OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


2.2 Types of definitions

Organization of this section
(1) System environment definitions
(2) System service configuration definitions
(3) User service configuration definitions
(4) System common definitions
(5) Lock service definitions
(6) Timer service definitions
(7) Name service definitions
(8) Process service definitions
(9) Schedule service definitions
(10) Transaction service definitions
(11) XA resource service definitions
(12) Interval service definitions
(13) Status service definitions
(14) Journal service definitions
(15) System journal service definitions
(16) Checkpoint dump service definitions
(17) Log service definitions
(18) Multinode configuration definitions
(19) Multinode physical definitions
(20) Global archive journal service definitions
(21) Archive journal service definitions
(22) DAM service definitions
(23) TAM service definitions
(24) Client service definitions
(25) IST service definitions
(26) RMM service definitions
(27) Monitored RM definitions
(28) Extended RM registration definitions
(29) XATMI communication service definitions
(30) Message queue service definitions
(31) User service network definitions
(32) RAP-processing listener service definitions
(33) RAP-processing client manager service definitions
(34) Performance verification trace definitions
(35) XAR performance verification trace definitions
(36) JNL performance verification trace definitions
(37) LCK performance verification trace definitions
(38) TRN event trace definitions
(39) Real-time statistics service definitions
(40) Real-time statistics acquisition-item definitions
(41) User service default definitions
(42) User service definitions

(1) System environment definitions

Table 2-2 shows the system environment definitions.

Table 2-2 System environment definitions

Type Operand/path Definition Specification
set mode_conf Specifies the system startup method. AUTO | MANUAL1 | <<MANUAL2>>
static_shmpool_size Total amount of static shared memory <unsigned integer> ((0-1945600)) <<4096>> (units: Kbytes)
dynamic_shmpool_size Total amount of dynamic shared memory at maximum usage <unsigned integer> ((0-1945600)) <<4096>> (units: Kbytes)
shmpool_attribute Specifies whether shared memory pool is fixed in memory. <<free>> | fixed
user_command User environment setting command <path name>
server_count Maximum number of servers <unsigned integer>
((32-4096)) <<64>>
user_server_ha Specifies whether user servers are to be started after starting the system servers. Y | <<N>>
Watch time for system terminating process <unsigned integer>
((0-65535)) <<3600>>
(units: seconds)
start_scheduling_timtiming Specifies the time to start receiving RPCs when the system is started. BEFORE | <<AFTER>>
system_init_watch_time System initialization waiting time <unsigned integer>
(units: seconds)
user_command_online Command of completion of starting system <path name>
preend_warning_watch_time Monitor time to warn pre-termination <unsigned integer>
((0-65535)) <<180>> (unit: seconds)
user_command_online_tp1mngr_id Specifies whether the system-startup completion command specified in user_command_online is executed with the UID or GID of the OpenTP1 administrator Y | <<N>>
putenv DCCONFPATH Directory of the definition file <path name> <<$DCDIR/conf>>
DCADMDEBUG Whether to acquire debug information <<0>> | 1
DCUAPCONFPATH Directory to store a user service definition file when you do not want to store it in the directory specified in DCCONFPATH <path name>
dcputenv DCCONFPATH Directory of the definition file <path name>
DCUAPCONFPATH Directory to store a user service definition file when you do not want to store it in the directory specified in DCCONFPATH <path name>

(2) System service configuration definitions

Table 2-3 shows the system service configuration definitions.

Table 2-3 System service configuration definitions

Type Operand/command Option Definition Specification
set uap_conf Specifies whether user servers are to be executed on this node. Y | <<N>>
dam_conf Specifies whether DAM service is to be used on this node. Y | <<N>>
tam_conf Specifies whether TAM service is to be used on this node. Y | <<N>>
que_conf Specifies whether the message queue service (MCF service) is to be used on this node. Y | <<N>>
ha_conf Specifies whether system switchover is to take place on this node. Y | <<N>>
jar_conf Specifies whether global archive journal service is to be used on this node. Y | <<N>>
mrs_conf Specifies whether remote MCF service is to be used on this node. Y | <<N>>
clt_conf Specifies whether client expansion service is to be used on this node. Y | <<N>>
ist_conf Specifies whether IST service is to be used on this node. Y | <<N>>
rmm_conf Specifies whether RMM service is to be used on this node. Y | <<N>>
xat_conf Specifies whether XATMI communication service is to be used on this node. Y | <<N>>
mqa_conf Specifies whether MQA service is to be used on this node. Y | <<N>>
Command dcsvstart -m Starts MCF service. <1-8 alphanumeric characters>

(3) User service configuration definitions

Table 2-4 shows the user service configuration definitions.

Table 2-4 User service configuration definitions

Type Command Option Definition Specification
Command dcsvstart -u Starts user servers. <1-8 alphanumeric characters>

(4) System common definitions

Table 2-5 shows the system common definitions.

Table 2-5 System common definitions

Type Operand Option Definition Specification
set rpc_trace Specifies whether RPC trace is to be collected. Y | <<N>>
rpc_trace_name Name of file for collecting RPC trace <path name> <<$DCDIR/spool/rpctr>>
rpc_trace_size Capacity of file for collecting RPC trace <unsigned integer> ((1024-2147483648)) <<4096>> (units: bytes)
name_port Port number for name service <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535)) <<10000>>
system_id OpenTP1 identifier <1-to-2-character identifier>
all_node Names of all nodes existing in the name service <1-to-255-character identifier>
Port number for name server <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535)) <<10000>>
Specifies whether the service information prioritizing function is used. :high
node_id Node identifier <4-character identifier>
rpc_retry Specifies whether RPC is to be retried. Y | <<N>>
rpc_retry_count Maximum number of RPC processing retries <unsigned integer>
((1-3600)) <<18>>
rpc_retry_interval RPC processing retry interval <unsigned integer>
((1-3600)) <<10>> (units: seconds)
multi_node_option Specifies whether multinode facility is to be used. Y | <<N>>
prc_port Port number to be used for multinode linkage control facility <unsigned integer>
rpc_delay_statistics Specifies whether to collect communication delay time statistics. Y | <<N>>
my_host Host name of the network adapter to be used <1-to-255-character identifier>
jp1_use Specifies whether events are to be registered in Job Management Partner 1/Base. Y | <<N>>
rpc_message_level Display level for RPC troubleshooting messages <unsigned integer>
((0-2)) <<2>>
rpc_multi_tp1_in_same_host Specifies whether more than one OpenTP1 within a host is assumed to be in the same global domain. Y | <<N>>
max_socket_descriptors Maximum number of file descriptors for sockets <unsigned integer> ((32-2032)) <<64>>
rpc_datacomp Specifies whether to compress the user data to be sent when a service is requested or a response is returned to the service request. Y | <<N>>
domain_masters_addr Domain name of the communication destination <identifier of at least 1 character>
Host name 1 of the domain-alternate schedule service (priority 1) <1-to-255-character identifier>
Port number 1 of the domain-alternate schedule service (priority 1) <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
Host name 2 of the domain-alternate schedule service (priority 2) <1-to-255-character identifier>
Port number 2 of the domain-alternate schedule service (priority 2) <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
Host name 3 of the domain-alternate schedule service (priority 2) <1-to-255-character identifier>
Port number 3 of the domain-alternate schedule service (priority 2) <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
domain_masters_port Port number of the domain-alternate schedule service <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
domain_use_dns Specifies whether to inquire the domain name service when the domain-specified RPC is issued. <<Y>> | N
client_uid_check Specifies whether to use the user authentication facility for TP1/Client/W or TP1/Client/P. HP-UX or Windows: <<Y>> | N
AIX, Linux, or Solaris: Y | <<N>>
rpc_port_base Minimum port number <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
prf_trace Specifies whether to acquire the performance verification trace. <<Y>> | N
trn_prf_trace_level Trace acquisition level ((00000001-00000003)) <<00000001>>
core_suppress_watch_time Time period during which to suppress outputting the core dump about a process monitored in real time for a timeout <unsigned integer> ((0-3600)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
rpc_netmask Subnet mask value specified in the network definition file of TCP/IP <Internet address that is represented using the dot (.) format>
ipc_sockctl_highwater Percentage of sockets at which temporary closing starts/percentage of sockets for which temporary closing is not performed <unsigned integer> ((0-100))<<100,0>>
ipc_sockctl_watchtime Length of time to wait until the sockets are reusable <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<180>> (unit: seconds)
ipc_conn_interval Length of time to wait until the connection is established <unsigned integer> ((8-65535)) <<8>> (unit: seconds)
ipc_send_interval Interval for monitoring data transmission <unsigned integer> ((5-32767)) <<5>> (unit: seconds)
ipc_send_count Number of times data transmission is monitored <unsigned integer> ((1-32767)) <<5>>
ipc_header_recv_time Length of time to wait until the communication control data is received <unsigned integer> ((5-32767)) <<10>> (unit: seconds)
name_notify Specifies whether to perform a startup notification. Y | <<N>>
all_node_ex Names of all the nodes containing name services <identifier of 1 to 255 characters>
Port numbers of name servers <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535)) <<10000>>
rpc_server_busy_count Number of bundles that output the KFCA00356-W message <unsigned integer> ((0-32767)) <<20>>
rpc_send_retry_count Number of retries if an error occurs during TCP/IP connection <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<0>>
rpc_send_retry_interval Interval between retries if an error occurs during TCP/IP connection <unsigned integer> ((0-300000)) <<0>> (unit: milliseconds)
thdlock_sleep_time Thread's waiting time if a lock conflict occurs among threads <unsigned integer> ((1-32767)) <<15>> (unit: milliseconds)
ipc_recvbuf_size Receive buffer size of TCP/IP <unsigned integer> ((8192-1048576)) <<8192>> (unit: bytes)
ipc_sendbuf_size Send buffer size of TCP/IP <unsigned integer> ((8192-1048576)) <<8192>> (unit: bytes)
ipc_listen_sockbufset Specifies whether to set the TCP/IP send and receive buffer sizes for the listen socket. Y | <<N>>
rpc_router_retry_count Number of retries if ENOBUFS or ENOMEM occurs <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<30>>
rpc_router_retry_interval Interval between retries if ENOBUFS or ENOMEM occurs <unsigned integer> ((0-3600000)) <<0>> (unit: milliseconds)
ipc_backlog_count Length of queue storing connection establishment requests <unsigned integer> ((0-4096)) <<0>>
statistics Specifies whether to acquire system statistics and place them in shared memory. Y | <<N>>
name_domain_file_use Specifies the domain configuration to be enabled when OpenTP1 is started or restarted. Y | <<N>>
all_node_extend_number Specifies the maximum number of nodes after domain reconfiguration. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<64>>
all_node_ex_extend_number Specifies the maximum number of nodes after domain reconfiguration by using the domain definition files. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<64>>
prc_current_work_path Specifies the path name of the directory under which the current working directory is created. <path name> <<$DCDIR>>
rpc_max_message_size Specifies the maximum size of a message sent or received using an RPC. <unsigned integer> ((1-8)) <<1>>
(units: MB)
uap_trace_file_put Specifies whether to acquire UAP trace information into a file. Y | <<N>>
dcstart_wakeup_retry_count Specifies the maximum number of retries for a startup notification error. <unsigned integer> ((0-60)) <<0>>
dcstart_wakeup_retry_interval Specifies the retry interval for a startup notification error. <unsigned integer> ((0-60)) <<0>>
(units: seconds)
nam_prf_trace_level Specifies the NAM event trace acquisition level. ((00000000-00000007)) <<00000003>>
fil_prf_trace_option Specifies whether to acquire the FIL event trace. 0 | <<1>>
fil_prf_trace_delay_time File access processing time threshold which becomes the FIL event trace acquisition condition <unsigned integer>
((1-65535)) <<10>>
(units: seconds)
jnl_prf_event_trace_level Acquisition level for the JNL performance verification trace ((00000000-00000002)) <<00000001>>
jnl_fileless_option Specifies whether to use journal fileless mode. Y | <<N>>
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<180>> (units: seconds)
Command dcbindht -h Host name for the network adapter <1-to-255-character identifier>
-n Specifies the name of network to be communicated via network adapter. <1-to-64-character identifier>
putenv LANG Sets environment variable LANG. <character string>

(5) Lock service definitions

Table 2-6 shows the lock service definitions.

