Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.13.3 Creating an environment for using Asset Information Manager's failover function

This subsection describes how to create a cluster environment in which to use Asset Information Manager's failover function.

  1. On the executing server, install Asset Information Manager.
    The table below describes the settings. Specify them in the order they are listed in the table.
    For items that are not included in the table, set them as you would normally.
    For details about the installation procedure, see 5.2.2 Installing Asset Information Manager; for details about the setup procedure, see 5.3 Setting up the asset management server.

    Table 5-31 Asset Information Manager settings

    Program Setup item Setting
    Asset Information Manager installation wizard Selection of the installation destination Specify a local disk.
    Asset management server's virtual directory (the default is Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\wwwroot) Specify a shared disk.
    Asset Information Manager's Setup dialog box Service name
    • When the databases of Microsoft SQL Server and Embedded RDB are used:
      Specify the ODBC data source name.
    • When Oracle is used:
      Specify Net Service Name.
    Login ID and password
    (when Embedded RDB is used)
    Specify the same login ID and password for the executing and standby servers.
    Create the database in the Database Manager dialog box --
    • When Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle are used:
      Execute only on the executing server.
    • When Embedded RDB is used:
      Execute on both the executing and standby servers.
    SQL Server Client Network (When Microsoft SQL Server is used) Settings for the network library to be used When connection is established with Microsoft SQL Server in the cluster system configuration, TCP/IP is used for the network library for connection. Use the SQL client setup utility to add the settings using Microsoft SQL Server's logical host name.
    Database area (when Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle is used) Database file name Create a database area on the shared disk only for the executing server.
    Basic Database Settings dialog box (When Embedded RDB is used) Port number Specify the same port number for the executing and standby servers.
    Detailed Database Settings dialog box (When Embedded RDB is used) Storage folder name Specify a shared disk.
    Use the same path for the executing and standby servers.
    Detailed Database Settings dialog box (When Embedded RDB is used) Size, automatic increase size Specify the same size and the same automatic increase size for both executing and standby servers.
    Create Data Source/Net Service dialog box (When Microsoft SQL Server is used) Creation of data source For Server for the database to be created, use the logical host name (network name).
    Create Data Source/Net Service dialog box (When Embedded RDB is used) Creation of data source The data source is automatically created according to the settings when a new database is created. On the executing server, change the connection target of the data source to a logical host name (network name) after database creation is completed. (Immediately after a new database has been created, the connection target of the data source is set to localhost).
    On the standby server, create a database after installation, and then change the connection target of the data source to the same logical host name (network name) as for the executing server.
    Create Data Source/Net Service dialog box (When Oracle is used) Creation of net service If the server is set on a cluster system node, use the logical host name as the host name. If an Oracle server is configured in the cluster system, specify the logical host name of the connection-target Oracle server as the host name that is specified in the address configuration.

    --: Not applicable

  2. Check the operation at the executing server.
    When Embedded RDB is used, an Embedded RDB service may reference a file on the shared disk. Therefore, execute the following tasks when the operation completion is confirmed.
    • Stop World Wide Web Publishing Service or World Wide Web Publishing.
    • As a user with administrator permissions, execute jamemb_dbstop.bat and stop the asset management database.
      jamemb_dbstop.bat is stored in the following folder:
  3. Use Cluster Administrator to move the group.
    This makes the standby server the owner.
  4. At the standby server, execute environment creation step 1.
    Each setting is the same. However, there is no need to create an asset management database.
  5. Use Cluster Administrator to create the Microsoft Internet Information Services resource.
    The tables below show the settings detail by OS.

    Table 5-32 Resource settings for Microsoft Internet Information Services (under Windows Server 2003)

    Item Settings
    Name Specify a desired name.
    Type Select Generic Script.
    Group Set the group name created by Microsoft Cluster Service's Cluster Administrator.
    Possible owners Add two nodes (cluster servers) as Possible owners.
    Dependencies Set the resources for the IP address.
    Script file path %systemroot%\System32\Inetsrv\Clusweb.vbs

    Table 5-33 Resource settings Microsoft Internet Information Services (under Windows Server 2008)

    Resource type Input into the script file path Dependence relationship
    General-purpose script %systemroot%\System32\Inetsrv\Clusweb.vbs Sets up shared disk and client access point resources.

    The script file (Clusweb.vbs) for setting up resources in a cluster environment under Windows Server 2008 is not installed as a standard component. If IIS 6 Management Compatibility of IIS Scripting Tools is installed when adding the role services of Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0 or 7.5, the script file is stored in the designated path (%systemroot%\System32\Inetsrv).
    Therefore, when setting up resources in a cluster environment, install IIS Scripting Tools beforehand. For details about the installation method, see the documentation for Microsoft Internet Information Services.
    When IIS Server Instance is placed online by the Cluster Administrator, the service starts. To subsequently stop or start the World Wide Web Publishing Service or World Wide Web Publishing, use the Cluster Administrator to change the status to offline or online, as appropriate.

  6. Create the DBMS service's resources using the Cluster Administrator.
    For details about the settings when Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle is used, see the Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle documentation. If you use Embedded RDB, create the resources with the settings shown in the following table. When the status is set to online, the asset management database starts.
    The tables below show the settings details by OS.

    Table 5-34 Resource settings details of Embedded RDB service (under Windows Server 2003)

    Item Settings
    Name Specify a desired name.
    Type Select Generic Service.
    Group Set the group name created by Microsoft Cluster Service's Cluster Administrator.
    Possible owners Add two nodes (cluster servers) as Possible owners.
    Dependencies Add to the Network name each resource of the physical disk containing the name of the Asset Information Manager installation folder.
    If an RDB server is set for the same group, also add the resource of the RDB server.
    Generic service parameter HiRDBClusterService_AM1
    Registry copy Do not specify.

    Table 5-35 Resource settings details of Embedded RDB service (under Windows Server 2008)

    Resource type Service name to be specified Dependence relationship
    General-purpose service HiRDBClusterService_AM1 Sets up shared disk and client access point resources.