Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


4.2.5 System configuration in a cluster system

This subsection describes examples of cluster system configurations that support failover of Asset Information Manager. There are two example system configurations:

To employ these configurations, you must set the higher connection destination as follows when you set up Asset Information Manager programs:


You must also store the following files on a shared disk:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Configuration in which the asset management database server and the asset management server for the executing system are placed on the same node
(2) Configuration in which the asset management database server and the asset management server for the executing system are placed on separate nodes

(1) Configuration in which the asset management database server and the asset management server for the executing system are placed on the same node

If the Asset Information Manager service is set to use the failover facility in a cluster environment using cluster software, hardware problems and Asset Information Manager service problems are automatically detected, causing automatic switching from the active server to the standby server.

You can set the asset management database server in the same cluster group, or you can use the asset management database server set in a different cluster group.

Note that only this configuration is supported if you use Embedded RDB for the asset management database.

The following figure provides an example of a system configuration in which the asset management database and the asset management server for the executing system are placed on the same node.

Figure 4-8 Example of a system configuration in which the asset management database and the asset management server for the executing system are placed on the same node


(2) Configuration in which the asset management database server and the asset management server for the executing system are placed on separate nodes

When the asset management server and the asset management database server are to be run as independent servers, you can set both servers as standby servers. This configuration enables you to handle failover in the event of an error while distributing the workload to both servers.

Note that this configuration is not supported if you use Embedded RDB for the asset management database.

The following figure provides an example of a system configuration in which the asset management database and the asset management server for the executing system are placed on separate nodes:

Figure 4-9 Example of a system configuration in which the asset management database and the asset management server for the executing system are placed on separate nodes


For the DBMS logical host, specify the server specified in Service name of Database Information in the Server Setup dialog box. When you create a data source or net service, also specify the same server for the connection target of the ODBC driver (ODBC data source name in Microsoft SQL Server) or the connection target of NET Manager (Net service name in Oracle).