OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


2.1.1 System service definitions and file names

Table 2-1 shows the names of the system service definition files and the number of files.

A node shown in Table 2-1 refers to an OpenTP1 system.

Table 2-1 System service definition files and number of files

Definition Definition file
(Full path name)
Number of files
(per online system)
System environment definition $DCDIR/conf/env 0-1
System service configuration definition $DCCONFPATH/sysconf 1
User service configuration definition $DCCONFPATH/usrconf 1
System common definition $DCCONFPATH/betranrc 1
Lock service definition $DCCONFPATH/lck 0-1
Timer service definition $DCCONFPATH/tim 0-1
Name service definition $DCCONFPATH/nam 0-1
Process service definition $DCCONFPATH/prc 0-1
Schedule service definition $DCCONFPATH/scd 0-1
$DCCONFPATH/dcscdmlt#1 0-1
$DCCONFPATH/multi-scheduler-group-name#1 0-n (n: Number of multi-scheduler groups)
Transaction service definition $DCCONFPATH/trn 1
XA resource service definition $DCCONFPATH/xar 0-1
Interval service definition $DCCONFPATH/itv 0-1
Status service definition $DCCONFPATH/sts 1
Journal service definition $DCCONFPATH/jnl 0-1#2
System journal service definition $DCCONFPATH/any-name#3 0-1#2
Checkpoint dump service definition $DCCONFPATH/any-name#3 0 to the number of system services for which a checkpoint dump will be acquired#2, #4
Log service definition $DCCONFPATH/log 0-1
Multinode configuration definition $DCCONFPATH/nodeconf 0-1
Multinode physical definition $DCCONFPATH/nodeaddr 0-1
Global archive journal service definition $DCCONFPATH/jar 0-1
Archive journal service definition $DCCONFPATH/any-name#5 1-16#6
DAM service definition $DCCONFPATH/dam 0-1
TAM service definition $DCCONFPATH/tam 0-1
Client service definition $DCCONFPATH/cltsrv 0-1#7
IST service definition $DCCONFPATH/ist 0-1
RMM service definition $DCCONFPATH/rmm 0-1
Monitored RM definition $DCCONFPATH/any-name#8 0-1
Extended RM registration definition $DCDIR/conf/extendRM 0-1
XATMI communication service definition $DCCONFPATH/_xatc 0-1
Message queue service definition $DCCONFPATH/que Number of message queue servers#9
User service network definition $DCCONFPATH/usrnet 0-1
RAP-processing listener service definition Any#10 Number of RAP-processing listeners
RAP-processing client manager service definition Any#10 0-1
Performance verification trace definition $DCCONFPATH/prf 0-1
XAR performance verification trace definition $DCCONFPATH/_xr 0-1
JNL performance verification trace definition $DCDIR/conf/_jl 0-1
LCK performance verification trace definition $DCCONFPATH/_lk 0-1
TRN event trace definition $DCCONFPATH/_tr 0-1
Real-time statistics service definition $DCCONFPATH/rts 0-1
Real-time statistics acquisition-item definition $DCCONFPATH/any-name#11 Number of specified rtsput definition commands#12
MQA service definition#13 $DCCONFPATH/mqa 0-1
MQT service definition#13 $DCCONFPATH/mqt 0-1
Tester service definition#14 $DCCONFPATH/uto 0-1
User service default definition $DCCONFPATH/usrrc 0-1
User service definition $DCCONFPATH/user-server-name#15 Number of user servers#16

#1: Create this definition file when you use the multi-scheduler facility and you must define the operation environment specific to the multi-scheduler daemon.
All the multi-scheduler daemons analyze the definition file that has the file name dcscdmlt. However, if a definition file that has the multi-scheduler group name exists, the information in the definition file prevails over dcscdmlt.
The same name as the name specified in the -g option of the scdmulti definition command in the schedule service definition. When the multi-scheduler group name is specified, a multi-scheduler daemon belonging to the specified multi-scheduler group analyzes the definition file that has the specified multi-scheduler group name.
If both the dcscdmlt file and the file that has the multi-scheduler group name define the same item, the definition in the file that has the multi-scheduler group name prevails.

#2: When Y is specified in the jnl_fileless_option operand in the system common definition, specification of the definition file can be omitted.

#3: Each specified within a node must be unique. The file name specified here is to be defined in the journal service definition (jnldfsv command). Note that a file name used in another definition file cannot be specified.

#4: Create for each service.

#5: Each specified within a node must be unique. The file name specified here is to be defined in the global archive journal service definition (jnldfsv command). Note that a file name used in another definition file cannot be specified.

#6: Create only when the archive journal service definition is created.

#7: When the value is 0, the warning message appears, whereas the system assumes the default.

#8: Each specified within a machine must be unique. The file name specified here is to be defined in the RMM service definition (rmm_check_services operand).

#9: The number of message queue servers depends on the MCF manager definition.

#10: Specify a name other than $DCCONFPATH.

#11: Specify the name specified in the -f option of an rtsput definition command in the real-time statistics service definition.

#12: Create as many definition files as the number of times a definition file is specified in the -f option of the rtsput definition command in the real-time statistics service definition.

#13: For details about the MQA service definition and the MQT service definition, penTP1 TP1/Message Queue User's Guide.

#14: For details about the tester service definition, see the OpenTP1 Tester and UAP Trace User's Guide.

#15: For the user server that starts upon starting the system, specify the same name as the user server name specified in the server activation command (dcsvstart command). Note that a file name used in another definition file cannot be specified.

#16: Create for each user server.