Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.3.7 Setting Link with JP1/SD

Link with JP1/SD specifies such information as the login ID and service name to be used to collect inventory information from the linked JP1/Software Distribution and how to register inventory information into the asset management database. This setting also specifies the folder name for storing the job for distributing software. This setting is required only when linking with JP1/Software Distribution.

For items (6) through (9), set the values determined based on 3.2.3 Setting the inventory information assignment method. For items (15) through (17), set the values determined based on 3.2.4 Setting the software name assignment method.

This section describes the items set for Link with JP1/SD.

Organization of this subsection
(1) JP1/SD database login ID
(2) Connection service for JP1/SD database
(3) Acquire devices on which JP1/SD is not installed
(4) Working key
(5) Targets for inventory
(6) Assign key for asset information
(7) Conditions for assigning asset information 1
(8) Conditions for assigning asset information 2
(9) Conditions for assigning asset information a
(10) Perform new registration of unassigned assets
(11) MAC address for dial up connection
(12) Type of information to acquire
(13) Watch interval for update inventory
(14) Status of machines deleted with JP1/SD
(15) Code specified for deleted assets
(16) Package ID acquisition
(17) Automatic assignment to software name
(18) Automatic registration of software
(19) Number of JP1/CSC notifications
(20) Inventory acquisition method
(21) Multiplex level for inventory
(22) Job storage folder name used in JP1/SD
(23) Inheritance of setting values during version upgrade

(1) JP1/SD database login ID

JP1/SD database login ID specifies the login ID to be used to connect to the JP1/Software Distribution database.

Specify the password in the Set Password dialog box.

If you are linking JP1/Software Distribution, this setting must be specified. The value cannot be left blank even when JP1/Software Distribution is not linked.

This value is applied to Connection user ID in the dialog boxes listed below.

(2) Connection service for JP1/SD database

Connection service for JP1/SD database specifies the service name to be used to connect to the JP1/Software Distribution database. In this item, specify the ODBC data source name (for Microsoft SQL Server or Embedded RDB) or net service name (for Oracle) that is to be set at the JP1/Software Distribution database connection setup. For details about setup of the database connection, see 5.5 Creating a data source or net service.

If you will be linking JP1/Software Distribution, this setting must be specified.

This value is applied to ODBC data source name and Net service name in the dialog boxes listed below.

(3) Acquire devices on which JP1/SD is not installed

In Acquire devices on which JP1/SD is not installed, specify whether to acquire information from a host that JP1/Software Distribution detects to be a device on which JP1/SD is not installed. To acquire information from a host on which JP1/SD is not installed, you need JP1/Software Distribution Manager version 07-50 or later.

(4) Working key

Working key specifies whether the host identifier is used as the JP1/Software Distribution working key. This setting is used in the assignment of JP1/Software Distribution inventory information and asset information.

(5) Targets for inventory

In Targets for inventory, specify whether to acquire information from devices that do not have host IDs or system information when acquiring inventory information from JP1/Software Distribution.

(6) Assign key for asset information

Assign key for asset information specifies the key assigned for identification purposes when the information collected by JP1/Software Distribution is registered based on its correspondence to asset information.

(7) Conditions for assigning asset information 1

Conditions for assigning asset information 1 specifies the method for assigning asset information when JP1/Software Distribution inventory information is collected. This specification is valid when the value of Assign key for asset information is Use working key, and the value of the Working key is Use host ID.

For details about how settings are inherited when Asset Information Manager is upgraded from 07-50 or an older version, see (23) Inheritance of setting values during version upgrade.

(8) Conditions for assigning asset information 2

Conditions for assigning asset information 2 specifies the method for assigning asset information when assignment could not be made by Conditions for assigning asset information 1.

For details about how settings are inherited when Asset Information Manager is upgraded from 07-50 or an older version, see (23) Inheritance of setting values during version upgrade.

