Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5. Installation and Setup

This chapter explains how to install and uninstall Asset Information Manager. It also describes the setup method for using Asset Information Manager.

Organization of this chapter
5.1 Setup procedure for Asset Information Manager
5.2 Installing and uninstalling Asset Information Manager
5.3 Setting up the asset management server
5.4 Creating an asset management database
5.5 Creating a data source or net service
5.6 Setting a virtual directory
5.7 Setting up the services to be used by the asset management server
5.8 Settings for using Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0 or later
5.9 Setting the tasks that are registered in Task Scheduler
5.10 Settings for using notification by email
5.11 Importing the sample data that can be used in windows
5.12 Notes on handling the asset management database
5.13 Procedure for creating a cluster system environment