Table 2-6 Lock service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set lck_limit_foruser Maximum user server concurrent lock request count <unsigned integer>
((0-327670)) <<512>>
lck_limit_fordam Maximum DAM service concurrent lock request count <unsigned integer>
((0-327670)) <<512>>
lck_limit_fortam Maximum TAM service concurrent lock request count <unsigned integer>
((0-327670)) <<512>>
lck_limit_formqa Maximum MQA service concurrent lock request count <unsigned integer>
((0-327670)) <<0>>
lck_wait_timeout Lock wait timeout value <unsigned integer>
((0-32767)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
lck_deadlock_info Specifies whether the deadlock information and time output information are to be output. Y | <<N>>
lck_deadlock_info_remove Specifies whether the deadlock information and time output information are to be deleted at the time of system startup. normal | force | <<no>>
lck_deadlock_info_remove_level Delete level for the deadlock information and time output information <unsigned integer>
((0-24855)) <<0>> (units: days)
lck_release_detect Specifies how to check on when the process was unlocked. interval | <<pipe>>
lck_release_detect_interval Maximum interval time for detecting an unlock <unsigned integer>
((10-60000)) <<250>> (units: milliseconds)
lck_prf_trace_level Acquisition level for the LCK performance verification trace information ((00000000-00000001)) <<00000000>>

(6) Timer service definitions

Table 2-7 shows the timer service definitions.

Table 2-7 Timer service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set tim_watch_count Maximum time-check service count <unsigned integer>
((0-65535)) <<128>>

(7) Name service definitions

Table 2-8 shows the name service definitions.

Table 2-8 Name service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set name_total_size Service information area size <unsigned integer>
((1-32767)) <<64>> (units: Kbytes)
name_cache_size Service information area size <unsigned integer>
((1-32767)) <<16>> (units: Kbytes)
max_socket_descriptors Maximum number of file descriptors for sockets <unsigned integer>
name_global_lookup Specification of whether to use the global search facility Y | <<N>>
name_service_extend Specifies whether to increase the number of obtainable server UAPs that are managed by the name service. 1 | <<0>>
name_audit_conf Specifies whether to use the node monitoring feature. 2 | 1 | <<0>>
name_audit_interval Length of time between the end of node monitoring by the monitoring service and the beginning of the next monitoring <unsigned integer>
((1-65535)) <<60>>
(units: seconds)
name_audit_watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait until a node failure is detected. <unsigned integer>
((8-65535)) <<8>>
(units: seconds)
name_rpc_control_list Specifies whether to monitor the nodes registered in the RPC control list. <<Y>> | N
name_nodeid_check_message Specifies whether to output the KFCA00677-W message when communication is received from a node whose specified node ID is the same as the local node ID. <<Y>> | N
name_cache_validity_time Validity duration of service information of other nodes <unsigned integer>
((0-65535)) <<1800>>
(units: seconds)
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer>
(units: seconds)

(8) Process service definitions

Table 2-9 shows the process service definitions.

Table 2-9 Process service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set prc_process_count Maximum number of server processes that are started concurrently <unsigned integer>
((1-10000)) <<64>>
prc_recovery_resident Startup method for process to be partially recovered: resident or non-resident <<Y>> | N
prc_take_over_svpath Specifies whether the user server path and command path are to be inherited after rerun. Y | <<N>>
term_watch_time Abnormal termination check expiration time <unsigned integer>
((0-32767)) <<10>> (units: minutes)
max_socket_descriptors Maximum number of file descriptors for sockets <unsigned integer>
term_watch_count Limit of consecutive abnormal terminations <unsigned integer>
((1-3)) <<3>>
prc_prf_trace Specifies whether to acquire an event trace for the process service. <<Y>> | N
prc_coresave_path Core file storage path <path name><<$DCDIR/spool/save>>
prc_corecompress Allows OpenTP1 to automatically compress the core file when storing it. Y | <<N>>
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer>
(units: seconds)
Command prcsvpath Path name for user server started by the process service <path name>

(9) Schedule service definitions

Table 2-10 shows the schedule service definitions.

Table 2-10 Schedule service definitions

Type Operand/command Option Definition Specification
set scd_server_count Maximum number of user servers in operation using the schedule service <unsigned integer> ((0-4096)) <<32>>
scd_hold_recovery Specifies whether to inherit the shutdown status of the user server. <<Y>> | F
scd_hold_recovery_count Total number of servers that requires inheriting shutdown status, and of services <unsigned integer> ((0-58240)) <<64>>
scd_port Port number of schedule service <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
scd_this_node_first Specifies whether to schedule the server on your node first when the requested server is on your node. Y | <<N>>
scd_announce_server_status Specifies whether to report status of your node to all other nodes (not periodically). <<Y>> | N
max_socket_descriptors Maximum number of file descriptors for sockets <unsigned integer> ((32-2032))
schedule_rate Percentage of schedules made to the nodes with the LEVEL0 server load level <unsigned integer> ((50-100)) (unit: %)
scd_retry_of_comm_error Number of scheduled retries to nodes other than the failed node <unsigned integer> ((0-128)) <<0>>
scd_advertise_control Allows you to change the time to report name information when the user server starts up. This information is reported to the nodes specified by the all_node operand in the system common definition. <<BEFORE>> | AFTER
scd_message_level Suppresses output of message KFCA00854-E that is output if the memory for the message storage buffer pool becomes insufficient. 1 | <<2>>
ipc_tcpnodelay Specifies whether to disable the Nagle algorithm. Y | <<N>>
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
Command scdbufgrp -g Schedule buffer group name <1-to-8-character identifier>
-n Number of message-storing buffer cells <unsigned integer> ((1-61440)) <<16>>
-l Length of a message-storing buffer cell <unsigned integer> ((512-31457280)) <<512>>
(units: bytes)
scdmulti -m Number of multi-scheduler daemons <unsigned integer> ((1-4096)) <<1>>
-p Port number <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
-g Multi-scheduler group name <1-to-8-character identifier>
-t Specifies whether to distribute the load of service requests among the user servers in other nodes. None

(10) Transaction service definitions

Table 2-11 shows the transaction service definitions.

Table 2-11 Transaction service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set trn_tran_process_count Number of transaction branches to be started concurrently <unsigned integer> ((0-8192))
When the MCF service is used, specifiable values differ according to the environment:
  • 32-bit environment: ((1-7484))
  • 64-bit environment: ((1-6893))
trn_recovery_process_count Number of processes that perform transaction branch recovery in parallel <unsigned integer> ((1-128)) <<4>>
trn_expiration_time Transaction branch expiration time <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
trn_expiration_time_suspend Specifies the range of transaction branches for time check. Y | <<N>> | F
trn_tran_statistics Specifies whether to collect statistics for each transaction branch. Y | <<N>>
trn_tran_recovery_list Specifies whether to collect information on undetermined transactions during a full recovery. Y | <<N>>
trn_cpu_time CPU time that can be used by a transaction branch until synchronous point processing <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
trn_statistics_item Specifies the item of statistics on the transaction branch. nothing | base | <<executiontime>> | cputime
trn_max_subordinate_count Maximum number of childtransaction branches that can be generated from one transaction branch. <unsigned integer> ((0-1024)) <<32>>
trn_rm_open_close_scope Specifies the issuing range for the xa_open and xa_close functions. <<process>> | transaction
trn_optimum_item Specifies the items to be optimized for the transaction. <<base>> | asyncprepare
trn_processing_in_rm_error Specifies the action if an error is returned with the code indicating that the XA function issued to the resource manager cannot be processed during transaction recovery. <<down>> | retry | force
trn_recovery_list_remove Specifies whether to delete the undecided transaction information file at start of OpenTP1. normal | force | <<no>>
trn_recovery_list_remove_level Delete level for undecided transaction information file <unsigned integer> ((0-24855)) <<0>> (units: days)
trn_crm_use Specifies whether to use the CRM. Y | <<N>>
trn_max_crm_subordinate_count Maximum number of childtransaction branches through the CRM M<unsigned integer> ((0-1024)) <<8>>
trn_watch_time Maximum communication wait time for synchronization point processing of transactions <unsigned integer> ((1-65535)) <<120>>
(units: seconds)
trn_rollback_information_put Specifies whether to collect rollback information when transaction branches are rolled back. <<no>> | self | remote | all <unsigned integer>
trn_limit_time Maximum time to execute a transaction branch ((0-65535)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
trn_rollback_response_receive Specifies whether to receive a rollback completion report. <<Y>> | N
trn_partial_recovery_type Method of processing transaction synchronization point upon UAP error <<type1>> | type2 | type3
max_socket_descriptors Maximum number of file descriptors for sockets <unsigned integer> ((32-2032))
trn_recovery_failmsg_interval Minimum interval between issuing messages containing information about incomplete transactions <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<1800>> (units: seconds)
trn_wait_rm_open Action to be taken when an error occurs during the open processing of a resource manager <<continue>> | stop | retry_continue | retry_stop
trn_retry_interval_rm_open Retry interval for issuing the xa_open function <unsigned integer> ((1-3600)) <<10>> (units: seconds)
trn_retry_count_rm_open Number of retires to issue the xa_open function <unsigned integer> ((1-65535)) <<18>>
thread_stack_size Size of thread stack area used within OpenTP1 <unsigned integer> ((1024-524288)) <<49152#>>
(units: bytes)
polling_control_data Checks whether a temporary closing request has arrived Y | <<N>>
thread_yield_interval Interval for issuing a trigger to receive a socket reuse instruction <unsigned integer> ((1-86400)) <<90>> (units: seconds
groups Sets a group access list of service groups <unsigned integer> ((0-4294967294))
trn_xar_use Specifies whether to use the XA resource service. Y | <<N>>
trn_start_recovery_mode Specifies the recovery mode during OpenTP1 start processing. <<stop>> | wait | continue
trn_start_recovery_watch_time Upper retry limit until the pre-online recovery processing completes <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<600>> (units: seconds)
trn_start_recovery_interval Retry interval until the pre-online recovery processing completes <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<3>> (units: seconds)
trn_xa_commit_error Specifies the processing to be performed if a resource manager becomes unable to commit a transaction accessing multiple resources after the transaction is determined to be committed. <<down>> | force
trn_prf_event_trace_level Acquisition level of the TRN event trace ((00000000-00000007)) <<00000007>>
trn_prf_event_trace_condition Type of the TRN event trace to be acquired <<xafunc>> | trnservice
trn_completion_limit_time Time limit for completing a transaction <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
trn_extend_function Facility extension level of the transaction service <hexadecimal number>
((00000000-00000001)) <<00000000>>
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) (units: seconds)
Command trnstring -n Resource manager name <1-to-31-character identifier>
-i Resource manager extension <1-to-2-character identifier>
-o Character string for xa_open function for transaction service <1-to-256-character string>
-c Character string for xa_close function for transaction service <1-to-256-character string>
-O Character string for xa_open function for user server <1-to-256-character string>
-C Character string for xa_close function for user server <1-to-256-character string>
-d This option is specified when the resource manager does not correspond to commit optimization and prepare optimization. None
-e This option is specified to retry issuing the xa_close function, the xa_open function, and the xa_start functions in this sequence to the resource manager if an error occurs in the xa_start function. None
-m This option is specified to allow the resource manager to perform transaction recovery processing during OpenTP1 startup processing before OpenTP1 goes online. None
-r This option is specified to suspend the transaction recovery processing until the resource manager reports the information about undetermined transactions if an error occurs in the resource manager during OpenTP1 startup processing or OpenTP1 online processing. None
putenv Any character strings Environment variable name and value <character strings>
dcputenv Any character strings Environment variable name and value <character strings>

For the AIX version of uCosminexus TP1/Server Base(64), the default value is 65,536.

(11) XA resource service definitions

Table 2-12 shows the XA resource service definitions.

