which execution-host-name is not specified is placed in Fail status, (----) is displayed.

Example definition

This example issues a JP1 event and executes the notification command statenotice01.exe (for status monitoring) or delaynotice01.exe (for delay monitoring) when an error is detected during status monitoring or delay monitoring of automated actions:
