OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


RAP-processing client manager service definition


set format

set rap_client_manager_port=rap-processing-client-manager's-port-
set rap_listen_inf="node-identifier:port-number=host-name:port-
set uid=OpenTP1-administrator's-user-identifier
[set log_audit_out_suppress=Y|N]
[set log_audit_message=message-ID-for-which-audit-log-data-is-to-be-acquired
[set rap_watch_time=maximum-monitoring-time-for-message-send/receive]

Command format



The RAP-processing client manager service definition defines the execution environment for using the remote API client manager facility.


set format

rap_client_manager_port=rap-processing-client-manager's-port-number~<unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))

Specify the port number of the RAP-processing client manager monitoring for the startup of the RAP-processing listener.

The port number specified using this operand must not be used by other programs.

Note that the operating system assigns certain numbers automatically. You should not use such a number for the port number. The numbers assigned by the operating system differ depending on the type and version of the operating system. For details, see the documentation for your operating system.


Specify the RAP-processing listeners to be monitored. Up to 1024 RAP-processing listeners can be specified, delimited by commas.


#1: node-identifier~<1-4 character identifier>
Specifies the node identifier of the OpenTP1 node which starts up the RAP-processing listener.

#2: port-number~<unsigned integer> ((5001-65535))
Specifies the port number of the RAP-processing listener.

#3: host-name~<1-255 alphanumeric characters, including periods and hyphens>
Specifies the host name on the receiving side of the service of the remote API facility, which is the one defined in the user service network definition.

#4: port-number~<unsigned integer> ((1-65535))
Specifies the port number of the receiving side of the service of the remote API facility, which is the one defined in the user service network definition.

uid=OpenTP1-administrator's-user-identifier~<unsigned integer> ((0-4294967294))

Specify the user ID for the process owner of this service group.

In this case, specify the user identifier of the OpenTP1 administrator.

The maximum value depends on the operating system. Check the documentation for your operating system.

log_audit_out_suppress=Y|N ~<<N>>

Specify whether to suppress output of audit log data from the RAP-processing client manager.

Output of audit log data from the RAP-processing client manager is suppressed.

Output of audit log data from the RAP-processing client manager is not suppressed.

This operand takes effect only when Y is set for the log_audit_out operand in the log service definition.

log_audit_message=message-ID-for-an-item-for-which-audit-log-data-is-to-be-acquired[,message-ID-for-an-item-for-which-audit-log-data-is-to-be-acquired]... ~<unsigned integer> ((33400-99999))

Specify the message IDs for audit log data items that are acquired by OpenTP1 and that can be specified in the RAP-processing client manager service definition. You can specify a maximum of 2048 message IDs.

For the message IDs that can be specified in this operand, see Appendix C.

If this operand is omitted in the RAP-processing client manager service definition when it is also omitted in the user service default definition, the value of this operand in the log service definition is assumed. This operand takes effect when Y is specified for the log_audit_out operand in the log service definition and N is specified for the log_audit_out_suppress operand in the RAP-processing client manager service definition.

rap_watch_time=maximum-monitoring-time-for-message-send/receive~<unsigned integer> ((0-65535))<<180>>(unit: seconds)

Specify the monitoring time between when the RAP-processing client manager starts sending or receiving a message and when sending or receiving is completed. When sending or receiving is not completed within the monitoring time, the system outputs a message and takes action as in the case for a network failure.

When 0 is specified, the system does not monitor the time.

Command format