Table 2-12 XA resource service definitions

Type Operand/ command Option Definition Specification
set xar_eventtrace_level Output level of the XAR event trace information <<ERR>> | INF|ALL
xar_eventtrace_record Maximum number of records that are output to the XAR event trace information file <unsigned integer> ((1-65535)) <<8192>>
xar_session_time Monitoring time for idle transaction branches <unsigned integer> ((10-65535)) <<180>> (unit: seconds)
xar_msdtc_use Specifies whether to use the MSDTC linkage facility. Y | <<N>>
xar_prf_trace_level Acquisition level for XAR performance verification trace information ((00000000-00000003)) <<00000003>>
Command xarfile -t XAR file type online|backup
-a Physical XAR file name <path name consisting of 1 to 63 characters>

(12) Interval service definitions

Table 2-13 shows the interval service definitions.

Table 2-13 Interval service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. M<unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)

(13) Status service definitions

Table 2-14 shows the status service definitions.

Table 2-14 Status service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set sts_file_name_1 Logical file name of status file L<1-to-8-character identifier>
Status file name of system A <path name>
Status file name of system B <path name>
sts_file_name_2 Logical file name of status file <1-to-8-character identifier>
Status file name of system A <path name>
Status file name of system B <path name>
sts_file_name_3 Logical file name of status file <1-to-8-character identifier>
Status file name of system A <path name>
Status file name of system B <path name>
sts_file_name_4 Logical file name of status file <1-to-8-character identifier>
Status file name of system A <path name>
Status file name of system B <path name>
sts_file_name_5 Logical file name of status file <1-to-8-character identifier>
Status file name of system A <path name>
Status file name of system B <path name>
sts_file_name_6 Logical file name of status file <1-to-8-character identifier>
Status file name of system A <path name>
Status file name of system B <path name>
sts_file_name_7 Logical file name of status file L<1-to-8-character identifier>
Status file name of system A <path name>
Status file name of system B <path name>
sts_initial_error_switch Specifies action of status service switch in case of abnormality (if the status file has no entity or a status file error is detected). <<stop>> | continue | excontinue
sts_single_operation_switch Specifies action of status service in case of abnormality (if an I/O error occurs with one active status file system and no journals can be swapped). <<stop>> | continue
sts_last_active_file Logical file name of last active file in previous online session <1-to-8-character identifier>
sts_last_active_side Specifies the system that was active during one-system operation in previous online session A | B
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)

(14) Journal service definitions

Table 2-15 shows the journal service definitions.

Table 2-15 Journal service definitions

Type Operand/ command Option Definition Specification
set jnl_tran_optimum_level Optimum level for journal output mode <unsigned integer> ((2-3)) <<2>>
jnl_arc_terminate_timeout Maximum waiting time to the halt of the archive service at node termination <unsigned integer> ((0-3600)) <<0>>
(units: seconds)
max_socket_descriptors Maximum number of file descriptors for sockets <unsigned integer> ((32-2032))
jnl_arc_ipc_buff_size TCP/IP send-and-receive buffer size <unsigned integer> ((8192-1048576)) <<61440>>
(units: bytes)
jnl_watch_time Maximum time that the journal service waits for a communication response <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))<<180>> (units: seconds)
watch_time Maximum time to wait for a response <unsigned integer>
(units: seconds)
Command jnldfsv -r Name of file for system journal service definition <1-to-8-character identifier>
-c Name of file for checkpoint dump service definition (several system services can be specified as required) <1-to-8-character identifier>

(15) System journal service definitions

Table 2-16 shows the system journal service definitions.

Table 2-16 System journal service definitions

Type Operand Option Definition Specification
set jnl_max_datasize Maximum record data length <unsigned integer> ((32000-4000000)) <<32000>>
(units: bytes)
jnl_cdinterval Number of journal blocks <unsigned integer> ((100-32000))
jnl_rerun_swap Specifies whether journals are to be swapped during a system restart. Y | <<N>>
jnl_dual Specifies whether journal file is to be duplicated. Y | <<N>>
jnl_singleoperation Specifies whether journal files should be swapped if only one system can be used. Y | <<N>>
jnl_rerun_reserved_file_open Specifies whether reserved file should be opened during a full recovery. Y | <<N>>
jnl_arc_name Resource-group-name-@-node-identifier for global archive journal service <1-to-8-character identifier> @ <4-character identifier>
jnl_arc_buff_size Size of shared memory buffer for archive <unsigned integer> ((2-31)) <<10>>
(units: Mbytes)
jnl_arc_max_datasize Maximum size of data transferred during archiving <unsigned integer> ((1020-8188)) <<1020>>
(units: Kbytes)
jnl_arc_terminate_check Specifies whether all applicable journals are to be set for archive at normal termination or planned shutdown of the journal service <<Y>> | N
jnl_arc_rec_kind Specifies the type of journal record to be archived. <<a | c | f | g | i | m | o | s | u>>
jnl_arc_uj_code UJ code to be archived <unsigned integer> ((0-255)) <<all of 1 to 255>>
jnl_arc_check_level Specifies the condition of assigning the file group as swap destination when global archive journal is used. <<1>> | 2
jnl_arc_trn_stat Specifies whether to archive the synchronization point journal and the journal for restoring the transaction service. <<Y>> | N
jnl_unload_check Specifies whether to check the unload wait status when determining the file group of the swap destination. <<Y>> | N
jnl_auto_unload Specifies whether to use the automatic unloading function. Y | <<N>>
jnl_auto_unload_path Specifies the name of the directory for storing unload journal files. <path name> <<$DCDIR/spool/dcjnlinf/unload>>
jnl_max_file_dispersion Maximum degree of parallelism for parallel access <unsigned integer> ((1-8)) <<1>>
jnl_min_file_dispersion Minimum degree of parallelism for parallel access <unsigned integer> ((1-8)) <<1>>
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
Command jnladdfg -g Name of file group making up the system journal <1-to-8-character identifier>
ONL Specifies whether this file group is used for online startup. None
jnladdpf -g Name of corresponding file group <1-to-8-character identifier>
-e Element file name <1-to-8-character identifier>
-a Path name of physical file <path name>
-b Path name of physical file <path name>

(16) Checkpoint dump service definitions

Table 2-17 shows the checkpoint dump service definitions.

Table 2-17 Checkpoint dump service definitions

Type Operand Option Definition Specification
set jnl_objservername Name of affected system service <1-to-8-character identifier>
jnl_max_datasize Length of buffer to collect checkpoint dump <unsigned integer> ((32000-4000000)) <<32768>>
(units: bytes)
assurance_count Number of guaranteed generations of checkpoint dump file <unsigned integer> ((1-2)) <<1>> (units: generation files)
jnl_reduced_mode Fall-back operation <unsigned integer> ((0-2)) <<0>>
jnl_reserved_file_auto_open Specifies whether a reserved file is to be automatically opened. Y | <<N>>
jnl_dual Specifies whether the checkpoint dump file is to be duplicated. Y | <<N>>
jnl_singleoperation Specifies whether to allocate the file group as overwritable one if either of the duplicate systems becomes non-overwritable when the checkpoint dump file is duplicated. Y | <<N>>
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
Command jnladdfg -j Server recovery journal file <1-to-8-character identifier>
-g Name of file group making up the checkpoint dump or server recovery journal <1-to-8-character identifier>
ONL Specifies whether this file group is used for online startup. None
jnladdpf -j Server recovery journal file <1-to-8-character identifier>
-g Name of corresponding file group <1-to-8-character identifier>
-a Path name of physical file <path name>
-b Path name of physical file <path name>

(17) Log service definitions

Table 2-18 shows the log service definitions.

Table 2-18 Log service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set log_filesize Maximum capacity of message log file <unsigned integer> ((1-32767)) <<1024>> (units: Kbytes)
log_msg_console Specifies whether message log should be output using the real-time output facility. <<Y>> | N
log_msg_allno Specifies whether to add system-specific message sequence numbers to the entries in the message log. Y | <<N>>
log_msg_prcid Specifies whether the process ID of the requesting process is to be appended to the message log. Y | <<N>>
log_msg_prcno Specifies whether to add process-specific message sequence numbers to the entries in the message log. Y | <<N>>
log_msg_sysid Specifies whether the OpenTP1 identifier is to be appended. <<Y>> | N
log_msg_date Specifies whether the date of the output request is to be appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_msg_time Specifies whether the time of the output request is to be appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_msg_hostname Specifies whether the name of the host originating the output request is to be appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_msg_pgmid Specifies whether the ID of the program originating the output request is to be appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_netm_out Specifies whether the message log should be output to NETM. Y | <<N>>
log_netm_allno Specifies whether the system sequence number is to be appended to the message log. Y | <<N>>
log_netm_prcid Specifies whether the process ID of the requesting process is to be appended to the message log. Y | <<N>>
log_netm_prcno Specifies whether the process number of the requesting process is to be appended to the message log. Y | <<N>>
log_netm_sysid Specifies whether the OpenTP1 identifier is to be appended. <<Y>> | N
log_netm_date Specifies whether the date of the output request is to be appended. <<Y>> | N
log_netm_time Specifies whether the time of the output request is to be appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_netm_hostname Specifies whether the name of the host originating the output request is to be appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_netm_pgmid Specifies whether the ID of the program originating the output request is to be appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_jp1_allno Specifies whether system sequence number is to be appended to the message log. Y | <<N>>
log_jp1_prcid Specifies whether the process ID of the requesting process is to be appended to the message log. Y | <<N>>
log_jp1_prcno Specifies whether the process sequence number is to be appended to the message log. Y | <<N>>
log_jp1_sysid Specifies whether the OpenTP1 identifier is to be appended. <<Y>> | N
log_jp1_date Specifies whether the date of the output request is to be appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_jp1_time Specifies whether the time of the output request is to be appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_jp1_hostname Specifies whether the host name of the host originating the output request is appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_jp1_pgmid Specifies whether the program ID of the program originating the output request is appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_notify_out Specifies whether to use the message log notification facility. Y | <<N>>
log_notify_allno Specifies whether the system sequence number is appended to the message log. Y | <<N>>
log_notify_prcid Specifies whether the process ID of the request source is appended. Y | <<N>>
log_notify_prcno Specifies whether the process sequence number is appended to the message log. Y | <<N>>
log_notify_sysid Specifies whether the OpenTP1 identifier is appended. <<Y>> | N
log_notify_date Specifies whether the date of the output request is appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_notify_time Specifies whether the time of the output request is appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_notify_hostname Specifies whether the name of the host originating the output request is appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_notify_pgmid Specifies whether the ID of the program originating the output request is appended to the message log. <<Y>> | N
log_jerr_rint Specifies the number of suppressed message log outputs if an error occurs during message log output. <unsigned integer> ((1-65536)) <<32>>
log_syslog_out Specifies the level that outputs the message to syslog. <unsigned integer> ((0-2)) <<1>>
log_syslog_allno Specifies whether to assign serial numbers to the message logs in the system. Y | <<N>>
log_syslog_prcid Specifies whether to add the ID of the process that issues a request. Y | <<N>>
log_syslog_prcno Specifies whether to assign serial numbers to the message logs in the process. Y | <<N>>
log_syslog_sysid Specifies whether to add the OpenTP1 identifier. Y | <<N>>
log_syslog_date Specifies whether to add the date when the message log output is requested. Y | <<N>>
log_syslog_time Specifies whether to add the time when the message log output is requested. Y | <<N>>
log_syslog_hostname Specifies whether to add the name of the host that issues a request to output a message log. Y | <<N>>
log_syslog_pgmid Specifies whether to add the ID of the program that issues a request to output a message log. Y | <<N>>
log_syslog_append_nodeid Specifies whether to add the node identifier. Y | <<N>>
log_syslog_elist Number of elements of the syslog error list <unsigned integer> ((0-65536)) <<0>>
log_syslog_elist_rint Interval of regular output of the syslog error list <unsigned integer> ((0-65536)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
log_syslog_synchro Specifies whether to synchronize the format of the message log to be output to syslog with the related operand if outputting the message log fails Y | <<N>>
log_audit_out Specifies whether to use audit logging. Y | <<N>>
log_audit_path Specifies the directory to which audit log files are output. <1-to-63-character path name> <<$DCDIR/auditlog>>
log_audit_size Specifies the maximum size of an audit log file. <unsigned integer> ((1-2047)) <<10>> (units: megabytes)
log_audit_count Specifies the maximum number of audit log files. <unsigned integer> ((1-256)) <<2>>
log_audit_message Specifies the message ID for which audit log data is to be acquired. <unsigned integer> ((33400-99999))
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
putenv TZ Time zone <character string>
DCSYSLOGOUT Specifies whether to output messages to syslog. 1 | character string other than 1

(18) Multinode configuration definitions

Table 2-19 shows the multinode configuration definitions.

Table 2-19 Multinode configuration definitions

Type Operand/ command Option Definition Specification
set dcmstart_watch_time dcmstart command expiration time <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<600>>
(units: seconds)
dcmstop_watch_time dcmstop command expiration time <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<600>>
(units: seconds)
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<180>>
(units: seconds)
Command dcmarea -m Multinode area identifier <1-to-8-character identifier>
-g Multinode subarea identifier <1-to-8-character identifier>
-w Node identifier <4-character identifier>

(19) Multinode physical definitions

Table 2-20 shows the multinode physical definitions.

Table 2-20 Multinode physical definitions

Type Command Option Definition Specification
Command dcprcport -w Node identifier <4-character identifier>
-h Name of the host with an OpenTP1 node <1-to-64-character identifier>
-p Value specified in the prc_port operand for the corresponding OpenTP1 node <unsigned integer> ((5001-49999))

(20) Global archive journal service definitions

Table 2-21 shows the global archive journal service definitions.

Table 2-21 Global archive journal service definitions

Type Operand/command Option Definition Specification
set jnl_arc_terminate_timeout Maximum wait time until all the nodes to be archived area disconnected when terminating a node <unsigned integer> ((0-3600)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
max_socket_descriptors Maximum number of file descriptors for sockets <unsigned integer> ((32-2032))
jnl_arc_ipc_buff_size TCP/IP send-and-receive buffer size <unsigned integer> ((8192-1048576)) <<61440>> (units: bytes)
jnl_watch_time Maximum time that the global archive journal service waits for a communication response <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<180>> (units: seconds)
Command jnldfsv -a File name of the archive journal service definition <1-to-8-character identifier>

(21) Archive journal service definitions

Table 2-22 shows the archive journal service definitions.

Table 2-22 Archive journal service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set jnl_dual Specifies whether the archive is to be duplicated Y | <<N>>
jnl_singleoperation Specifies whether a file group is to be closed with one system closed. Y | <<N>>
jnl_rerun_swap Specifies whether journals are to be swapped when the global archive journal service is rerun. Y | <<N>>
jnl_max_file_dispersion Maximum number of distributions to enable parallel access <unsigned integer> ((1-8)) <<1>>
jnl_min_file_dispersion Minimum number of distributions to enable parallel access <unsigned integer> ((1-8)) <<1>>
jnl_unload_check Specifies whether the unload wait status is to be checked when determining the file group of the swap destination. <<Y>> | N
jnl_arc_max_datasize Maximum size of data transferred during archiving <unsigned integer> ((1020-8188)) <<1020>> (units: Kbytes)
Command jnladdfg -g File group name of an archive journal file <1-to-8-character identifier>
ONL Specifies whether this group is to be used at startup of the global archive journal service. None
jnladdpf -g File group name of an archive journal file <1-to-8-character identifier>
-e Element file name <1-to-8-character identifier>
-a Path name of a physical file name <path name>
-b Path name of a physical file name <path name>

(22) DAM service definitions

Table 2-23 shows the DAM service definitions.

Table 2-23 DAM service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set dam_update_block Maximum number of blocks to be updated <unsigned integer> ((1-32768)) <<8>>
dam_added_file Maximum number of logical files added online <unsigned integer> ((1-128)) <<8>>
dam_update_block_over Specifies whether error is returned if maximum block count is exceeded during a transaction. flush | <<error>>
dam_message_level Level of messages output by DAM service <<1>> | 0
dam_tran_process_count Number of transaction branches to be executed concurrently <unsigned integer> ((0-8192))
dam_cache_size Size of the buffer area to stack referenced and updated blocks (if you do not want to specify a fixed value) <unsigned integer> ((10-1000000)) (units: Kbytes)
dam_cache_size_fix Size of the buffer area to stack referenced and updated blocks (if you want to specify a fixed value) <unsigned integer> ((10-1000000)) (unit: Kbytes)
dam_cache_attribute Specifies whether memory size of the buffer area is to be fixed. <<free>> | fixed
dam_io_interval Output process execution interval with the deferred update facility in use <unsigned integer> ((1-60))
(units: seconds) <<1>>
dam_transaction_access Specifies the unit of transactions that perform data management or lock management of a DAM file. global | <<branch>>
dam_io_error_occur Processing DAM service upon disk error stop | <<continue>>
dam_cache_reuse_from Retrieves the cache blocks to be reused. <<last>> | first
dam_default_cache_num Specifies the default boundary for reusing cache blocks. <unsigned integer> ((0-4000000)) <<0>>
dam_ex_refer_read Specifies whether to leave the block that is read with the locked reference specification on the cache buffer area until the transaction is determined. <<none>> | stay
dam_max_block_size Maximum block length in the DAM file in the system <unsigned integer> ((504-32760))# <<504>>
(units: bytes)
dam_kb_size Specifies whether the value of the dam_cache_size operand specified in kilobytes is handled on a 1000-byte basis or on a 1024-byte basis. <<1000>> | 1024
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
Command damcache Argument Name of the logical file that validates the boundary for reusing cache blocks <identifier of 1 to 8 characters>
Boundary for reusing cache blocks <unsigned integer> ((0-4000000))
damchlmt Argument Name of the logical file that validates a threshold for the number of cache blocks <identifier of 1 to 8 characters>
Threshold for the number of cache blocks <unsigned integer> ((0-4000000))
damfile -d Specifies whether deferred updating of the file is to be performed. None
-n Specifies whether the file is not to be recovered. None
-f Specifies whether to enable cacheless access for the files that are not to be recovered. None
-c This option is specified to continue the normal startup processing of the DAM service even if an error occurs in the DAM file. None
Argument Name of the logical file to be accessed online <1-to-8-character identifier>
Name of the physical file to be accessed online <1-to-63-character path name>

#: Specify a value that satisfies the following: sector length x n-8 (n is a positive integer).

(23) TAM service definitions

Table 2-24 shows the TAM service definitions.

Table 2-24 TAM service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set tam_max_tblnum Maximum number of TAM tables used online <unsigned integer> ((1-65535))
tam_max_filesize Maximum capacity of TAM tables used online <unsigned integer> ((136-1000000000)) (units: bytes)
tam_max_recsize Maximum record length of TAM tables <unsigned integer> ((1-1000000000)) (units: bytes)
tam_jnl_err_flag Specifies whether TAM service should be suspended if error occurs in reading journals. <<STOP>> | CONTINUE
tam_pool_attri Specifies whether memory pool is to be fixed in shared memory. <<fixed>> | free
For HP-UX or Solaris: <<fixed>> | free
For AIX, Linux, or Windows: fixed | <<free>>
tam_tbl_lock_mode Specifies whether the table is to be locked when accessed. <<LOCK>> | NOLOCK
tam_cbl_level Lock level of COBOL API <unsigned integer> ((0-2)) <<0>>
tam_max_trnnum Maximum number of concurrent transaction branches <unsigned integer> ((1-8192)) <<20>>
tam_max_trnfilnum Maximum number of accessible tables in the transaction <unsigned integer> ((1-1024)) <<5>>
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
Command tamtable -o Loading point <<start>> | cmd | lib
-a Access mode <<read>> | rewrite | write
-i Specifies whether the access is to be continued even if an input/output error occurs when updating the TAM table. None
-j Specifies whether to collect differential journal when updating TAM record. None
Argument Name of the TAM table to be accessed online <1-to-32-character identifier>
Name of the physical file to be accessed online <1-to-63-character path name>

(24) Client service definitions

Table 2-25 shows the client service definitions.

Table 2-25 Client service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set parallel_count Number of resident processes and maximum number of processes <unsigned integer>
((1-1024)) <<1>>
balance_count Number of service requests processed by a process <unsigned integer>
((0-512)) <<3>>
trn_expiration_time Transaction branch expiration time <unsigned integer>
((0-65535)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
trn_expiration_time_suspend Specifies the range for time check of transaction branches. Y | <<N>> | F
trn_cpu_time CPU time that can be used by transaction branch until synchronous point processing <unsigned integer>
((0-65535)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
open_rm Name of the resource manager opened by the client service execution program when using the transactional RPC facility OpenTP1_ALL | <<OpenTP1_NONE>>
clt_inquire_time Maximum time interval between permanent connection inquiries <unsigned integer>
((0-1048575))<<180>> (units: seconds)
clt_port Port number of the client extension service <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
clt_trn_conf Specifies whether to start transactional RPC execution processes. <<Y>> | N
clt_cup_conf Specifies whether to execute CUP execution processes. Y | <<N>>
cup_parallel_count Number of resident CUP execution processes and maximum number of CUP execution processes <unsigned integer>
((1-1024)) <<1>>
cup_balance_count Number of remaining service requests to be executed by CUP execution processes. <unsigned integer>
((0-512)) <<3>>
clttrn_port Port number for a process that executes transactional RPC <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
cltcon_port Port number for a process that executes CUP <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
trn_statistics_item Specifying a statistics item for transaction branch nothing | base | <<executiontime>> | cputime
trn_optimum_item Specifying an optimizing item for transaction <<base>> | asyncprepare
trn_watch_time Maximum wait time in processing transaction synchronization point <unsigned integer>
((1-65535)) <<120>> (unit: seconds)
trn_rollback_information_put Specifying whether to obtain rollback information during transaction branch rollback <<no>> | self | remote | all
trn_limit_time Maximum executable time for transaction branch <unsigned integer>
((0-65535)) <<0>> (unit: seconds)
trn_rollback_response_receive Specifying whether to receive end-of-rollback notice <<Y>> | N
trn_partial_recovery_type Method of processing transaction synchronization point upon UAP error <<type1>> | type2 | type3
trn_completion_limit_time Time limit for completing a transaction <unsigned integer>
((0-65535)) <<0>> (unit: seconds)
message_store_buflen Size of the message storage buffer pool <unsigned integer>
((1024-31457280)) <<8196>> (unit: bytes)
watch_time Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) (unit: seconds)

(25) IST service definitions

Table 2-26 shows the IST service definitions.

Table 2-26 IST service definitions

Type Operand/command Definition Specification
set ist_node Specifies the node that operates the IST table. <4-character identifier>
ist_node_group Specifies the node group that operates the IST table. <1-to-8-character identifier>
Command istdef Table name <1-to-8-character identifier>
Record length <unsigned integer>
(units: bytes)
Number of records <unsigned integer>((1-16384))

(26) RMM service definitions

Table 2-27 shows the RMM service definitions.

Table 2-27 RMM service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set rmm_check_services Name of the monitored resource manager <1-to-7-character identifier>
rmm_system_behavior Specifies the system action when startup of the monitored resource manager fails. <<down>> | giveup
rmm_down_with_system Specifies whether to terminate the monitored resource manager if OpenTP1 goes down. <<Y>> | N
rmm_sysdown_with_rm Specifies whether to terminate OpenTP1 if the monitored resource manager goes down. Y | <<N>>

(27) Monitored RM definitions

Table 2-28 shows the monitored RM definitions.

Table 2-28 Monitored RM definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set rmm_start_command Command that starts the monitored resource manager <1-to-127-byte path name>
rmm_stop_command Command that stops the monitored resource manager <1-to-127-byte path name>
rmm_abort_command Command that terminates forcibly the monitored resource manager <1-to-127-byte path name>
rmm_get_pid_command Command that obtains the ID of the monitored process <1-to-127-byte path name>
rmm_command_watch_time Monitoring time of the monitored resource manager command <unsigned integer>
((0-7200)) <<1800>> (units: seconds)
rmm_command_uid ID of the user with the execution permission of the monitored resource manager <unsigned integer>
rmm_command_gid ID of the group with the execution permission of the monitored resource manager <unsigned integer>
rmm_start_watch_time Monitoring time for the start processing of the monitored resource manager <unsigned integer>
((0-7200)) <<300>> (units: seconds)

(28) Extended RM registration definitions

Table 2-29 shows the extended RM registration definitions.

