Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.13 Procedure for creating a cluster system environment

This section describes how to create an environment for an Asset Information Manager cluster system, and includes notes about using a cluster system.

To configure a cluster system, you need Windows Server 2008 Enterprise or Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition as the OS for the asset management server.

This section describes the procedure for creating an environment for supporting failover of Asset Information Manager.

Organization of this section
5.13.1 Group resource creation by the cluster software's cluster administrator
5.13.2 Creating a cluster environment in which the failover function is applied to the asset management database server
5.13.3 Creating an environment for using Asset Information Manager's failover function
5.13.4 Specifying the Web browser's connection target
5.13.5 Settings in an environment that uses a firewall
5.13.6 Handling after failover
5.13.7 Notes about using a cluster system