OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


Performance verification trace definition


set format

[set prf_file_size=performance-verification-trace-information-file-size]
[set prf_information_level=1|0]
[set prf_file_count=number-of-performance-verification-trace-information-file-generations]
[set prf_trace_backup=Y|N]

Command format



The performance verification trace definition defines the execution environment for acquiring performance verification trace information.


set format

prf_file_size=performance-verification-trace-information-file-size~<unsigned integer> ((1024-1048576)) <<1024>> (units: kilobytes)

Specify the size of the performance verification trace information file.

Normally, trace information is output to regular files in OpenTP1. The number of trace output files is specified in the prf_file_count operand of the performance verification trace definition. If all trace output files are full, the oldest file is overwritten with the new trace information. Therefore, you can only retain the trace of a certain period of time. You can increase the interval at which the oldest file is overwritten by increasing the value of the prf_file_size operand.

You can calculate the size of each trace file using the following formula (unit: bytes):

File size = 128 + (Trace data length necessary for one transaction# x Number of transactions to be executed)

#: For details on how to calculate the trace data length necessary for one transaction, see the manual OpenTP1 Operation.


Specify the display level of the messages related to the performance verification trace.

Outputs the level-0 messages related to the performance verification trace (warnings and error messages) to syslog.

Outputs the level-1 or lower-level messages related to the performance verification trace to syslog.

The following table describes the relationship between the messages related to the performance verification trace and display levels.

Message Display level
KFCA26700-W 0
KFCA26705-W 0
KFCA26710-I 1

To suppress the output of level-0 messages, specify 0 in the DCSYSLOGOUT environment variable in the system common definition or the performance verification trace definition. If the DCSYSLOGOUT environment variable is specified in both the system common definition and the performance verification trace definition, the specification in the system common definition takes precedence.

For details about the DCSYSLOGOUT environment variable, see the description about the DCSYSLOGOUT environment variable in Log service definition.

prf_file_count=number-of-performance-verification-trace-information-file-generations~<unsigned integer> ((3-256)) <<3>>

Specify the number of generations for the performance verification trace information file.

prf_trace_backup=Y|N ~<<Y>>

Specify whether to back up the prf trace files when OpenTP1 terminates.

The prf trace files are backed up.

The prf trace files are not backed up.

When Y is specified, backup files are created in $DCDIR/spool/save.

The following table lists the files that are backed up when Y is specified.

Trace file File name Backup file name#1
Performance verification trace information file prf_nnn#2 prf_nnn.bk1 and prf_nnn.bk2
XAR performance verification trace information file _xr_nnn#2 _xr_nnn.bk1 and _xr_nnn.bk2
JNL performance verification trace information file _jl_nnn#2 _jl_nnn.bk1 and _jl_nnn.bk2
LCK performance verification trace information file _lk_nnn#2 _lk_nnn.bk1 and _lk_nnn.bk2
MCF performance verification trace information acquisition file _mc_nnn#2 _mc_nnn.bk1 and _mc_nnn.bk2
TRN event trace information file _tr_nnn#2 _tr_nnn.bk1 and _tr_nnn.bk2
NAM event trace information file _nm_001, _nm_002, and _nm_003 _nm_nnn.bk1 and _nm_nnn.bk2
Process service event trace information file _pr_001, _pr_002, and _pr_003 _pr_nnn.bk1 and _pr_nnn.bk2
FIL event trace information file _fl_001, _fl_002, and _fl_003 _fl_nnn.bk1 and _fl_nnn.bk2

nnn: A value that corresponds to the name of a trace file.

nnn: A value that begins with 001. The maximum of the value is specified by the prf_file_count operand in each of the following definitions:
Performance verification trace: Performance verification trace definition
XAR performance verification trace: XAR performance verification trace definition
JNL performance verification trace: JNL performance verification trace definition
LCK performance verification trace: LCK performance verification trace definition
MCF performance verification trace: MCFperformance verification trace definition
TRN event trace: TRN event trace definition

For details about each trace file, see the manual OpenTP1 Description.

The prf trace files contain information useful for troubleshooting. If these files are not backed up, information current at the time of an error might no longer exist. If this information is lost, troubleshooting could take time. If the prf trace files will not be backed up, we recommend that you increase the values of prf_file_size and prf_file_count operands.

For the JNL performance verification trace information file, this operand can also be specified in the JNL performance verification trace definition. The priority of the specified values is (1. > 2.):

  1. JNL performance verification trace definition
  2. Performance verification trace definition

command format



You can use this definition when TP1/Extension 1 is already installed. If TP1/Extension 1 is not installed, the operation of this definition command cannot be assured.