Table 2-29 Extended RM registration definitions

Type Command Option Definition Specification
Command trnlnkrm -a Name of the additional resource manager provided by other than OpenTP1 <1-to-31-character alphanumerics>
-s Switch name of the additional resource manager <1-to-32-character alphanumerics beginning with an alphabetic character or underscore>
-o Name of the object file related to the additional resource manager <alphanumerics>
-l This option is specified when the execution progress of the trnlnkrm command is output to standard output. None
-f This option is specified when forcibly executing the trnlnkrm command regardless of the OpenTP1 status. None

(29) XATMI communication service definitions

Table 2-30 shows the XATMI communication service definitions.

Table 2-30 XATMI communication service definitions

Type Operand Option Definition Specification
set xatinitapt Local AP name for each system <1-to-24 character hexadecimal number>
xatinitaeq Local AE modifier for each system <unsigned integer>
xat_aso_con_event_svcname Service group name of the SPP that receives the notification of association establishment <1-to-31-character identifier>
Service name of the SPP that receives the notification of association establishment <1-to-31-character identifier>
xat_aso_discon_event_svcname Service group name of the SPP that receives the notification of the normal release of an association <1-to-31-character identifier>
Service name of the SPP that receives the notification of the normal release of an association <1-to-31-character identifier>
xat_aso_failure_event_svcname Service group name of the SPP that receives the notification of the abnormal release of an association <1-to-31-character identifier>
Service name of the SPP that receives the notification of the abnormal release of an association <1-to-31-character identifier>
max_open_fds Maximum FDS value used by OSI TP communication association <unsigned integer> ((16-2016)) <<50>>
max_socket_descriptors Maximum FDS value used by communication between XATMI communication service and UAP <unsigned integer> ((4-2047)) <<64>>
Command xatsrvadd -p Remote AP name <1-to-24-character hexadecimal number>
-q Remote AE modifier <unsigned integer> ((0-2147483647))
-s Name of the service provided by the remote system <1-to-15-character hexadecimal number>

(30) Message queue service definitions

Table 2-31 shows the message queue service definitions.

Table 2-31 Message queue service definitions

Type Operand/command Option Definition Specification
set que_xidnum Maximum number of transactions to be executed concurrently <unsigned integer> ((1-4096)) <<256>>
que_io_maxrecsize Maximum record length for overwriting delay <unsigned integer> ((0-32000)) <<0>> (units: bytes)
Command quegrp -g ID of queue group allocated to physical file <1-to-8-character identifier>
-f Path name of physical file <path name>
-n Number of I/O buffers for buffer cache <unsigned integer> ((2-1024)) <<128>>
-m Number of retained messages in queue file <unsigned integer> ((0-1024)) <<10>>
-w Warning ratio of used memory to physical file capacity <unsigned integer> ((0-95)) <<80>> (units: %)
-c Warning release ratio of used memory to physical file capacity <unsigned integer> ((0-95)) <<0>> (units: %)

(31) User service network definitions

Table 2-32 summarizes the contents of the user service network definitions.

Table 2-32 Contents of user service network definitions

Type Command Option Definition Specification
Command dcsvgdef -g Service group name <identifier consisting of up to 31 characters>
-h Host name <identifier consisting of up to 255 characters>
-p Port number <unsigned integer>
-t Destination reselection interval <unsigned integer>
((0-65534)) (unit: seconds)
-w Specifies whether to use remote API facility None

(32) RAP-processing listener service definitions

Table 2-33 summarizes the contents of the RAP-processing listener service definitions.

Table 2-33 Contents of RAP-processing listener service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set rap_listen_port RAP-processing listener port number <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
rap_parallel_server Number of RAP-processing servers <unsigned integer> ((1-1024)) <<1>>
rap_watch_time Maximum monitor time or message sending/receiving <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<180>> (unit: seconds)
rap_inquire_time Maximum of inquiry interval <unsigned integer> ((0-1048575)) <<180>>
(unit: seconds)
nice Change in process priority <unsigned integer> ((0-39)) <<0>>
uap_trace_max Maximum number of UAP traces stored <unsigned integer> ((0-4095)) <<32>>
uid User identifier for OpenTP1 system administrator <unsigned integer>
rpc_response_statistics Specifying whether or not to obtain information about response statistics Y | <<N>>
rpc_service_retry_count Maximum number of retries regarding the service function with a service retry facility <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<0>>
rpc_trace Specifies whether to acquire the RPC trace. Y | N
rpc_trace_name Name of the file for storing the RPC trace <path name>
rpc_trace_size Maximum size of the file for storing the RPC trace <unsigned integer> ((1024-2147483648)) (units: bytes)
trn_expiration_time Expiry time in the transaction branch <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
trn_expiration_time_suspend Specifies the scope of the time monitoring for the transaction branch Y | N | F
trn_cpu_time CPU time that the transaction branch can use until synchronization point processing <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
trf_put Specifies whether the journal that a transaction output is to be stored in a transaction recovery journal file Y | N
trn_statistics_item Specifies the items of statistics on transaction branches nothing | base | executiontime | cputime
trn_optimum_item Specifies the items to be optimized for the transaction base | asyncprepare
trn_watch_time Maximum waiting time for receiving communication during the transaction synchronization-point processing <unsigned integer> ((1-65535))(units: seconds)
trn_rollback_information_put Specifies whether to collect rollback information when transaction branches are rolled back. no | self | remote | all
trn_limit_time Maximum time to execute a transaction branch <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)l
trn_rollback_response_receive Specifies whether to receive a rollback completion report. <<Y>> | N
trn_partial_recovery_type Method of processing transaction synchronization point upon a UAP error type1 | type2 | type3
rap_inquire_timeout_message Specifies whether to output an error message when the maximum wait time for a request from the client is expired. <<Y>> | N
rap_connection_assign_type Specifies whether to use the dynamic connection schedule facility. dynamic | <<static>>
rap_max_client Maximum number of clients simultaneously connected to the RAP-processing listener <unsigned integer> ((128-1024)) <<256>>
rap_notify Specifies whether to issue a startup notification to the RAP-processing client manager. Y | <<N>>
rap_client_manager_node Host name of OpenTP1 system where the RAP-processing client resides <1-to-255-character identifier>
Port number for RAP-processing client manager of OpenTP1 system where the RAP-processing client resides <unsigned integer> ((1-65535))
rap_max_buff_size Socket window size <unsigned integer> ((4-2147483647)) <<4>> (unit: Kbytes)
rap_io_retry_interval Interval between retries to send /receive a message <unsigned integer> ((1-999)) <<35>> (unit: milliseconds)
rap_sock_count Number of retries to create a socket <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<1>>
rap_sock_interval Interval between retries to create a socket <unsigned integer> ((15-500)) <<30>> (unit: milliseconds)
rap_connect_retry_count Number of retries to establish a connection <unsigned integer> ((8-2147483647)) <<8>>
rap_connect_retry_interval Interval between retries to establish a connection <unsigned integer> ((10-999)) <<100>> (unit: milliseconds)
rap_listen_backlog Maximum number of requests that can be held in the connection waiting queue <unsigned integer> ((SOMAXCONN to 2147483647)) <<SOMAXCONN>>
rap_msg_output_interval Interval between output of messages indicating the number of clients <unsigned integer>
(unit: minutes)
rap_recovery_server Number of standby RAP-processing servers for recovery requests <unsigned integer>((0-value specified in the rap_parallel_server operand - 1)) <<0>>
rap_connect_interval Interval between attempts to establish connection <unsigned integer>
(unit: milliseconds)
rpc_extend_function RPC service facility extension level <hexadecimal number> ((00000000-0000000F)) <<00000000>>
max_socket_descriptors Maximum number of file descriptors for sockets <unsigned integer>
trn_completion_limit_time Time limit for completing a transaction <unsigned integer>
(unit: seconds)
rap_message_id_change_level Definition that specifies the new message level to change the error message type from E to W <unsigned integer>
rap_term_disconnect_time Wait time for disconnection when the RAP-processing listener terminates <unsigned integer>
((0-3600)) <<0>>
(units: seconds)
rap_stay_watch_time Maximum monitoring time for a request waiting for allocation of an RAP-processing server <unsigned integer>
((0-65535)) <<30>>
(units: seconds)
rap_stay_warning_interval Interval for outputting a warning message for a request that remains in the queue <unsigned integer>
((3-65535)) <<180>>
(units: seconds)
log_audit_out_suppress Specifies whether to suppress output of audit log data from the RAP-processing listener and server. Y | <<N>>
log_audit_message Message IDs for items for which audit log data is to be acquired <unsigned integer>
ipc_sockctl_highwater Percentage of sockets at which temporary closing starts <unsigned integer>
Percentage of sockets for which temporary closing is not performed <unsigned integer>
ipc_sockctl_watchtime Length of time to wait until the sockets are reusable <unsigned integer>
(units: seconds)
watch_time Maximum time to wait for a response <unsigned integer>
(units: seconds)

(33) RAP-processing client manager service definitions

Table 2-34 summarizes the contents of the RAP-processing client manager service definitions.

Table 2-34 Contents of RAP-processing client manager service definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set rap_client_manager_port RAP-processing client manager port number <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
rap_listen_inf Node identifier of OpenTP1 node where the RAP-processing listener starts <4-character identifier>
RAP-processing listener port number <unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
Host name for receiving side of service by the remote API facility <1-to-255 alphanumeric characters, including periods and hyphens>
Port number for receiving side of service by the remote API facility <unsigned integer> ((1-65535))
uid User identifier of OpenTP1 administrator <unsigned integer> ((0-4294967294))
log_audit_out_suppress Specifies whether to suppress output of audit log data from the RAP-processing client manager. Y | <<N>>
log_audit_message Message ID for an item for which audit log data is to be acquired <unsigned integer> ((33400-99999))
rap_watch_time Maximum amount of monitoring time allowed for message sending or receiving <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<180>>
(unit: seconds)

(34) Performance verification trace definitions

Table 2-35 shows the performance verification trace definitions.

Table 2-35 Performance verification trace definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set prf_file_size Size of the performance verification trace information file <unsigned integer> ((1024-1048576)) <<1024>>
(units: Kbytes)
prf_information_level Output level of the messages related to the trace file <<1>> | 0
prf_file_count Number of generations for performance verification trace information files <unsigned integer> ((3-256)) <<3>>
prf_trace_backup Specifies whether to acquire a trace file backup. <<Y>> | N

(35) XAR performance verification trace definitions

Table 2-36 shows the XAR performance verification trace definitions.

Table 2-36 XAR performance verification trace definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set prf_file_size Size of an XAR performance verification trace information file <unsigned integer>
((1024-1048576)) <<10240>>
(units: Kbytes)
prf_information_level Display level of the messages related to an XAR performance verification trace <<1>> | 0
prf_file_count Number of generations for XAR performance verification trace information files <unsigned integer>
((3-256)) <<3>>

(36) JNL performance verification trace definitions

Table 2-37 shows the JNL performance verification trace definitions.

Table 2-37 JNL performance verification trace definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set prf_file_size Size of a JNL performance verification trace information file <unsigned integer>
((1024-1048576)) <<1024>>
(units: Kbytes)
prf_file_count Number of generations for JNL performance verification trace information files <unsigned integer>
((3-256)) <<3>>
prf_trace_backup Specifies whether to acquire a backup for a JNL performance verification trace information file. <<Y>> | N

(37) LCK performance verification trace definitions

Table 2-38 shows the LCK performance verification trace definitions.

Table 2-38 LCK performance verification trace definitions

Type Operand Definition Specification
set prf_file_size Size of an LCK performance verification trace information file <unsigned integer>
((1024-1048576)) <<5120>>
(units: Kbytes)
prf_information_level Display level of the messages related to an LCK performance verification trace <<1>> | 0
prf_file_count Number of generations for LCK performance verification trace information files <unsigned integer>
((3-256)) <<3>>

(38) TRN event trace definitions

Table 2-39 shows the TRN event trace definitions.

