Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.3.8 Setting Link with NNM

Link with NNM specifies the version of HP NNM to be linked to HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier and from which to acquire node information. The information necessary for displaying maps is also specified here. This setting is required only when linking with HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier.

The following items are specified in Link with NNM:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Show NNM button
(2) Open map name
(3) Name of connection destination server

(1) Show NNM button

Show NNM button specifies whether the NNM button for displaying maps is to be enabled when you link with HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier. For details about linking with HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier, see 6.1 Settings for linking to HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier.

To link to HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier and display maps, specify Show.

If the NNM button is set to be displayed, the NNM selection name will be collected when node information is collected from HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier. Therefore, the time required for node information collection is greater than when the NNM button is not set to display.

(2) Open map name

Open map name specifies the open map name for connecting to the Network Presenter of HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier.

This item must be set if you plan to link with HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier and display maps.

(3) Name of connection destination server

Name of connection destination server specifies the server name of the HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier that connects to the Network Presenter of HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier.

This item must be set if you plan to link with HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier and display maps.