Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.13.7 Notes about using a cluster system

The following notes apply when a cluster system is used:

Organization of this subsection
(1) How to change the logical host name and execution host name

(1) How to change the logical host name and execution host name

This subsection describes how to rename the logical host and executing host when you are using Embedded RDB.

(a) How to rename the logical host

For details about how to rename logical hosts, see E.6 Renaming the Embedded RDB host.

(b) How to rename the executing host

Before you rename the executing host, stop all Asset Information Manager services, commands, and tasks at the asset management server.

To stop Asset Information Manager services, stop the following services in the order indicated below:

  1. World Wide Web Publishing Service or World Wide Web Publishing
  2. Asset Information Synchronous Service, Asset Information Manager commands, and tasks
  3. JP1/Client Security Control - Manager (when JP1/CSC is linked)

To run Asset Information Manager after having changed the executing host name, start the services in the reverse order of the order in which they were stopped.

To rename the executing host:

  1. Stop Embedded RDB.
    For details about how to stop Embedded RDB, see E.7(2) Stopping Embedded RDB.
  2. Use a text editor to open the pdutsys file that is stored in Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\aimdb\conf.
  3. In the pdutsys file, change host-name in set pd_hostname=host-name.
  4. Rename the OS host.
  5. Restart the OS.