Table 2-39 TRN event trace definitions

Type Operand/Path Definition Specification
set prf_file_size Size of a TRN event trace information file <unsigned integer> ((1024-1048576)) <<10240>> (units: Kbytes)
prf_information_level Display level for TRN event trace messages <<1>> | 0
prf_file_count Number of generations for TRN event trace information files <unsigned integer> ((3-256)) <<3>>

(39) Real-time statistics service definitions

Table 2-40 shows the real-time statistics service definitions.

Table 2-40 Real-time statistics service definitions

Type Operand/
Option Definition Specification
set rts_trcput_interval Statistics acquisition interval <unsigned integer> ((10-86400)) <<600>> (unit: seconds)
rts_service_max Maximum number of services for which statistics can be acquired <unsigned integer> ((1-1000)) <<64>>
rts_item_max Maximum number of items that can be acquired <unsigned integer> ((1-1000)) <<64>>
rts_log_file Specifies whether to output the acquired statistics to the RTS log file <<Y>> | N
rts_log_file_name RTS log file name <1-to-63-character path name> <<$DCDIR/spool/dcrtsinf/rtslog>>
rts_log_file_size RTS log file size <unsigned integer> ((1024-1048576)) <<1024>> (unit: Kbytes)
rts_log_file_count Number of generations for RTS log files <unsigned integer> ((1-10)) <<3>>
rts_log_file_backup Specifies whether to create a backup file of the RTS log file. <<Y>> | N
rts_swap_message Specifies whether to output the KFCA32740-I message, which reports that the RTS log file was swapped Y | <<N>>
Command rtsput -u Type of real-time statistics to be acquired sys|srv|svc|obj
-s Server name <1-to-8 alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character>
-v Service name <1-to-31-character identifier>
-o Acquisition target 1 <1-to-8 characters>
-b Acquisition target 2 <1-to-63 characters>
-e Item ID <unsigned integer> ((1000-9999))
-f Name of the file that defines the items of real-time statistics to be acquired <1-to-8-character identifier>

(40) Real-time statistics acquisition-item definitions

Table 2-41 shows the real-time statistics acquisition-item definitions.

Table 2-41 Real-time statistics acquisition-item definitions

Type Operand Type Definition Specification
set rts_cpd_collct_cpd Checkpoint dump information Specifies whether to acquire checkpoint dump acquisition events. Y | <<N>>
rts_cpd_validt_cpd Specifies whether to acquire events indicating that a checkpoint dump was made valid. Y | <<N>>
rts_jnl_buf_full Journal information Specifies whether to acquire buffer full events. Y | <<N>>
rts_jnl_wait_buf Specifies whether to acquire free buffer wait events. Y | <<N>>
rts_jnl_jnl_output Specifies whether to acquire journal output (block) events. Y | <<N>>
rts_jnl_io_wait Specifies whether to acquire I/O wait events. Y | <<N>>
rts_jnl_write Specifies whether to acquire write events. Y | <<N>>
rts_jnl_swap Specifies whether to acquire swap events. Y | <<N>>
rts_jnl_jnl_input Specifies whether to acquire journal input events. Y | <<N>>
rts_jnl_read Specifies whether to acquire read events. Y | <<N>>
rts_lck_lock_acqst Lock information Specifies whether to acquire lock acquisition events. Y | <<N>>
rts_lck_lock_wait Specifies whether to acquire lock wait events. Y | <<N>>
rts_lck_deadlock Specifies whether to acquire deadlock events. Y | <<N>>
rts_nam_global_cache_hit Name information Specifies whether to acquire global cache hit events. Y | <<N>>
rts_nam_local_cache_hit Specifies whether to acquire local cache hit events. Y | <<N>>
rts_nam_lookup Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of times a search was made for service information. Y | <<N>>
rts_nam_node_lookup Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of times a send was performed to the specified reference node for finding a service. Y | <<N>>
rts_nam_node_lookup_responce Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of times a response to a service search request for the specified reference node was received. Y | <<N>>
rts_osl_stamem_acq Shared memory management information Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the usage of static shared memory. Y | <<N>>
rts_osl_stamem_pol Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the maximum size of the required static shared memory pool. Y | <<N>>
rts_osl_dynmem_acq Specifies whether to acquire an event indicating the usage of dynamic shared memory. Y | <<N>>
rts_osl_dynmem_pol Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the maximum size of the required dynamic shared memory pool. Y | <<N>>
rts_prc_prc_genert Process information Specifies whether to acquire process generation events. Y | <<N>>
rts_prc_uap_abnml Specifies whether to acquire UAP abnormal termination events. Y | <<N>>
rts_prc_sys_abnml Specifies whether to acquire system-server abnormal termination events. Y | <<N>>
rts_prc_prc_term Specifies whether to acquire process termination events. Y | <<N>>
rts_prc_prc_num Specifies whether to acquire monitoring events indicating the number of active processes. Y | <<N>>
rts_que_read Message queue information Specifies whether to acquire read message events. Y | <<N>>
rts_que_write Specifies whether to acquire write message events. Y | <<N>>
rts_que_read_err Specifies whether to acquire read error events. Y | <<N>>
rts_que_write_err Specifies whether to acquire write error events. Y | <<N>>
rts_que_wait_buf Specifies whether to acquire free buffer wait events. Y | <<N>>
rts_que_real_read Specifies whether to acquire real read events. Y | <<N>>
rts_que_real_write Specifies whether to acquire real write events. Y | <<N>>
rts_que_delay_wrt Specifies whether to acquire lazy write (count) events. Y | <<N>>
rts_que_delay_rec Specifies whether to acquire events (records) indicating a lazy write on a physical file basis. Y | <<N>>
rts_que_delay_msg Specifies whether to acquire events (messages) indicating a lazy write on a physical file basis. Y | <<N>>
rts_rpc_rpc_call RPC information Specifies whether to acquire RPC call (synchronous-response type) events. Y | <<N>>
rts_rpc_rpc_call_chained Specifies whether to acquire RPC call events (chained type). Y | <<N>>
rts_rpc_usr_srvc Specifies whether to acquire user service execution events. Y | <<N>>
rts_rpc_rpc_ovrtim Specifies whether to acquire RPC timeout events. Y | <<N>>
rts_scd_scd_wait Schedule information Specifies whether to acquire schedule wait events. Y | <<N>>
rts_scd_schedule Specifies whether to acquire schedule events. Y | <<N>>
rts_scd_using_buf Specifies whether to acquire events indicating usage of the message storage pool. Y | <<N>>
rts_scd_lack_buf Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the size of a message that could not be scheduled due to a message storage buffer pool shortage. Y | <<N>>
rts_scd_scd_stay Specifies whether to acquire an event indicating that service requests are accumulated in the schedule queue. Y | <<N>>
rts_scd_svc_scd_wait Specifies whether to acquire an event indicating a wait for scheduling, on a service basis. Y | <<N>>
rts_scd_svc_using_buf Specifies whether to acquire an event indicating the usage of the message storage buffer pool, on a service basis. Y | <<N>>
rts_scd_parallel Specifies whether to acquire an event indicating the number of services being executed concurrently. Y | <<N>>
rts_trn_commit Transaction information Specifies whether to acquire commit events. Y | <<N>>
rts_trn_rollback Specifies whether to acquire rollback events. Y | <<N>>
rts_trn_cmt_cmd Specifies whether to acquire commit events caused by commands. Y | <<N>>
rts_trn_rbk_cmd Specifies whether to acquire rollback events caused by commands. Y | <<N>>
rts_trn_haz_cmd Specifies whether to acquire hazard events caused by commands. Y | <<N>>
rts_trn_mix_cmd Specifies whether to acquire mix events caused by commands. Y | <<N>>
rts_trn_branch Specifies whether to acquire branch execution time events. Y | <<N>>
rts_trn_sync_point Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the execution time for branch synchronization point processing. Y | <<N>>
rts_dam_read DAM information Specifies whether to acquire read events. Y | <<N>>
rts_dam_read_err Specifies whether to acquire read error events. Y | <<N>>
rts_dam_write Specifies whether to acquire write events. Y | <<N>>
rts_dam_write_err Specifies whether to acquire write error events. Y | <<N>>
rts_dam_fj Specifies whether to acquire FJ output count events. Y | <<N>>
rts_dam_trn_branch Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of concurrently executed DAM transaction branches. Y | <<N>>
rts_dam_cache_block Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of DAM cache block allocations. Y | <<N>>
rts_dam_shm_pool Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the usage of the shared memory for the DAM cache. Y | <<N>>
rts_tam_real_renew TAM information Specifies whether to acquire TAM file real update events. Y | <<N>>
rts_tam_real_renew_time Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the real update time for a TAM file. Y | <<N>>
rts_tam_rec_refer Specifies whether to acquire commit or rollback (record reference) events. Y | <<N>>
rts_tam_rec_renew Specifies whether to acquire commit or rollback (record update) events. Y | <<N>>
rts_tam_read Specifies whether to acquire read events. Y | <<N>>
rts_tam_read_err Specifies whether to acquire read error events. Y | <<N>>
rts_tam_write Specifies whether to acquire write events. Y | <<N>>
rts_tam_write_err Specifies whether to acquire write error events. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_start XA resource service information Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of transaction start requests issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_start_err Specifies whether to acquire events for a transaction start request issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_call Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of service requests issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_call_err Specifies whether to acquire error events for a service request issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_end Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of transaction termination requests issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_end_err Specifies whether to acquire error events for a transaction termination request issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_prepare Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of transaction preparation requests issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_prepare_err Specifies whether to acquire error events for a transaction preparation request issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_commit Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of transaction commit requests issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_commit_err Specifies whether to acquire error events for a transaction commit request issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_rollback Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of transaction rollback requests issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_rollback_err Specifies whether to acquire error events for a transaction rollback request issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_recover Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of notification requests for a prepared transaction or heuristically completed transaction issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_recover_err Specifies whether to acquire error events for a notification request for a prepared transaction or heuristically completed transaction issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_forget Specifies whether to acquire events indicating the number of requests to discard a transaction issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_xar_forget_err Specifies whether to acquire error events for a request to discard a transaction issued from the application server to the RAP-processing server. Y | <<N>>
rts_mcf_ap_scd_stay MCF information Specifies whether to acquire schedule wait information. Y | <<N>>
rts_mcf_ap_usr_srvc Specifies whether to acquire user service execution information. Y | <<N>>
rts_mcf_in_msg_scd_wait Specifies whether to acquire received message processing wait information for each logical terminal. Y | <<N>>
rts_mcf_out_msg_sync_scd_wait Specifies whether to acquire processing wait information for synchronous sent messages. Y | <<N>>
rts_mcf_out_msg_resp_scd_wait Specifies whether to acquire processing wait information for inquiry response mode sent messages. Y | <<N>>
rts_mcf_out_msg_prio_scd_wait Specifies whether to acquire processing wait information for priority branch type sent messages. Y | <<N>>
rts_mcf_out_msg_norm_scd_wait Specifies whether to acquire processing wait information for normal branch type sent messages. Y | <<N>>
rts_mcf_que_scd_wait_num Specifies whether to acquire the number of items remaining in the input queue. Y | <<N>>

(41) User service default definitions

Table 2-42 shows the user service default definitions.

