Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


4.2 Performing remote control operations

You must call the agent's screen onto the Remote Control window to perform remote control operations on the agent. The figure below shows the Remote Control window when the controller is connected to the agent.

Figure 4-13 Remote Control window (when connected to the agent)


When your system is connected to an agent, the following icons are displayed in the status bar of the Remote Control window.

Ctrl/Alt key status indicator
Displays the status of the Ctrl and Alt keys in the agent. For details, see 4.2.1(1) Monitoring the Ctrl and Alt keys.

Transmission icon
Displays the connection status with the agent. During a data transfer, the corresponding PC lights up.
  • Yellow PC: receiving data form the agent
  • Blue PC: sending data to the agent
Placing your pointer over the icon pops up the amount of transmission data.
If you encrypt the remote control data, a key symbol is displayed on the icon. For details on encryption, see 4.2.4(1) Encrypting remote control data.

Status icon
Displays the recording status of the agent window information. For details, see 4.5.2(2) Recording status display.

This section describes the remote control operations available when the remote control mode is either shared or exclusive. When the remote control mode is view, you can only view the agent's screen.

Organization of this section
4.2.1 Remote control of agents
4.2.2 Registering and executing action keys
4.2.3 Transferring clipboard data
4.2.4 Useful operations you should remember