When selecting Use machine serial number or Use machine serial number, IP address, and host name in the System Definition job category, you must select Machine serial number for the item to be assigned to Hardware information.Serial No in the inventory information assignment window. For details about inventory information assignment, see 9.6 Setting assigned items (Assign Inventory).

(9) Conditions for assigning asset information a

In Conditions for assigning asset information a, specify the assignment method to be used when no assignment can be made when Do not use host ID is specified in Working key.

(10) Perform new registration of unassigned assets

Perform new registration of unassigned assets specifies whether any unassigned assets are to be newly registered. When Use host ID is selected for Working key, this applies to assets that have not been assigned according to Conditions for assigning asset information 1 and Conditions for assigning asset information 2. When Do not use host ID is selected for Working key, this applies to assets that have not been assigned according to Conditions for assigning asset information a.

(11) MAC address for dial up connection

MAC address for dial up connection specifies whether the MAC address for dial up connections is to be added to the asset information and the information to be assigned.

(12) Type of information to acquire

Type of information to acquire specifies the type of information to be acquired from JP1/Software Distribution. If you distribute software programs from the Software Applied window, set the Asset Information Manager to acquire software information to search for the target devices. For details about the information that is updated by the acquisition from JP1/Software Distribution, see 13.1 Inventory information that can be acquired from JP1/Software Distribution.

If you manage software licenses, specify the settings so that no duplicate software information is acquired by JP1/Software Distribution when software information is imported. For details about how to prevent acquisition of duplicate software information by JP1/Software Distribution, see the manual Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide, for Windows systems.

(13) Watch interval for update inventory

Watch interval for update inventory specifies the interval for monitoring for changes in inventory information. This setting applies to JP1/Software Distribution 07-50 or later; it is effective when inventory information is changed in real time.

The value cannot be left blank even when the inventory information is not updated in real time.

(14) Status of machines deleted with JP1/SD

Status of machines deleted with JP1/SD specifies the device status of devices collected as deleted devices, when inventory information changes are collected in real time.

(15) Code specified for deleted assets

Code specified for deleted assets specifies a device status code to be set for deleted assets. This setting is effective when Specify code is Status of machines deleted with JP1/SD.

For details about device status codes, see 4.8.4 Meaning of codes depending on specification range in the manual Administrator's Guide. Whenever a code is to be added, use the Code job menu to specify the new code. If the code specified here does not exist, the existing device status of deleted devices remains unchanged.

(16) Package ID acquisition

Acquires a package ID from the installed package information of JP1/Software Distribution. When a package ID is acquired, you can correctly manage licenses even if identical software programs have been assigned different installed software names because of a version difference.

(17) Automatic assignment to software name

Specifies whether to add assignment to the same software name when the same software is already registered in the install software list before inventory information is registered in the asset management database.

Because an upgraded version of the same software can be automatically assigned the same software name as the installed software name that is already registered, the license management work can be simplified. However, automatic assignment is not used for software inventory information, Microsoft Office information, or anti-virus software information.

For details about the assignment method, see 3.2.4 Setting the software name assignment method.

(18) Automatic registration of software

Specifies whether to automatically register and assign a software name from the JP1/Software Distribution installed package information. When managing licenses, the job of registering and assigning software names to newly purchased licenses can be simplified. However, automatic assignment is not used for software inventory information, Microsoft Office information, or anti-virus software information.

(19) Number of JP1/CSC notifications

JP1/Client Security Control must determine the status of security measures each time the number of inventory information items acquired reaches the value specified in Number of JP1/CSC notifications. If 0 is specified for this item, the security measures are evaluated in a batch after all inventory information items have been acquired. The smaller the value specified here, the earlier the security measures are evaluated. However, specifying too small a value will impair the performance of inventory information acquisition.

(20) Inventory acquisition method

In Inventory acquisition method, specify whether to use the conventional acquisition method or the multithreading method when acquiring inventory information from JP1/Software Distribution. Specifying the multithreading method will improve the performance of inventory information acquisition and shorten the acquisition time.

Functional differences between the acquisition methods

The following table shows the functional differences between the acquisition methods.