Table 2-42 User service default definitions

Type Operand Option Definition Specification
set nice Changing process priority position C<unsigned integer> ((0-39)) <<0>>
parallel_count Number of resident processes and maximum number of processes <unsigned integer> ((0-1024)) <<1>>
hold Specifies whether service groups or services should be shut down if UAP terminates abnormally. <<Y>> | N
hold_recovery Specifies whether service groups and services should inherit shut down after a full recovery. <<Y>> | N
deadlock_priority UAP deadlock priority position <unsigned integer> ((1-127)) <<64>>
schedule_priority Schedule priority position of this service group <unsigned integer> ((1-16)) <<8>>
message_buflen Maximum message length <unsigned integer> ((1024-31457280)) <<4096>>
(units: bytes)
message_store_buflen Length of the message storage buffer pool <unsigned integer> ((1024-31457280)) <<4096>>
(units: bytes)
trn_expiration_time Transaction branch expiration time <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
trn_expiration_time_suspend Specifies the range for time check of transaction branches. Y | N | F
watch_next_chain_time Chained RPC maximum time interval <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<180>> (units: seconds)
atomic_update Specifies whether service should be executed as a transaction. <<Y>> | N
receive_from Specifies whether the schedule queue, or the UNIX domain or internet domain is to be used. <<queue>> | socket | none
uap_trace_max Maximum number of records for UAP trace <unsigned integer> ((0-4095)) <<32>>
uap_trace_file_put Specifies whether to acquire UAP trace information in a file. Y|N
term_watch_time Abnormal termination check expire time <unsigned integer> ((0-32767)) <<30>> (units: minutes)
mcf_jnl_buff_size MCF journal buffer size <unsigned integer> ((4096-131072))
(units: bytes)
type Specifies the type of this service group. <<other>> | MHP | RAP
balance_count Number of service requests processed by a process <unsigned integer> ((0-512)) <<3>>
uid User identifier <unsigned integer> ((0-4294967294))
auto_restart Specifies the processing for service groups if UAP terminates abnormally. Y | <<N>>
critical Specifies the system action if UAP terminates abnormally. Y | <<N>>
lck_wait_priority Priority position to enter wait state for a lock <unsigned integer> ((0-127)) <<0>>
mcf_psv_id Application startup process identifier <hexadecimal number> ((01-ff))
trn_cpu_time Specifies the CPU time that can be used by transaction branch until synchronization point processing. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
service_hold Specifies whether control over shutdown per service is to be used. Y | <<N>>
service_priority_control Specifies whether scheduling is to be carried output according to priority in units of service requests. Y | <<N>>
message_cell_size Storage cell size of a schedule message <unsigned integer> ((512-31457280)) <<512>>
(units: bytes)
max_socket_msg Maximum number of messages that the server receives from the socket <unsigned integer> ((1-500)) <<100>>
max_socket_msglen Maximum length of messages that the server receives from the socket <unsigned integer> ((1-30270)) <<10240>>
(units: Kbytes)
trf_put Specifies whether the journal output by a transaction is to be output to a transaction recovery journal file. Y | <<N>>
mcf_mgrid Identifier of the MCF manager to which an application startup process belongs <identifier>
((A-Z, a-z)) <<A>>
mcf_service_max_count Maximum number of issued MCF communication functions <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
trn_statistics_item Item of statistics on transaction branches nothing | base | executiontime | cputime
node_down_restart Specifies whether a user server is to be automatically started up. <<Y>> | N
rpc_response_statistics Specifies whether to collect response statistics. Y | <<N>>
server_type Specifies the paradigm that follows the call of a service function. <<betran>> | xatmi | xatmi_cbl
trn_rm_open_close_scope Specifies the issuing range of the xa_open and xa_close functions. process | transaction
trn_optimum_item Specifies the items to be optimized for the transaction. base | asyncprepare
purge_msgget Specifies whether to clear the operating system's message queue assigned to the service group. SY | <<N>>
cancel_normal_terminate Specifies whether to cancel the normal termination for the dcsvstop command. Y | <<N>>
prc_abort_signal Abort signal number for servers <unsigned integer> ((1-128)) <<3>>
rpc_service_retry_count Maximum number of service function retries performed by the service retry facility <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<0>>
rpc_extend_function Facility extension level of the RPC service <hexadecimal number>
((00000000-0000000F)) <<00000000>>
max_socket_descriptors Maximum number of file descriptors for sockets <unsigned integer> ((32-2032))
max_open_fds Maximum number of files and pipes accessed by a UAP process <unsigned integer> ((16-2016)) <<50>>
service_term_watch_time Abnormal termination check expiration time for service <unsigned integer> ((0-32767)) <<0>> (units: minutes)
termed_after_service Specifies whether to terminate the non-resident process when the load is decreased at the termination of a service. Y | <<N>>
xat_trn_expiration_time Period of time to monitor the expiration of the synchronization point processing with the remote system <unsigned integer> ((1-2147483647)) <<180>>
(units: seconds)
xat_osi_usr Specifies whether to use a stub for OSI TP communication. Y | <<N>>
rpc_trace Specifies whether to collect RPC trace. Y | N
rpc_trace_name Name of the file to collect RPC trace in <path name>
rpc_trace_size Capacity of the RPC trace collection file <unsigned integer> ((1024-2147483648)) (units: bytes)
trn_rollback_information_put Specifies whether to collect rollback information when transaction branches are rolled back. no | self | remote | all
schedule_method Scheduling method of a user server <<msgque>> | namedpipe
service_wait_time Service request waiting time for non-resident server processes of the user server <unsigned integer> ((1-4096))
(units: seconds)
mcf_spp_oj Specifies whether OJ historical information is to be collected for an SPP. <<Y>> | N
adm_message_option Specifies messages to be output. <one-digit hexadecimal number> <<F>>
trn_watch_time Maximum waiting time for receiving communication during the synchronization point processing of transactions. <unsigned integer> ((10-1024)) <<120>> (units: seconds)
trn_limit_time Maximum time to execute a transaction branch <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
trn_rollback_response_receive Specifies whether to receive a rollback completion report. Y | N
trn_partial_recovery_type Method of processing transaction synchronization point upon UAP error type1 | type2 | type3
rpc_destination_mode Method of determining the destination of service namdonly | namd | <<definition>>
rpc_rap_auto_connect Specifies whether or not to automatically manage the connection between UAP and remote API control process. <<Y>> | N
rpc_rap_inquire_time Maximum inquiry interval for request service using a remote API facility <unsigned integer> ((0-1048575)) <<0>> (unit: seconds)
rpc_request_cancel_for_timedout Specifies whether or not to make the server be aware of the response wait time for client UAP. <<Y>> | N
status_change_when_terming Specifies whether or not to reflect changes in the final status at the next restart. <<Y>> | N
service_expiration_time Period of time to monitor the execution between startup and termination of a service function. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
multi_schedule Specifies whether to use the multi-scheduler facility for scheduling requests. Y | <<N>>
make_queue_on_starting Specifies whether to allocate a schedule queue to a service group assigned as a non-resident server at the start of the server. Y | <<N>>
loadcheck_interval Interval between checks of the load level of the current service group <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
levelup_queue_count Number of remaining service requests, which determines the load level of the current service group (up) <unsigned integer> ((0-32767))
leveldown_queue_count Number of remaining service requests, which determines the load level of the current service group (down) <unsigned integer> ((0-32767))
ipc_sockctl_highwater Percentage of sockets at which temporary closing starts/percentage of sockets for which temporary closing is not performed <unsigned integer> ((0-100)) <<100,0>>
ipc_sockctl_watchtime Length of time to wait until the sockets are reusable <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<180>> (unit: seconds)
ipc_conn_interval Length of time to wait until the connection is established <unsigned integer> ((8-65535)) <<8>> (unit: seconds)
ipc_send_interval Interval for monitoring data transmission <unsigned integer> ((5-32767)) <<5>> (unit: seconds)
ipc_send_count Number of times data transmission is monitored <unsigned integer> ((1-32767)) <<5>>
ipc_header_recv_time Length of time to wait until the communication control data is received <unsigned integer> ((5-32767)) <<10>> (unit: seconds)
rpc_send_retry_count Number of retries if an error occurs during TCP/IP connection <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<0>>
rpc_send_retry_interval Interval between retries if an error occurs during TCP/IP connection <unsigned integer> ((0-300000)) <<0>> (unit: milliseconds)
ipc_recvbuf_size Receive buffer size of TCP/IP <unsigned integer> ((8192-1048576)) <<8192>>
(unit: bytes)
ipc_sendbuf_size Send buffer size of TCP/IP <unsigned integer> ((8192-1048576)) <<8192>>
(unit: bytes)
ipc_listen_sockbufset Specifies whether to set the TCP/IP send and receive buffer sizes for the listen socket. Y | <<N>>
polling_control_data Checks whether a temporary closing request has arrived. Y | <<N>>
thread_yield_interval Interval for issuing a trigger to receive a socket reuse instruction <unsigned integer> ((1-86400)) <<90>> (unit: seconds)
groups Sets a group access list of service groups <unsigned integer> ((0-4294967294))
loadlevel_message Specifies whether to output a load level notification message. Y | <<N>> | A
ipc_backlog_count Length of queue storing connection establishment requests <unsigned integer> ((0-4096)) <<0>>
rpc_buffer_pool_max Number of buffers to be pooled <unsigned integer>
schedule_delay_limit Schedule delay limit <unsigned integer>
(unit: seconds)
schedule_delay_abort Specifies whether to abort the system when the schedule is delayed. Y | <<N>>
rap_autoconnect_con_error_msg Specifies whether to output an error message if the RAP-processing server is disconnected when substitutional execution for APIs is requested. <<Y>> | N
core_shm_suppress Specifies whether to suppress the output of the shared memory dump to the core file. Y | <<N>>
xat_connect_resp_time Maximum response wait time for association establishment of the SPP for processing communication events <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<180>> (unit: seconds)
scd_poolfull_check_interval Interval at which message KFCA00853-E is output for successive memory shortages occurring in the message storage buffer pool <unsigned integer> ((0-32767)) <<0>> (units: seconds)
scd_poolfull_check_count Threshold for determining whether to output message KFCA00853-E for successive memory shortages occurring in the message storage buffer pool <unsigned integer> ((1-32767)) <<10>> (units: times)
scd_pool_warning_use_rate Maximum use rate for the message storage buffer pool that triggers output of a warning message <unsigned integer> ((0-99)) <<0>>
(units: percent)
scd_pool_warning_interval Interval at which a warning message is output if the use rate for the message storage buffer pool is exceeded <unsigned integer> ((0-32767)) <<0>>
(units: seconds)
ipc_tcpnodelay Specification for determining whether to disable the Nagle algorithm Y | <<N>>
stay_watch_queue_count Number of service requests that triggers the start of judgment of the schedule queue accumulation status <unsigned integer>
((0-32767)) <<0>>
stay_watch_check_rate Service request processing rate used for monitoring the service requests remaining in the schedule queue <unsigned integer> ((1-100))
(units: percent)
stay_watch_abort Specification for determining whether to shut down OpenTP1 if the conditional expression for judging the schedule queue accumulation status evaluates to true Y | <<N>>
stay_watch_start_interval Interval for checking the number of service requests remaining in the schedule queue <unsigned integer> ((1-32767)) <<10>> (units: seconds)
stay_watch_check_interval Interval for judging the schedule queue accumulation status <unsigned integer> ((1-65534)) <<10>> (units: seconds)
trn_completion_limit_time Time limit for completing a transaction <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) (units: seconds)
rap_message_id_change_level Definition that specifies the new message level to change the error message type from E to W <unsigned integer>
log_audit_out_suppress Whether to suppress output of audit log data Y | <<N>>
log_audit_message Message ID of an item for which audit log data is to be acquired <unsigned integer> ((33400-99999))
mcf_prf_trace Specifies whether to acquire MCF performance verification trace information for each user server. <<Y>> | N
watch_time Maximum time to wait for a response <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) (units: seconds)
Command trnrmid -n Resource manager name <1-to-31-character identifier>
-i Resource manager extension <1-to-2-character identifier>
scdbufgrp -g Schedule buffer group name <1-to-8-character identifier>
scdmulti -g Multi-scheduler group name <1-to-8-character identifier>
scdsvcdef -c Service name <1-to-31-character identifier>
-p Number of services that can be executed concurrently <unsigned integer> ((1-1024))
-n Number of services that can be queued <unsigned integer> ((1-65535))
-l Length of the buffer pool storing messages that can be queued <unsigned integer> ((512-31457280)) (units: bytes)
putenv Any-name Environment variable name Environment variable value <character string>
XAT_CONNECT_RESP_TIME Maximum response wait time for association establishment of the SPP for processing communication events <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<180>> (unit: seconds)
dcputenv Any-name Environment variable name Environment variable value <character string>

(42) User service definitions

Table 2-43 shows the user service definitions.

