Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.3.6 Setting Link with Directory Server

Link with Directory Server specifies the server name, port number, or other information necessary for authenticating login by linking with a directory server. It also specifies the type of character encoding that is used by the directory server when an access definition file is created to link with the directory server.

Link with Directory Server specifies the following items:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Directory server usage
(2) Code set
(3) Server name
(4) Port number
(5) Access user
(6) Response monitoring time
(7) User information DN
(8) User ID attribute name
(9) User name attribute name

(1) Directory server usage

In Directory server usage, specify whether to use a directory server for login authentication.

To use a directory server for login authentication, select Use for authentication only.

(2) Code set

In Code set, specify the type of character encoding to be used. You must specify this item if you are creating an access definition file to link with a directory server.

(3) Server name

Server name specifies the host name or IP address of the directory server. You must specify this item if you plan to perform login authentication by linking with a directory server.

(4) Port number

Port number specifies the port number of the directory server. You must specify this item if you plan to perform login authentication by linking with a directory server.

(5) Access user

Access user specifies the DN of the user who will access the directory server's information entries. You must specify this item if you plan to perform login authentication by linking with a directory server.

You must execute the LDIFDE command of Active Directory in advance and output a user information list to investigate the DN of the user whom you wish to use as an access user. For details about the investigation method, see 3.5.1 Login authentication.

Additionally, specify a password in the Set Password dialog box.

(6) Response monitoring time

Response monitoring time specifies the time in seconds to monitor for the directory server to respond to a search request. If the directory server does not return a response within the monitoring time, a communication error is considered to have occurred and the processing is terminated. If a large number of processes use the directory server service and communication errors occur frequently during login authentication, specify a large value for the monitoring time. You must specify this item if you plan to perform login authentication by linking with a directory server.

(7) User information DN

User information DN specifies the DN that becomes the basis for user information search. You must specify this item if you plan to perform login authentication by linking with a directory server.

You must execute the LDIFDE command of Active Directory in advance and output a user information list to investigate the DN of the organization from which to search for users during Asset Information Manager login authentication. For details about the investigation method, see 3.5.1 Login authentication.

(8) User ID attribute name

User ID attribute name specifies the attribute name of the user information to be used as the user ID for logging in to Asset Information Manager. You must specify this item if you plan to perform login authentication by linking with a directory server.

You must execute the LDIFDE command of Active Directory in advance and output a user information list to investigate the attribute name of the user ID to be used during Asset Information Manager login authentication. For details about the investigation method, see 3.5.1 Login authentication.

(9) User name attribute name

User name attribute name specifies the attribute name of the user information to be used as the Asset Information Manager user name.

You must execute the LDIFDE command of Active Directory in advance and output a user information list to investigate the attribute name to be used as the Asset Information Manager user name. For details about the investigation method, see 3.5.1 Login authentication.