Table 5-5 Functional differences between the acquisition methods

Function Standard method Multithreading method
Inventory information acquisition sequence
  • When the Asset Information Synchronous Service is executed:
    Inventory information, devices on which JP1/SD is not installed, and deletion history information are acquired in that order.
  • When the Take inventory task is executed:
    Devices on which JP1/SD is not installed and inventory information are acquired in that order.

  • When Asset Information Synchronous Service is executed:
    Inventory information, devices on which JP1/SD is not installed, and deletion history information are acquired in that order.
  • When the Take inventory task is executed:
    Inventory information and devices on which JP1/SD is not installed are acquired in that order.
Handling when the information exceeds the maximum size of the data area of each column in the database Acquires the information by separating it into segments according to the maximum size. Acquires the information by separating it into segments according to the maximum size.
Action taken when assigning a computer name or user inventory to the managed item Asset information.Asset No If the acquired information exceeds 60 bytes, new asset registration or assignment based on asset number is not carried out. If the acquired information exceeds 60 bytes, the first 60 bytes are used for new asset registration and assignment based on asset number.
Return value when the Take inventory task is executed
  • During normal termination
    0: Inventory information was acquired from some devices.
    1: No inventory information was acquired from any device.
  • During abnormal termination
    2 or greater: An error occurred.

  • During normal termination
    0: Inventory information was acquired from some devices.
    1: No inventory information was acquired from any device.
  • During abnormal termination
    31: Acquisition of inventory information from some devices failed due to an error.
    51: Error in accessing the Asset Information Manager database during startup (might be an invalid environment)
    52: Error in accessing the JP1/Software Distribution database during startup (might be an invalid environment)
    53: Error indicating an unsupported version of JP1/Software Distribution database
    151: Terminated with an exception process
Software automatic registration In the settings for Link with JP1/SD, if Register automatically is specified for Automatic registration of software, an installed software name already registered in the installed software list is not used to assign a software name. In the settings for Link with JP1/SD, if Register automatically is specified for Automatic registration of software, an installed software name already registered in the installed software list is used to assign a software name.

Notes on using the multithreading method

(21) Multiplex level for inventory

Specifies the multiplex level when Multithreading method is selected for Inventory acquisition method.

(22) Job storage folder name used in JP1/SD

Job storage folder name used in JP1/SD specifies the name of the job storage folder that is created on the JP1/Software Distribution server machine. The jobs executed from the Software Applied window are stored in this folder. In the Distribution Status window, you can check the execution status of the jobs that are stored in this folder. Therefore, if a job is stored in this folder by JP1/Software Distribution, the execution status of that job is displayed in the Distribution Status window.

This item must be specified when linking with JP1/Software Distribution.

(23) Inheritance of setting values during version upgrade

When Asset Information Manager is upgraded from a version earlier than 07-50 to Version 07-50 or later, the old version's JP1/Software Distribution working key and Assign key for asset information settings are inherited to the new version's working key, Conditions for assigning asset information 1 and Conditions for assigning asset information 2 settings.

The table below shows the correspondence between the settings in a version earlier than 07-50 and version 07-50 or later, with regard to inventory information assignment.

Table 5-6 Settings in a version earlier than 07-50 and version 07-50 or later (inventory information assignment)

Settings in a version earlier than 07-50 Settings in version 07-50 or later
JP1/Software Distribution working key Host ID Use host ID
No host ID + host name working Do not use host ID
No host ID + IP address working
Method of asset information assignment Assets with matching MAC address, IP address, and host name are assigned
  • Conditions for assigning asset information 1
    According to the JP1/SD definition
  • Conditions for assigning asset information 2
    Use IP address and host name
Assets with matching MAC address and host name are assigned
Assets with matching MAC address and IP address are assigned
Assets with matching IP address and host name are assigned
  • Conditions for assigning asset information 1
    Machines with only the same host ID
  • Conditions for assigning asset information 2
    Use IP address and host name
Assets with matching host name are assigned
Assets with matching IP address are assigned