Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.13.2 Creating a cluster environment in which the failover function is applied to the asset management database server

This subsection describes how to create a cluster environment in which the failover function is applied to the asset management database server for each DBMS.

Organization of this subsection
(1) When using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 on the cluster system
(2) Using Embedded RDB of Asset Information Manager in a cluster system
(3) When using Oracle on the cluster system

(1) When using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 on the cluster system

You must set up the failover cluster using Microsoft SQL Server Installation Wizard. The explanation here assumes an example that uses Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

When installing Microsoft SQL Server on the local disk of the executing server that comprises the cluster, set up the items listed below. Failover cluster setup is executed.

When Microsoft SQL Server is installed on the executing server, it is automatically installed and set up on a standby server. For details about how to install and set up Microsoft SQL Server, see the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

When you use Microsoft SQL Server in a cluster system environment, Hitachi recommends that you use TCP/IP for communication between Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server client.

(2) Using Embedded RDB of Asset Information Manager in a cluster system

Set up both the executing and standby servers comprising the cluster by installing the Embedded RDB of Asset Information Manager on the local disks of these servers. During installation, use the same settings for both the executing and standby servers.

You must also change PDHOST of the ODBC data source, which is created automatically during database creation, to the logical host name. The ODBC data source name is the service name of the database information that was set in the Server Setup dialog box.

(3) When using Oracle on the cluster system

Install the Oracle server component software and Oracle Fail Safe Server on the local disks of both the executing server and the standby server that constitute the cluster. After that, set up the clustering service using Oracle Fail Safe Manager. Create Oracle database instances on the shared disk. For details about the Oracle cluster environment setup method, see Oracle's Fail Safe documentation.