Table 2-43 User service definitions

Type Operand Option Definition Specification
set service_group Service group name S<1-to-31-character identifier>
module Name of executable program that executes this service group <1-to-14-character identifier>
service Combination of the name of service belonging to this service group and the name of entry point providing the service <1-to-31-character identifier>
UAP shared library name <1-to-255-character path name>
nice Changing service group process priority position <unsigned integer> ((0-39))
parallel_count Number of resident processes and maximum number of processes <unsigned integer> ((0-1024))
hold Specifies whether service groups or services should be shut down if UAP terminates abnormally. Y | N
hold_recovery Specifies whether service groups and services should inherit shut down after a full recovery. Y | N
deadlock_priority UAP deadlock priority position <unsigned integer> ((1-127))
schedule_priority Schedule priority position of this service group <unsigned integer> ((1-16))
message_buflen Maximum message length <unsigned integer> ((1024-31457280)) (units: bytes)
message_store_buflen Length of the message storage buffer pool <unsigned integer> ((1024-31457280)) (units: bytes)
trn_expiration_time Transaction branch expiration time <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
trn_expiration_time_suspend Range for time check of transaction branches Y | N | F
watch_next_chain_time Chained RPC maximum time interval <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
atomic_update Specifies whether service should be executed as transaction. Y | N
receive_from Specifies whether the schedule queue, or the UNIX domain or Internet domain is to be used. queue | socket | none
uap_trace_max Maximum number of records for UAP trace <unsigned integer>
uap_trace_file_put Specifies whether to acquire UAP trace information in a file. Y | N
term_watch_time Abnormal termination check expire time <unsigned integer> ((0-32767))
(units: minutes)
mcf_jnl_buff_size MCF journal buffer size <unsigned integer> ((4096-131072)) (units: bytes)
type Specifies the type of this service group. other | MHP | RAP
balance_count Number of service requests processed by a process <unsigned integer> ((0-512))
uid User identifier <unsigned integer> ((0-4294967294))
auto_restart Specifies the system action if UAP terminates abnormally. Y | N
critical Specifies the system action if UAP terminates abnormally. Y | N
lck_wait_priority Priority position to enter wait state for a lock <unsigned integer> ((0-127))
mcf_psv_id Application process startup process identifier <hexadecimal number> ((01-ff))
trn_cpu_time Specifies the CPU time that can be used by a transaction branch until synchronization point processing. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))(units: seconds)
service_hold Specifies whether control over shutdown per service is to be carried out. Y | N
service_priority_control Specifies whether scheduling is to be carried out according to priority in units of service requests. Y | N
message_cell_size Storage cell size of a schedule message <unsigned integer> ((512-31457280)) (units: bytes)
max_socket_msg Maximum number of messages that the server receives from the socket <unsigned integer> ((1-500))
max_socket_msglen Maximum length of messages that the server receives from the socket <unsigned integer> ((1-30270))
(units: Kbytes)
trf_put Specifies whether the journal output by a transaction is to be output to a transaction recovery journal file. Y | N
mcf_mgrid Identifier of the MCF manager to which an application startup process belongs <identifier>((A-Z, a-z))
mcf_service_max_count Maximum number of issued MCF communication functions <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
trn_statistics_item Item of statistics on transaction branches nothing | base | executiontime | cputime
node_down_restart Specifies whether a user server is to be automatically started up. Y | N
rpc_response_statistics Specifies whether to collect response statistics. Y | N
server_type Specifies the paradigm that follows the call of a service function. betran | xatmi | xatmi_cbl
trn_rm_open_close_scope Specifies the issuing range of the xa_open and xa_close functions. process | transaction
trn_optimum_item Specifies the items to be optimized for the transaction. base | asyncprepare
purge_msgget Specifies whether to clear the operating system's message queue assigned to the service group. Y | N
cancel_normal_terminate Specifies whether to cancel the normal termination for the dcsvstop command. Y | N
prc_abort_signal Abort signal number for servers <unsigned integer> ((1-128))
rpc_service_retry_count Maximum number of service function retries performed by the service retry facility <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
rpc_extend_function Facility extension level of the RPC service <hexadecimal number>
max_socket_descriptors Maximum number of file descriptors for sockets <unsigned integer> ((32-2032))
max_open_fds Maximum number of files and pipes accessed by a UAP process <unsigned integer> ((16-2016))
service_term_watch_time Abnormal termination check expiration time for service <unsigned integer> ((0-32767))
(units: minutes)
termed_after_service Specifies whether to terminate the non-resident process when the load is decreased at the termination of a service. Y | N
xat_trn_expiration_time Period of time to monitor the expiration of the synchronization point processing with the remote system <unsigned integer> ((1-2147483647)) (units: seconds)
xat_osi_usr Specifies whether to use a stub for OSI TP communication. Y | N
rpc_trace Specifies whether to collect RPC trace. Y | N
rpc_trace_name Name of the file to collect RPC trace in <path name>
rpc_trace_size Capacity of the RPC trace collection file <unsigned integer> ((1024-2147483648)) (units: bytes)
trn_rollback_information_put Specifies whether to collect rollback information when transaction branches are rolled back. no | self | remote | all
schedule_method Scheduling method of a user server msgque | namedpipe
service_wait_time Service request waiting time for non-resident server processes of the user server <unsigned integer> ((1-4096))
(units: seconds)
mcf_spp_oj Specifies whether OJ historical information is to be collected for an SPP. Y | N
adm_message_option Specifies messages to be output. <one-digit hexadecimal number>
trn_watch_time Maximum waiting time for receiving communication during the synchronization point processing of transactions. <unsigned integer> ((10-1024))
(units: seconds)
trn_limit_time Maximum time to execute a transaction branch <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
trn_rollback_response_receive Specifies whether to receive a rollback completion report. Y | N
trn_partial_recovery_type Method of processing transaction synchronization point upon UAP error type1 | type2 | type3
rpc_destination_mode Method of determining the destination of service namdonly | namd | definition
rpc_rap_auto_connect Specifying whether or not to automatically manage the connection between UAP and remote API control process Y | N
rpc_rap_inquire_time Maximum inquiry interval for request service using a remote API facility <unsigned integer> ((0-1048575))
(unit: seconds)
rpc_request_cancel_for_timedout Specifying whether or not to make the server be aware of the response wait time for client UAP Y | N
status_change_when_terming Specifying whether or not to reflect changes in the final status at the next restart Y | N
service_expiration_time Period of time to monitor the execution between startup and termination of a service function. <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
multi_schedule Specifies whether to use the multi-scheduler facility for scheduling requests. Y | N
make_queue_on_starting Specifies whether to allocate a schedule queue to a service group assigned as a non-resident server at the start of the server. Y | N
loadcheck_interval Interval between checks of the load level of the current service group <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(unit: seconds)
levelup_queue_count Number of remaining service requests, which determines the load level of the current service group (up) <unsigned integer> ((0-32767))
leveldown_queue_count Number of remaining service requests, which determines the load level of the current service group (down) <unsigned integer> ((0-32767))
ipc_sockctl_highwater Percentage of sockets at which temporary closing starts/percentage of sockets for which temporary closing is not performed <unsigned integer> ((0-100))
ipc_sockctl_watchtime Length of time to wait until the sockets are reusable <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(unit: seconds)
ipc_conn_interval Length of time to wait until the connection is established <unsigned integer> ((8-65535))
(unit: seconds)
ipc_send_interval Interval for monitoring data transmission <unsigned integer> ((5-32767))
(unit: seconds)
ipc_send_count Number of times data transmission is monitored <unsigned integer> ((1-32767))
ipc_header_recv_time Length of time to wait until the communication control data is received <unsigned integer> ((5-32767))
(unit: seconds)
rpc_send_retry_count Number of retries if an error occurs during TCP/IP connection <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
rpc_send_retry_interval Interval between retries if an error occurs during TCP/IP connection <unsigned integer> ((0-300000))
(unit: milliseconds)
ipc_recvbuf_size Receive buffer size of TCP/IP <unsigned integer> ((8192-1048576))
(unit: bytes)
ipc_sendbuf_size Send buffer size of TCP/IP <unsigned integer> ((8192-1048576))
(unit: bytes)
ipc_listen_sockbufset Specifies whether to set the TCP/IP send and receive buffer sizes for the listen socket. Y | <<N>>
polling_control_data Checks whether a temporary closing request has arrived. Y | N
thread_yield_interval Interval for issuing a trigger to receive a socket reuse instruction <unsigned integer> ((1-86400))
(unit: seconds)
groups Sets a group access list of service groups <unsigned integer> ((0-4294967294))
loadlevel_message Specifies whether to output a load level notification message. Y | N | A
ipc_backlog_count Length of queue storing connection establishment requests <unsigned integer> ((0-4096))
rpc_buffer_pool_max Number of buffers to be pooled <unsigned integer>
schedule_delay_limit Schedule delay limit <unsigned integer>
(unit: seconds)
schedule_delay_abort Specifies whether to abort the system when the schedule is delayed. Y | N
rap_autoconnect_con_error_msg Specifies whether to output an error message if the RAP-processing server is disconnected when substitutional execution for APIs is requested. Y | N
core_shm_suppress Specifies whether to suppress the output of the shared memory dump to the core file. Y | N
xat_connect_resp_time Maximum response wait time for association establishment of the SPP for processing communication events <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
scd_poolfull_check_interval Interval at which message KFCA00853-E is output for successive memory shortages occurring in the message storage buffer pool <unsigned integer> ((0-32767))
(units: seconds)
scd_poolfull_check_count Threshold for determining whether to output message KFCA00853-E for successive memory shortages occurring in the message storage buffer pool <unsigned integer> ((1-32767))
(units: times)
scd_pool_warning_use_rate Maximum use rate for the message storage buffer pool that triggers output of a warning message <unsigned integer> ((0-99))
(units: percent)
scd_pool_warning_interval Interval at which a warning message is output if the use rate for the message storage buffer pool is exceeded <unsigned integer> ((0-32767))
(units: seconds)
ipc_tcpnodelay Specification for determining whether to disable the Nagle algorithm Y | N
stay_watch_queue_count Number of service requests that triggers the start of judgment of the schedule queue accumulation status <unsigned integer> ((0-32767))
stay_watch_check_rate Service request processing rate used for monitoring the service requests remaining in the schedule queue <unsigned integer> ((1-100))
(units: percent)
stay_watch_abort Specification for determining whether to shut down OpenTP1 if the conditional expression for judging the schedule queue accumulation status evaluates to true Y | N
stay_watch_start_interval Interval for checking whether to start monitoring of the service requests remaining in the schedule queue <unsigned integer> ((1-32767))
(units: seconds)
stay_watch_check_interval Interval for judging the schedule queue accumulation status <unsigned integer> ((1-65534))
(units: seconds)
trn_completion_limit_time Time limit for completing a transaction <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
rap_message_id_change_level Definition that specifies the new message level to change the error message type from E to W <unsigned integer>
log_audit_out_suppress Whether to suppress output of audit log data Y | <<N>>
log_audit_message Message ID of an item for which audit log data is to be acquired <unsigned integer> ((33400-99999))
mcf_prf_trace Specifies whether to acquire MCF performance verification trace information for each user server. <<Y>> | N
watch_time Maximum time to wait for a response <unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) (units: seconds)
Command trnrmid -n Resource manager name <1-to-31-character identifier>
-i Resource manager extension <1-to-2-character identifier>
scdbufgrp -g Schedule buffer group name <1-to-8-character identifier>
scdmulti -g Multi-scheduler group name <1-to-8-character identifier> <<scdmltgp>>
scdsvcdef -c Service name <1-to-31-character identifier>
-p Number of services that can be executed concurrently <unsigned integer> ((1-1024))
-n Number of services that can be queued <unsigned integer> ((1-65535))
-l Length of the buffer pool storing messages that can be queued <unsigned integer> ((512-31457280)) (units: bytes)
putenv Any-name Environment variable name
Environment variable value
<character string>
DCFPL_CONNECT_RETRY_COUNT Number of retries to establish a connection <unsigned integer> ((8-2147483647))
DCFPL_CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL Interval between retries to establish a connection <unsigned integer> ((10-999))
(units: milliseconds)
XAT_CONNECT_RESP_TIME Maximum response wait time for association establishment of the SPP for processing communication events <unsigned integer> ((0-65535))
(units: seconds)
dcputenv Any-name Environment variable name
Environment variable value
<character string>